9 AM – Indo – Intro to Java – Joel
T0day we did: We reviewed the practice test. Homework: Make sure you study these topics for the first quiz: Variable and Data types If, Else if, Else (OR and AND) List andRead More...
T0day we did: We reviewed the practice test. Homework: Make sure you study these topics for the first quiz: Variable and Data types If, Else if, Else (OR and AND) List andRead More...
Today We Did We displayed balloons on the screen. We displayed player star sprite on the screen. We displayed BAD BALLOON text on top of the balloon. Homework Change the SCORE_FONT sizeRead More...
Today We We continued working on the Simba drawing. Homework Draw the lineart of your Simba drawing. Make sure to be neat and clean with your lineart. Make sure you are onRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed Add New Teacher and List All Teachers homework. We reviewed how to find / search dictionary. We added Find Student homework. Homework Inside School SystemRead More...