4 PM – Intro To Python – Shawn
4 PM – Intro To Python – Shawn
Gamas sub Today We Did We learned the difference between if elif else with a lot ifs. We learned how to get input from Shell. We learned how to convert from StringRead More...
Gamas sub Today We Did We learned the difference between if elif else with a lot ifs. We learned how to get input from Shell. We learned how to convert from StringRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework. Reviewed accessing, modifying, and inserting with dictionaries Learned about looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Homework Name your file Sept4_Dictionary_HW2.py and do: Pg. 100, 101 TryRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework for the Phone Book dictionary program Worked on the Grocery System project using dictionaries. Homework Name your file Sept4_GrocerySystem.py and finish: Adding the purchased itemRead More...
Today We Did Gave each object their own hit box when we set "TESTING" mode to True Configured group collisions for the fireball and bird groups You can always find the codeRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed lists Continued for loops with lists Homework: Make the following files: Aug28_ListsHW2.py Read pages 37-41 and copy the code down into a file Aug28_AnimalList.py Follow these instructions: https://www.ayclogic.com/animal-list-and-for-loop-exercises/ Upload yourRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the quiz 1 content and things to remember Introduced functions with no return value, and how to use them to reduce code duplication and make things simplerRead More...
Homework Continue with Aug29_RobotBuilder.py Draw the face and the neck according to below screenshot We drew one left arm in the class, draw two more left arms like above screenshot. You needRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed homework on functions with no return value Introduced the topic of functions with return values Homework: There are two parts to the homework, the website and theRead More...
What We Did We used 2 dictionaries to simplified GroceryShoppingCart program. We learned how to check if a key exists in a dictionary. Homework Inside sep_9_robux_shopping_cart_dictionary.py: Create 2 dictionaries to store theRead More...
Today We Did Continued Monster System Reviewed overall game structure and how the logic has to work Began adding inheritance In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today We Did Began Library System Practiced all the ways we can add to dictionaries Reviewed how to make classes for our Book objects In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework. Reviewed looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Finished the Phone Book System Homework Name your file Sept18_GrocerySystem_V2.py and do: Create a dictionary "items_inventory": Keys are theRead More...
Today we did: Learned about for loop with range Started learning while loops Homework: Make the following files: Sep11_ForLoopHW.py Compete Try It Yourself 4-1 and 4-2 on p. 56 Sep11_ForLoopRangeHW.py Read textbookRead More...
Today We Did Finished Robux Shopping Cart Started learning about classes: Attributes Methods Homework Name your file Sept18_OOP_HW.py Complete pg. 158-161
Today We Did Fixed player direction code Added cloud types Destroy clouds & birds when they go off our screen, so we don't have millions of unseen images, slowing down our gameRead More...
What We Did Today: Introduced the concept of programming in python Learned about variables and 3 data types: Integers, Floats/Doubles, Strings Learned about printing to the shell Learned about doing math withRead More...
Today We Did Learned how to submit our homework (commit and push) Learned how to see previous class code (on Gitlab) Reviewed general architecture of most games: blit images inside an infiniteRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework on applying different concepts together in a function Covered extra ideas on functions including using functions inside other functions Practiced complicated examples for functions Homework:Read More...
Today We Did We went over each individual projects For Ezra and Jayden project, recommended to do a top view game instead of side view because all of their game assets areRead More...
Today We Did We finished converting Robux Shopping cart project to use dictionary. We review again how to use for loop to go through each element inside dictionary. Homework Inside sep_16_looping_dictionary.py fileRead More...
Today We Did Finished inheritance Monster Project Did full review of class concepts Full explanation of class homework (practice test) In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today We Did Finished Library System project Started last version of Grocery System project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework No homework (only for thisRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed for loop homeworks. We continue with while loop. Homework Submit your homework to your assigned google drive by Sunday evening. Create a new python file,Read More...
Today We Did Finished blitting the play button to create two distinct game modes; GAME_LANDING_PAGE and GAME_IN_SESSION. You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed how Gitlab works & fixed problems with pushing / pulling / committing Created multiple birds each time the create_bird_timer finishes Place each new bird in a random yRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed data types and variables Talked about typecasting Introduced control statements using if, else, and elif statements Homework: Create a file named Sep19_StringHomework2.py and upload it to theRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework on formatting of a function Learnt how to generate random numbers and choose a random item from a list Created Magic 8 Ball text basedRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed how to loop through each element inside a dictionary. We enhanced sep_9_robux_shopping_cart.py so it will print the selection menu according to elements inside item_prices and item_names dictionaries.Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed sample final exam Reviewed important things to keep in mind while we take the final exam In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today We Did Finished fourth version of GrocerySystem project Began learning about inheritance Inheritance means the "child class" will "inherit" all the methods and attributes from its parents In case you needRead More...
Today We Did Review using for loops to loop through list Can loop through every value Example: "for name in names" Can loop through every index by using range(n) function which returns kindRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed some of the missing components on Nicholas and Leon games. We continued with the Shoot Balloon game We added the ability to pop all theRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Review __init__ method Review class attributes Review how create new instance of a Dog class. Create several instances of Dog class. Review how to useRead More...
Today We Did Completed the code to switch between title screen and playing the game Began code to launch "giant fireball" You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Python Exercises Homework Complete the Python Exercises if you haven't already Study for our quiz next week! Review: Variables (double/float, int, string) for loops while loops list operationsRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about .title(), .lower(), and .upper() for string capitalization Reviewed if, elif, and else statements Learnt about !=, >, >=, <, <= comparisons Learnt about and/or statements Homework:Read More...
Today We Did Added direction functionality for the bird class You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/tue-6-pm-dragon-birdie/-/tree/TUE-6PM-Sebastian In case you need anything, feelRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework of recreating the text based mini-game with random.choice instead of random.randint() Created a password generator program using random functions Started working on the StarWars worksheetRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Phone Book homework. We went over proof that in worst case scenario, using python dictionary to search is faster than using list. We went over using PythonRead More...
Today We Did Continued learning about inheritance fundamentals Worked through monster system project Completed Monster parent class In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Please submitRead More...