5:30 PM – Intro To Python – Parna
5:30 PM – Intro To Python – Parna
Gamas subs Today We Did We had our 2nd quiz today. Homework No homework next week
Gamas subs Today We Did We had our 2nd quiz today. Homework No homework next week
Today We Did Finished Robux application Did some final test review Homework next week is 2 hour finals. It is open book, you should use thonny to do your coding. Study theRead More...
Homework When the bug in dizzy mode, make the bug fall down. You have to do this in bug.py in the update method. Create landing page using balloon_title.png, play_button.png and copy theRead More...
Today We Did We went over the String homework2 today. We reviewed String, Integer data types. We introduced Float data types. We reviewed .strip(), .rstrip(), .lstrip() String functions. We reviewed \t andRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Integer, Float, String, Boolean We learned how to combine String together using + and , (one has space and one doesn't) Homework Create a new fileRead More...
Today We Did We continued with Shoot Balloon project. We added ability for the Bug to do chirping. We utilized inheritance method overriding to override Sprite.kill() method. We started a Loading pageRead More...
Today We Did Helped Keanu with his Final Project. Helped Christopher with his Final Project. Homework Continue with your team project.
Today we did: Went over the review sheet in depth Trivia style questions for more practice for the quiz Homework Study for the quiz!!! I strongly recommend doing practice problems and usingRead More...
Homework If you did not do your homework last week or 2 weeks ago or 3 weeks ago, please do them. Create a new file Sep10_IfElseHomework2.py Answer questions from page 84 andRead More...
Today We Did String functionalities: .title(), .upper(), .lower() Formatted strings: f"" Removing end spaces: .rstrip(), .lstrip(), .strip() Homework Create a new Python file SEP10_StringHomework2.py in Thonny. On page 25, try the followingRead More...
Today We Did We learned about For Loop in Range. We learned about While Loop We learned about +=, -=, *=, /= shortcuts Homework Create Sep10_WhileLoopHomework.py Inside the file copy codes fromRead More...
Today We Did String functionalities: .title(), .upper(), .lower() Formatted strings: f"" Escape keys: \n \t Homework Create a new Python file SEP10_StringHomework2.py in Thonny. On page 25, try the following by yourself:Read More...
Today We Did We went over how to add count down to Flappy Bird game. We added sound effect when Bird and Coin collide. We added Game Win page when count downRead More...
Today we did: First quiz - data types, for/while loops, input from shell, if else, lists Homework No homework!!! Enjoy your week!
Today We Did Learned how to check if things are the same, and if things are not the same (==, !=) Learned if, elif (otherwise if), and else (otherwise) Learned the differenceRead More...
Today We Did Learned the difference between = (gives variable a value) and == (checks if both sides are the same). Learned about != (checks if the right side is not theRead More...
Today We Did We started robot builder project. We learned when we want to control the color, position and width and height of rectangles, we have to introduced parameters into draw_rectangle functionRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed the quiz in detail and went over common mistakes and how to prevent them in the future Introduced functions with no return values - how to call defineRead More...
Today We Did Learned how to get input from the shell: input() Learned how to add part of one string to another (+=) Reviewed if, elif, else Homework Homework due in GoogleRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed the 1st quiz result. We learned how to add Python dependency PyVCF3 module. We learned how to read VCF file. Homework Create Sep24_PythonHomework.py Do question #1, #2,Read More...
Today We Did Learned how to get input from the shell: input() Learned how to add part of one string to another (+=) Reviewed if, elif, else Homework Homework due in GoogleRead More...
Today We Did: We continued building our robot, but this time making our code more re-usable. We learned how to call a function inside another function, and how to re-use parameters. CodeRead More...
Today We Did We installed Python 3.10 We installed Pycharm community edition We started learning about Python dictionary. Homework Create new python file in Pycharm. Sep28_DictionaryHomework.py Copy codes from page 92 toRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed input from shell. All inputs from shell are String data type. Even if you enter a number, it will still be String. If you want to compareRead More...
Today We Did We integrated our custom animal (Saturn Cat / Saturn Turtle) into minecraft, but we get an error when summoning. I will fix this next week. We added CEM TemplateRead More...
Today We Did Lists (bag = []) Get length of list using len() (len(bag)) Learned that list indices (index) start counting from 0 Learned how to take one value from a listRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed last week homeworks. We reviewed more details about PyVCF3 module. Homework Inside VCF_file_reader_example.py do the following Read some fields from the INFO column like this record.INFO #Read More...
Today We Did Lists (bag = []) Get length of list using len() (len(bag)) Learned list indices (index) start from 0 Get one item using bag Homework Page 114 to 116 PageRead More...