What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use functions without return value Learnt how to use functions with return value with the keyword Return, that allows us to store values from aRead More...
Today We Did We continued with Monster Inheritance project. We utilized dictionary to translate from "1" to "fire", "2" to "water" etc. And we utilized another dictionary to translate from "1" toRead More...
Today we: Learned how to loop through drawing faces Learned how to draw a Kaleido spiral Homework: Important news: You can finish and submit your project early for a +5% bonus onRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the final project criteria Talked about how to create rectangles at an angle by editing the createRectangle() function to include one more parameter, "heading", that is usedRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the difference between =, !=, and == Reviewed typecasting Learnt about +=, -=, *=, and /= shortcuts Learnt about lists, how to access items from a list,Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed how inheritance works through try it yourself number 9-7 Continued the MonsterInheritance project, creating the initial menu pop up as well as started on using inheritance for creatingRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed project proposals & got lots of feedback Helped setup PyCharm & projects (took our time since we're a bit rusty from break) Added to Balloon class You canRead More...
Today We Did Worked on RobotBuilder right_arm Modified arm functions to include width and height Started learning more turtle shapes Polygon function Homework Finish your robots!! (Dec18_RobotBuilder.py) Include the following features: HeadRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed how to blit text from strings to screen Finished creating credit page Completed code to draw count down You can always find the code we wrote in classRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use functions with and without return value Learnt how to use the random function, using random.randint(1, 10) and random.choice( {some list} ) Created a magicRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed how to iterate through dictionaries Searched through dictionaries to find each student name's corresponding object AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Today we: Started and finished the Grocery System project Started the Robux Shopping Cart project Project Feedback: Eden: Add the text "PEASHOOTER" by using rectangles, circles, and/or polygons Make some part ofRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to make half circles with the second parameter used in the circle() function. Created a kaleidoscope project using a forever loop and creating circles that moveRead More...
Today We Did Completed the motion for Tube & Coin classes (movement is just changing the x & y attributes) Gave coins multiple images to blit while playing the game (cycle throughRead More...
Today We Did Learned about functions with return values Converted hello(), add() functions to return a value Homework Create the following file: Jan13_FunctionsNoReturnHW.py Complete Exercises 4-7 at: https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/ #7 needs a return value,Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about lists, how to access items from a list, and how to add/remove items from the end of a list. Learned how to use lists with printRead More...
Today We Did Continued the Monster Inheritance project, where now we are able to fight the monsters by playing as a character we created by making a self.player_name and self.player_health attribute inRead More...
Today We Did We went over Driver System practice test and went over the solution. The DriverSystem solution can be found in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sp1a3f7XtnA0O4OiyDVsoN5LXIRV6Yxo?usp=sharing Homework Next week 01/22 is a 2 hour finalRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed RobotBuilder Finished TurtleShapes Semicircle Infinite polygon generator Homework Final Project Proposal: Criteria: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-final-project-criteria/ Draw your project proposals on a piece of paper by next week! Upload your proposalRead More...
Today We Did Fixed bugs existing in previous version (typos, etc) Began moving balloons through screen at speed indicated by self.speed attribute You can always find the code we wrote in classRead More...
Today We Did Added player boundaries to change game mode when players fall off the screen Added logic and pygame code to draw game win and game over pages You can alwaysRead More...
What We Did Today: Created a second version of the magic 8 ball program that answers any question the user asks with a random answer, using random.choice() this timw. Created a randomRead More...
Today We Did Find teacher using list Find teacher using dictionary Created new classroom class AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
What We Did Today: Created a Grocery System program, where users can buy items and check out, where the program tells us what items we bought as well as the total price.Read More...
Today we: Finished the Robux Shopping Cart project Reviewed for the Final Test Project Feedback: Eden: Add the text “PEASHOOTER” by using rectangles, circles, and/or polygons Make some part of your projectRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Jan13_FunctionsHW.py Topics covered: Lists For loops If-Else Functions Code available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oubSs4pyHULMHorwmbc-eIEmVc7rNm-p/view?usp=sharing Homework Finish Exercise 7 at https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/ Make for following functions in a new file: Jan20_FunctionsHW5.py Write aRead More...
