4:30 PM – Python Game Development – Bill
Your HW: Create a new file called cloud.py in your src folder Create a cloud class like we did for the bird Needs to have type to load different cloud images NeedsRead More...
Your HW: Create a new file called cloud.py in your src folder Create a cloud class like we did for the bird Needs to have type to load different cloud images NeedsRead More...
Today We Did We went over Random We went over methods Homework Create Feb21Magic8BallHW.java https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/magic-8-ball/ Create Feb21ConvertFromFahrenheitToCelciusHW.java Create a new method convertFromFahrenheitToCelcius. It has one parameter int fahrenheit. Inside the method, itRead More...
Today We Did: Adding the square, triangle, and octagon from the grid paper to scratch. Homework: Add the rectangle from your grid paper to scratch. If you have any questions feel freeRead More...