5 PM – Scratch 1 – Abigail
Today We We started working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Create 3 more costumes for your Splat sprite. They should be all unique by having a different colors and shapes. IfRead More...
Today We We started working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Create 3 more costumes for your Splat sprite. They should be all unique by having a different colors and shapes. IfRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the GroceryClass homework. Went over the Dog Class from last week. Implemented the GroceryItem class into the Grocery System Homework Create a file called Jan_22_ClassesHW.py and doRead More...
Today We Did: Continued the Monster Inheritance project in Java, implementing 100% of the features of the game. Set up android studio Homework: In your monster inheritance project: Create two new classes:Read More...
Today We Did Create different projectile launch cooldown for each tower type. Create different directions and number of projectile per tower type. Homework For Magic tower type, launch 8 fireballs. When youRead More...