Today We Did We reviewed turtle project result. We started and completed Kaleido spiral project. Homework Make progress on your Turtle project, it is due on Nov 15. By next week youRead More...
Today We Did Variables have a name and a value. Variables are like a box that wraps around a "thing" (value). The values of a variable can be one of four differentRead More...
Today We Did: We learned about class class attributes class init function class self. Homework Create Answer question from page 162: TRY IT YOURSELF: 9-1, 9-2, 9-3.
Today we did: Went over the magic 8 ball problem using random.choice() Discussed debugging, different types of errors, how to go about fixing these errors Briefly went over this problem at endRead More...
Homework Create a new Python file in Thonny Copy codes from page 20 to 23. If you do not have the book yet, you can look here IntroToPythonP20toP23 Upload your homeworksRead More...
Homework Keanu: In your personal project, change the credit page Add Logo Designer: Christopher Chen Change school to be Change Advisor from Gamas to Gamas Chang. Christopher: In your personal project,Read More...
Homework Create a new file do exercises from If you have question, please email me at
Today We Did Full review! Variables and data types input(), + - * /, += -= *= /=, and how they effect different data types if elif and else statements and howRead More...
Today We Did Full review! Variables and data types input(), + - * /, += -= *= /=, and how they effect different data types if elif and else statements and howRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed everyone's project progress. We make sure everyone knows how to continuously draw one shape with different colors. This is one of the requirement for the Turtle finalRead More...
Today We Did String functionalities: .title(), .upper(), .lower() Formatted strings: f”” Removing end spaces: .rstrip(), .lstrip(), .strip() Escape keys: \n \t \" \' Homework Create a new Python file in Thonny.Read More...
Today We Did We went over Restaurant and User classes. We reviewed, attributes, methods and init methods. When we should use self. Homework Create Copy codes from page 162 to 166
Today We Did: We reviewed the 3 data types we learned last week. We reviewed String homeworks. Homework Create a new Python file Do exercises from page 25: TRY IT YOURSELFRead More...
Homework Keanu: In your team project: In GAME OVER page add PLAY and CREDIT buttons Christopher: In your team project: The Credit page texts were overlapping or cut off. Maybe lower theRead More...
Today We Do We reviewed homework from Homework Next week is 1st quiz and this is 10% of your class grade. Please study well. During the quiz, you can use ThonnyRead More...
Today We Did Review of homework Full review focusing on loops Can use for loops and while loops to do the same thing Reviewed how range() works Homework No homework this weekRead More...
Today We Did Review of homework Full review focusing on loops Can use for loops and while loops to do the same thing Reviewed how range() works Homework No homework this weekRead More...
Homework Continue Flappy Bird project Inside, inside game_in_session(), call check_player_fall_off_the_screen() method. Inside, inside game_loop, add a condition that will handle GAME_OVER mode. And create game_over page like below. Including theRead More...
Homework If you have not submitted your turtle project, please upload to google drive as soon as possible. Otherwise you get some point deductions. Gamas will send feedbacks on your turtle projectRead More...
Today We Did Learned about if, elif, else Learned about how "if" starts a conditional block, and "else" ends it Learned a bunch of operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) LearnedRead More...
Homework Copy into Inside this file, create a new class on the top of the file GroceryItem Inside this class, it will have 2 attributes name price Create InsideRead More...
Today We Learned the basics of working with python turtle Homework Complete the questions at the following link: We do not have class next week, as it is thanksgiving week
Today we did: went over the bug fixing homework looping through strings and list using for loops and indexes, preparing for hangman started the hangman game with randomly choosing secret word, initializingRead More...
Homework We want to make bug falls down when hit by target Load the assets/bugs/dizzy/frame-1.png and frame-2.png into self.dizzy_images Create self.bug_mode = FLYING_MODE . You have to define FLYING_MODE and DIZZY_MODE inRead More...
Today we did: went over the looping through lists/strings homework finished hangman game with functionality for win, lose, update clues, repeated guesses, health briefly went over what will be on the quizRead More...
Today We Did We went over IF ELSE and IF ELIF statements. We reviewed again how to combine string using "f" formatter. We started input from shell. Homework Create - AnswerRead More...
Today We Did Learned the steps to fixing an error: Click bottom blue line Read error message Fix error and rerun Explored NameError, SyntaxError, IndentationError, IndexError, and TypeError Reviewed what "return" doesRead More...
Today We Did We finished program Homework Create a new file We are going to create something similar to, so if you are stuck with the below program, lookRead More...
Today We Did Learned how to get input from the shell: input() Reviewed how to append strings to eachother Reviewed if, elif, else with input() Learned that input() always becomes a stringRead More...
Today We Did We went over Restaurant class homework We reviewed at Restaurant.set_number_served(sefl, num) method that will change Restaurant.number_served attribute. We reviewed at Restaurant.increment_number_served(self, num) method that will increase Restaurant.number_served attribute. WeRead More...
Today We Did We did We drew a Square shape with a Turtle module. We created draw_square(color) function. Homework Create And do exercises according to
Homework When the bug mode change to DIZZY mode, Stop the chirping sound. Create Landing page with PLAY and CREDIT buttons. Use assets/ballon_title.png for the landing page. Create CREDIT page.
Homework Create Copy codes from page 37 to 38. Create a list of monsters: “dragon”, “phoenix”, “minotaur”, “hydra” using the list print “DRAGON is a powerful monster”. Get the first elementRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed for the quiz Homework Only homework is to prepare for the quiz. Feel free to reach out if you need any additional help or practice problems.
Today We Did We reviewed the 1st quiz result. If you guys don't receive my quiz feedbacks, please let me know. Ask your parents to text me. Homework Create a new pythonRead More...
Today We Did How functions work (parameters, arguments) How to call functions In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Name your homework Homework:
Today We Did How functions work (parameters, arguments) How to call functions In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Name your homework DEC3_functions Homework: