Today We Did We started a new project to be able to predict pet breed. Homework Inside the new project "TUE-530-Pet-Breed", inside extract_breed function, you want to change extract_breed function to returnRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about dictionaries in Python, how to do basic operations on them. Homework: In a file called, do the following from the book: Page 92 to 97.Read More...
What We Did Looked through projects and answered questions Worked on the Grocery System Program The file is here to look back if needed Homework Keep working in your Turtle Project fileRead More...
Today We Did We started a new project to be able to predict pet breed. Homework Inside the new project "TUE-7-PM-Pet-Breed", inside extract_breed function, you want to change extract_breed function to returnRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued the Library System project Reviewed how concepts such as keys/values in dictionaries work together with classes/objects Homework: Continue on your Library System application in, and completeRead More...