5 PM – Scratch 1 – Abigail
Today We We finished working on the Window Cleaner project. We started working on the Punch the Dummy project. Homework Duplicate a new COSTUME for your head sprite, and change the faceRead More...
Today We We finished working on the Window Cleaner project. We started working on the Punch the Dummy project. Homework Duplicate a new COSTUME for your head sprite, and change the faceRead More...
Today We Did We went over the final test solution. Homework Redo / finish the 2nd question from the final test. The program is very similar to grocery shopping cart program. AndRead More...
What We Did We continued working on School System. Added student class and the selections Homework Create a new file called teacher.py and inside add attributes, name, age, phone, subject_of_expertise. Inside ofRead More...
Today We Did: Learnt how to use android studio with the xml and java files Learnt how to modify our button functionality with java code Implemented temperature conversion in Java, using theRead More...
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