What We Did Today: Introduced Thonny, how to navigate files, and use shell Introduced variables and data types in Python Introduced printing, and math with variables Homework: Copy code from pages 20-23Read More...
Today We Did Encapsulated blitting play button, logo, and credit button to their own methods Created logic to check mouse position when clicking on play button You can always find the codeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Quiz2Prep.py and Python bugs homework Homework Review for our quiz next week! I recommend focusing on the following topics: List operations (length, append, etc) Functions (return values, multipleRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed all the concepts learned to this point in preparation for the first quiz Homework: PART 1: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises PART 2: Continue on your file called Nov14_WhileLoops2HW.py andRead More...
Today We Did Developed algorithm to create tubes based on timer (both downwards and upwards Used math to find correct position of sprites to remove them when they go off of theRead More...
Today we: Learned about parameters and arguments Started the Robot Builder project Homework: In your Robot Builder project: Allow us to choose what color we want the rectangle to be using parametersRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to create shapes on turtle using turtle.goto(x, y) Learnt how to use turtle.forward() Learnt how to use turtle.right() and turtle.left() Learnt how to create a squareRead More...
Today We Did Added rectangles to all classes Removed sprites when they go off screen Added giant fireballs Learned about & created event listeners You can always find the code we wroteRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Nov11_PythonExercises.py Homework Study for our quiz! I recommend reviewing the following topics: Variable datatypes While loops For loops Lists If you need extra practice, do any homeworks youRead More...
What We Did Today: Learned how to do special printing (.upper(), .lower(), .title() Learned how to use print(f"") with variables Introduced if, elif, and else statements Homework: Submit the file into theRead More...
Today We Did Handled game resets between game modes Developed methods for win & lose landing pages You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
Today We Did Python Quiz 2 Homework No homework this week! Next week we will be covering Turtle. If you have any questions, email me at williamsmith@ayclogic.com
Today We Did Blitted coin images to screen Created player class Added player's jump functionality using gravity Remembered how to use the ASCII table to detect which key the user typed YouRead More...
QUIZ 1 IS NEXT WEEK on December 12!! What We Did Today: Wrapped up all the concepts learned to this point in preparation for the first quiz Homework: STUDY FOR YOUR QUIZRead More...
Today we: Learned how to create a function with functions inside Drew the robot's face and arms Finished the Robot Builder project Homework: Create your project proposals Make sure your project proposalsRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to create shapes on turtle using turtle.forward() and turtle.left() Learnt how to create more shapes like triangles, rectangles, and octagons using functions Learnt how to addRead More...
Today We Did Created draw_play_button method Created algorithms using math to calculate play button position Learned how to get mouse position on screen & detect when mouse is clicked You can alwaysRead More...
Today We Did Python Quiz 1! Homework Dec9_FunctionsHW.py Copy code from pages 130 to 133 in the textbook Upload the homework to your assigned Google Drive folders by Friday night. If youRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued to learn about if, elif, and else statements Learnt about the difference for ==, !=, and = Learnt how to do comparison with >, >=, <, andRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework and finished the Library System project: Created a Book class Created a class attribute books (dictionary) to store Book object instances Reviewed HW, class methodsRead More...
Today We Did Learned about Turtle! Goto, pen, fill, forward, etc Drew triangle, square, L, and circle Homework Create Dec11_TurtleHW.py: Follow the instructions at: https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ If you don't know how to implementRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Learned how to loop through a dictionary's keys Learned how to loop through a dictionary's values Learned how to loop through a dictionary's items Homework: Upload thisRead More...
Today we: Learned how to draw circles Learned how to draw faces Learned how to draw the letter "A" Homework: Riley: You no longer have to create a new rough draft ofRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to connect different shapes together using their coordinates Learnt how to change the direction of drawing for a rectangle (using turtle.right() instead of turtle.left() ) Homework:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Python Quiz 1 Homework Finish last week's homework if you haven't already! Create the following file: Dec16_FunctionsHW2.py Copy code from pages 137 to 139 in the textbook Upload the homeworkRead More...
NO CLASS UNTIL JANUARY 9!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! What We Did Today: Reviewed operators such as >, <, <=, >= Learnt about the difference for ==, !=, and = Learnt about and/or operators StartedRead More...
Today We Did Learnt the new topic on inheritance, and how it helps reduce code duplication Finished try it yourself number 9-6, further learning how inheritance works with code, how to useRead More...
Today We Did Started Dec11_TurtleHW draw_rectangle Started RobotBuilder rectangle() to draw rectangles left_arm() uses rectangle() to draw the robot's left arm Homework Finish Dec11_TurtleHW.py Link: https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ Finish Dec18_RobotBuilder.py Draw a robot! FeelRead More...
Today We Did Began the new shoot balloon project by cloning the repository Created basic Balloon class Went over requirements for project proposal You can always find the code we wrote inRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the math and logic to blit button Reviewed how to detect mouse clicks inside button radius You can always find the code we wrote in class in myRead More...
We won't have class until January 2!! What We Did Today: Review a little bit of the quiz Learnt about functions without return value, as well as what they are usefulRead More...
Today we: Started the Grocery System - List project Important Reminders: To celebrate Christmas, the school will be closed from Sunday 12/24 – Sunday 12/31. There is no class next week. OurRead More...
We Will Meet on January 4!! Happy Holidays! What We Did Today: Learnt how to make circles using t.circle() method, where we use something like t.circle(10) to make a circle of radiusRead More...
Today we: Continued learning how to draw faces Learned how to draw a polygon Learned how to draw semicircles Important Reminders: To celebrate Christmas, the school will be closed from Sunday 12/24Read More...
Today We Did Created player class & recalled why we need to inherit Sprite Cloned entire new repository & set up PyCharm You can always find the code we wrote in classRead More...
Today We Did Learned about functions Without parameters With 1, 2, 3 parameters Homework Create the following file: Dec16_FunctionsHW3.py Complete Try It Yourself 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-5 (ignore the default value) on pages 131Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use functions without return value Learnt how to use functions with return value with the keyword Return, that allows us to store values from aRead More...
Today We Did We continued with Monster Inheritance project. We utilized dictionary to translate from "1" to "fire", "2" to "water" etc. And we utilized another dictionary to translate from "1" toRead More...
Today we: Learned how to loop through drawing faces Learned how to draw a Kaleido spiral Homework: Important news: You can finish and submit your project early for a +5% bonus onRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the final project criteria Talked about how to create rectangles at an angle by editing the createRectangle() function to include one more parameter, "heading", that is usedRead More...