5:30 PM – AI / Machine Learning – Gamas
Today We Did We learned how to extract the accuracy of the prediction in pet breed model. We starting to create Pycharm project to push this new project into streamlit. Homework InRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to extract the accuracy of the prediction in pet breed model. We starting to create Pycharm project to push this new project into streamlit. Homework InRead More...
Today We: Finished robux system Make sure to upload finished turtle projects Your HW: Study for your final test on 12/19 Study List: Turtle: draw more shapes/faces project kaleidospiral create functions forRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed dictionaries in Python through homework and last week's material. Utilized dictionaries in a phone book system program. Homework: HOMEWORK 1: In a file called Dec17_IntroToDictionariesHW2.py, do theRead More...
What We Did Today: Finished the library system project Started on the Supermarket Application project, going over big OOP + dictionary concepts Homework: # Your homework is to finish the school systemRead More...
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