Today we: Reviewed your Turtle project Started and finished the Grocery System Program Went over the beginning of the Robux Shopping Cart project Project Feedback: The word "Peashooter" is drawn and coloredRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how lists work Introduced the ideas of for loops and how to use a for loop to go through each item in a list Learnt how toRead More...
Today we: Learned about variables and data types Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Jan22_StringHomework_Pt1: Read and do the codes from Pg. 20-23 Upload this homework in theRead More...
Today We Did Continued the Monster Inheritance project, where now we are able to fight the monsters by playing as a character we created by making a self.player_name and self.player_health attribute inRead More...
Today We Did Built a Kaleido-Spiral pattern on Jan22_KaleidoSpiral.py Started soft_rectangle Homework Finish your project proposals and upload them to your Google Drive folders! More info here: https://www.ayclogic.com/event/7-pm-intro-to-python-william-22/ If you have anyRead More...
Today We Did Looked closer at what sprites are needed for our projects Cloned the new Gitlab repositories Learned how to crop sprite images for our projects. You can always find theRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the requirements for sprites before we buy any (hopefully we can all find free sprites). Learned how to crop images using FireAlpaca to make correctly "fitting" sprites. ClonedRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about debugging, reading error messages, and the types of errors you could encounter. Homework: Create a file called Jan23_Debugging2_HW.py and submit it into the google drive whenRead More...
Today We Did Add a classroom List all classrooms using a list List all classrooms using a dictionary Find classrooms using dictionary AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Today We: Took the Final Test Homework: Contact us at gamas@ayclogic.com or allison@ayclogic.com if you have any questions or need any help There is no homework this week. Enjoy!
Today We Did Reviewed past class code & finished implementing collisions Added background music and sound effects You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Jan20_FunctionsHW5.py Functions with return values Learned about the random module in Python random.randint() -- choose random integer random.choice() -- choose random item from list Homework Work on theRead More...
What We Did Today: Created a Robux System program, which is similar to the grocery system, but this time we introduce money that we hold in the bank, using functions to purchaseRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Learned about if else statements Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Jan29_IfElseHomework: If you have the second edition of the book: Read and doRead More...
Today We Did Created explode.py and began understanding how this sprite will be used Created target.py and started understanding how this new kind of Player will be used Created group collision forRead More...
Today We Did Finished the soft_rectangle function Started GrocerySystem Homework Work on your projects, I'll be checking in next class. The deadline is Feb 12th! :) If you have any questions, emailRead More...
Today We Did Finished entirety of balloon class Created bad balloons with 50/50 chance Added text to each balloon You can always find the code we wrote in class in my GitlabRead More...
What We Did Today: Started reviewing for the quiz next week, going through the practice quiz involving concepts such as functions, loops, conditionals, and typecasting. Homework: Continue on your called Jan30_PracticeQuiz2.py andRead More...
Today We Did Began LibrarySystem Created Library class with constructor Created load books method Created the application loop Began add_book() method AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the Final Test Homework: Ask your parents to contact Mr. Gamas about when to schedule your Retake Test Review the feedback I gave you on your Final Test StudyRead More...
FINAL EXAM NEXT WEEK!! FINAL PROJECT IS ALSO DUE NEXT WEEK ON FEBRUARY 8!! What We Did Today: Reviewed for the final test next week, on a game system similar to lastRead More...
Today We Did Added to player.py Began making different screens Began blitting main menu buttons You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/sat-2-pm-flappy-bird/-/tree/Sebastian?ref_type=heads AYCRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Jan20_FunctionsHW5.py Exercise #3 Created a password generator Homework Create the following files: Magic8BallV2.py Complete the 2nd version (#2) of the Magic 8 Ball with r.choice(): https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/magic-8-ball/ Feb3_StarWars.py CompleteRead More...