9 AM – Intro To Java – Gamas
9 AM – Intro To Java – Gamas
Today We Did We added a custom spinner OnItemSelectedListener Homework Do the Driver System practice test that was sent in the class today.
Today We Did We added a custom spinner OnItemSelectedListener Homework Do the Driver System practice test that was sent in the class today.
Today We Did We added Saturn item and use it as the AYC Essential mod tab. We added SaturnLightningAxe.java but running out of time to add it completely in the game. HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did We finished adding SATURN_FOX creature along with its animation. We learned about JSON file structure. Homework In MonsterInheritance project create these 3 json files. This should be very similarRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Minecraft crafting recipes. We learned about JSON We learned about String and integer fields. We learned about how to represent Class/object or Dictionary inside a Json file.Read More...
Today We Did we continued learning JSON We learned how to represent class, Map and List in JSON. we added code that will spawn our custom entities in the world. Homework InsideRead More...
Today We Did We learned more about JSON file. We started doing Saturn Lightning Arrow. Homework Do one more JSON file creation exercise. Open your SchoolApplication project in IntelliJ. This is projectRead More...
Today We Did We learned more about JSON file structure. We learned how to distribute minecraft forge modding file to other people. We finished our course. Congrats everyone, I hope you guysRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to create Json file for SchoolSystem.java We learned how to use IntelliJ debugger and break point. We learned how to enable lightning when LightningArrowItem strike aRead More...
Today We Did We created Saturn Chestplate and SaturnArmorMaterial. Homework customize your saturn_layer_1.png image so it resemblance your armor customization last week. For reference, this is how I customize mine
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