7pm- Intro to Python – Joshua
Today We Did Practice random int and random choice Created random passwords Homework in the file "random_starwars.py" do the following questions https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/
Today We Did Practice random int and random choice Created random passwords Homework in the file "random_starwars.py" do the following questions https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/
Today We Do Reviewed Projects Talk about how to get quarter circles and half circles turltle.setheading(90) (rotates your shape 90 degrees as long as you don't use turtle.goto) Homework Remember, you needRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the dictionary homework. We started and finished the phone book system. We went through the Grocery System and changed it to use dictionaries. Homework Create a fileRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Word guessing / Hangman game. We started on Wordle game. Homework Continue implementation of WordleGame. Use checkmark (✓) if the letter exist and the position is correct.Read More...
Today we did Started learning how to build a robot using turtle Thursday 6:30PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qlUjB3gRXHSK5kRzjKzDD2qIz-OqB2bK?usp=sharing AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email meRead More...