9 AM – Indo – Intro to Python – Joel
Today we did: We reviewed everything we learned so far. Homework: Do the practice quiz (in your email) before next week. Make sure to do it in one hour if you can.Read More...
Today we did: We reviewed everything we learned so far. Homework: Do the practice quiz (in your email) before next week. Make sure to do it in one hour if you can.Read More...
Today We Did We started Shoot Balloon project Homework Make the player appear on the screen. Create balloon.py Create Balloon sprite. Inside Balloon.__init__ randomize the balloon image to either blue_balloon_1.png green_balloon_1.png orange_balloon_1.pngRead More...
Your HW: None
Your HW: None
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed Dog class We reviewed solution to list_all_students We added Teacher class Homework Inside SchoolSystem project add the following features "4. Add New Teacher" . TheRead More...