6PM – Intro to Python -Joshua
Today We Did: Reviewed using the turtle.goto() function and how to create complex polygons with it Reviewed when you would use forward and right to create functions and when you would useRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed using the turtle.goto() function and how to create complex polygons with it Reviewed when you would use forward and right to create functions and when you would useRead More...
What We Did We installed python and pycharm together We started to learn about dictionaries, how to add, update, remove and loop through Homework Create a new file Jan_9_DictionaryHW.py and copy codeRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed HW Reviewed return functions Practice Calling Functions that have return Homework: In one new file, “functions_return_reviewHW”, do the following: From your textbook, do the questions and copy codeRead More...