6PM – Intro to Python – Joshua Widjanarko
Today We Do Reviewed Project (reminder it is due in next week) Grocery Store Homework Your Project is softly due next week. Finish it and look over your grocery program Below IRead More...
Today We Do Reviewed Project (reminder it is due in next week) Grocery Store Homework Your Project is softly due next week. Finish it and look over your grocery program Below IRead More...
Today we did Finished learning about how to draw different shapes and faces Went over the requirements for our project proposal Thursday 6:30PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qlUjB3gRXHSK5kRzjKzDD2qIz-OqB2bK?usp=sharing AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ InRead More...
Today We Do Learning How to Bug Fix Remember these steps Click the bottom blue line Read the error message Fix the error and rerun Homework In a file (Quiz_2_hw), do theRead More...