5:30 PM – AI / Machine Learning – Gamas
Today We Did We completed MNIST single digit project. We learned that it can predict single digit images that have black background and white color number very well. If images have differentRead More...
Today We Did We completed MNIST single digit project. We learned that it can predict single digit images that have black background and white color number very well. If images have differentRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed and finished the modified Robux system code. Introduced object oriented programming with classes and objects conceptually and with code. Homework: Create a new file called OOP_hw1.py andRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Pet Breed prediction project. We started single digit prediction project. Homework If you guys did not do your last homework (deploy Pet breed model into streamlit), pleaseRead More...
What We Did Today: Continue the MonsterInheritance project, implementing nested if statements and reviewing object oriented concepts regarding the keyword "self" Homework: Continue in your Monster Inheritance project in main.py and monster.py,Read More...