5 PM – Minecraft Modding with Java – Gamas
Today We Did We added jsons to make the saturn_ore and deepslate_saturn_ore generated in a new world creation. Homework No class next week (04/08) because of Easter weekend.
Today We Did We added jsons to make the saturn_ore and deepslate_saturn_ore generated in a new world creation. Homework No class next week (04/08) because of Easter weekend.
Homework Continue with DEEPSLATE_SATURN_ORE. We started DEEPSLATE_SATURN_ORE, but not finished. The remaining works are as follows create src/main/resources/assets/aycessentials/blockstates/deepslape_saturn_ore.json . This should be very similar to saturn_ore.json in the same directory. update src/main/resources/assets/aycessentials/lang/en_us.jsonRead More...
Today We Did We migrated the Saturn armors to 1.19.3 project: legging, boots, chestplate, helmet. We started adding the Saturn Ore. Homework No homework