Today we: Reviewed the homework Learned about if else statements Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Jan29_IfElseHomework: If you have the second edition of the book: Read and doRead More...
Today We Did Finished the soft_rectangle function Started GrocerySystem Homework Work on your projects, I'll be checking in next class. The deadline is Feb 12th! :) If you have any questions, emailRead More...
Today We Did Created and began understanding how this sprite will be used Created and started understanding how this new kind of Player will be used Created group collision forRead More...
Today We Did Finished entirety of balloon class Created bad balloons with 50/50 chance Added text to each balloon You can always find the code we wrote in class in my GitlabRead More...
What We Did Today: Started reviewing for the quiz next week, going through the practice quiz involving concepts such as functions, loops, conditionals, and typecasting. Homework: Continue on your called andRead More...
Today We Did Began LibrarySystem Created Library class with constructor Created load books method Created the application loop Began add_book() method AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the Final Test Homework: Ask your parents to contact Mr. Gamas about when to schedule your Retake Test Review the feedback I gave you on your Final Test StudyRead More...
FINAL EXAM NEXT WEEK!! FINAL PROJECT IS ALSO DUE NEXT WEEK ON FEBRUARY 8!! What We Did Today: Reviewed for the final test next week, on a game system similar to lastRead More...
Today We Did Added to Began making different screens Began blitting main menu buttons You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: AYCRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Exercise #3 Created a password generator Homework Create the following files: Complete the 2nd version (#2) of the Magic 8 Ball with r.choice(): CompleteRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to use for loops with range() function Illustrated examples with the range() function Homework: Create a file called and submit the file into the googleRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Learned more about "if, elif, and else" statements Learned about "not equal to" statements Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Feb5_IfElseHomework2: Read andRead More...
Today We Did Finished GrocerySystem Worked on GrocerySystemV2: Made separate lists for menu items and prices Homework Final project deadline has been extended to February 19th (in 2 classes). Continue working on yourRead More...
Today We Did Finished making the target Added to what happens during collisions between target and balloons You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
Today We Did Added game modes and corresponding methods Began creating the Target class, understanding how targets and balloons will interact You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did Finished library system project Began school system project Recreated grocery item class AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today We Did Finished play button clicking functionality Get mouse position using pygame's mouse library Detect when mouse is within an image's bounds Began credits page You can always find the codeRead More...
Today We Did Practiced creating a function that takes a list as a parameter Reviewed homework (extra practice with for loops and random choice from list) Began learning about Python errors HomeworkRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed For Loops with Lists, For Loops with Range() Introduced While Loops Talked about the difference between the 2 functions Homework: Create a file called and submitRead More...
What We Did Today: Setup the necessary accounts and files to begin Python Game Development using PyGame. Briefly talked about what gitlab is, and what master/branches are. Showed how to load imagesRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Learned about input Learned how to change a variable from a string to an integer Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Feb12_InputHomework: Read andRead More...
Today We Did Finished GrocerySystemV2 Started Robux Catalog Began handle_transaction function Homework Final project deadline is next Monday, February 19th! If you submit your project (final version or partial) by this Thursday,Read More...
Today We Did Finished logic for good/bad balloons Learned how to simulate a 50/50 chance Group collisions between target (your mouse) and balloons + explosions, scores, and sound effects You can alwaysRead More...
Today We Did Finished Target object, calculating where to draw the target lines based off the mouse position (so target moves with your mouse). Began collision logic between Target & Balloon objects.Read More...
Today We Do We started Python Digital drawing using Turtle. Learnt how to use turtle.goto() Learnt how to color our shapes Learnt how to use penup() and pendown() Homework Create a newRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the idea of object oriented programming, and how we're going to use it for our Supermarket and GroceryItem class Created print_menu method Added multiple grocery item objects toRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Magic 8 Ball with random.choice() Finished Homework Create the following files: Copy and paste the code from the following website & fix errors until it runsRead More...
WE HAVE OUR QUIZ NEXT WEEK ON FEBRUARY 26!! What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use while loops Distinguished between while loops and for loops Started on the quiz review ReviewedRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to load images onto the program using pygame.image.load() Learnt how to make images appear onto our game using .blit( {image} , {x _coordinate, y_coordinate} ) LearntRead More...
Today we: Learned about lists Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Feb19_ListHomework: Do the exercise from Read and do the codes from Pg. 38-41 Make sure to read theRead More...
Today We Did Completed code to blit explosions (through update) Created timer to remove explosions after set amount of time Blitted exploded balloon scores on top of balloons You can always findRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Final Projects Continued working on Robux Catalog Finished handle_transaction() Started implementing user selection Homework Final deadline for project corrections is next Monday, February 26th! Be sure to make use ofRead More...
Today We Did Continued shoot balloon project You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you needRead More...
Today We Do Learnt to use t.forward() and t.right() to create shapes instead of t.goto() Learnt how to use loops to simplify code Learnt how to make a polygon Learnt how toRead More...
Today We Did Finished Grocery System project AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Come into class ready to answer theRead More...
Today We Did Began shoot balloon project Completed cloning and project setup for our individual projects You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: More...
Today We Did Debugged Reviewed common Python errors Homework Create the following files: Copy and paste the code from the following website & fix errors until it runs correctly withoutRead More...
What We Did Today: We finished our first quiz of the class Homework: None Notes: If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
What We Did Today: Learnt how to make the code more efficient by using classes. We created the Bird() class which we used to blit our birds onto the screen and changeRead More...
Today we: Continued learning about lists, if else, and user input Began learning about for loops Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Feb26_List_Pt2_Homework Read and do the codes fromRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed logic for how game modes work Began landing page Reviewed how to blit play button You can always find the code we wrote in class in my GitlabRead More...
Today We Did Finished Robux Catalog Buy more Robux Checkout Homework Create the following file: Complete the exercises at: If you have any questions, email me at
Today We Did Created explosion objects that show a score corresponding to balloon speed Learned how to only display a sprite for a certain amount of time Began adding extra game modesRead More...
Today We Do Continued on the RobotBuilder project, where we further connected the shapes together using a bit of math and logic. Introduced creating a function for creating the right arm, whereRead More...
Today We Did Began Monster Inheritance project Created basic MonsterSystem class AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Please come toRead More...
Today We Did Adjusted text position for balloons Learned how to conditionally draw something with a 50/50 chance Reviewed pygame hitbox rectangles & their full setup You can always find the codeRead More...
Today We Did Debugged Reviewed Exercise #1 and #2 from Quiz 2 Prep Explained return values from functions Homework Continue working on! Try your best to attempt all the exercises.Read More...