5 PM – Minecraft Modding with Java – Gamas
5 PM – Minecraft Modding with Java – Gamas
Today We Did We were able to add AYC Essentials creative mode tab. We were able to add SaturnSword into AYC Essentials creative mode tab.
Today We Did We were able to add AYC Essentials creative mode tab. We were able to add SaturnSword into AYC Essentials creative mode tab.
Homework Migrate JupiterDragonAxe.java / DragonFireballAxe.java from 1.16.5 project to 1.19.3 project. Follow what we did with SaturnFireballAxe.java Migrate the Java file Add an entry in ModItems.java Add an entry in AYCEssentialsMod.java ModifyRead More...
Today We Did We migrated the Saturn armors to 1.19.3 project: legging, boots, chestplate, helmet. We started adding the Saturn Ore. Homework No homework
Homework Continue with DEEPSLATE_SATURN_ORE. We started DEEPSLATE_SATURN_ORE, but not finished. The remaining works are as follows create src/main/resources/assets/aycessentials/blockstates/deepslape_saturn_ore.json . This should be very similar to saturn_ore.json in the same directory. update src/main/resources/assets/aycessentials/lang/en_us.jsonRead More...