6pm – Intro To Python -Joshua Widjanarko
Final Class Before Test Great Job Everyone, you have until next class to get any extra points. Quick Summary Justin: The Largest part of you "fixes' is more of a setheading andRead More...
Final Class Before Test Great Job Everyone, you have until next class to get any extra points. Quick Summary Justin: The Largest part of you "fixes' is more of a setheading andRead More...
Today We Did We finished Shell Game solution We started Mixing Milk problem Homework Continue the implementation of https://usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=855
Today we did Finish grocery system project Started learning how to draw letters a different way We can obviously do this using t.goto() We learned how to use t.forward() and t.right() toRead More...
No Homework For Today Today we Did the quiz Despite being "done" you need to keep in mind the lessons from this class. Very specifically, how to write functions, how to doRead More...