What We Did Today: Learnt how to create a function for making rectangles or squares using parameters such as x and y (used for starting position of drawing), length and height (ofRead More...
What We Did Today: Added background music and sound effects to our program. Fixed some bugs and tweaks such as the fireball spawning on top of our player, as well as theRead More...
Today We Did Finished creating the title screen and credits pages, reviewing all the old fundamental pygame concepts You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repositoryRead More...
Today We Did SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Please submit your homework into your GoogleRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed x-,y- coordinate system Added body to robot Drew pentagon + polygon Homework Code for today's lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DRueQQ9kB5K51cmthKCBg2nzg0qxTbSR/view?usp=drive_link Work on the following files: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt and improved how we connect different shaped together using geometry. Learnt how to use a function to combine different shapes together to create an object. Homework: YourRead More...
What We Did Today: Started on the Flappy Bird Project, where we initialized and spawned a tube to moves backwards in our screen. Homework: Create a new Player class, and (using Birdie'sRead More...
Today We Did Continued adding images for "game in session" before enemies are drawn Started Tower class and began understanding how the class will work You can always find the code weRead More...
Today We Did Installed PyCharm Community Edition + created project Learned about Python dictionaries Key, value Add/update entries Get/delete entries Code for today's and future lessons can be found here (you shouldRead More...
What We Did Today: Created a function for the right arm, showing how to create a function for a collection of rectangles. Learnt how to use the t.circle which we engineeredRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued on the Flappy Duck project, where we made the player flap, as well as added hit-boxes around the player and tubes, and we added collision detection. LearntRead More...
Today We Did Continued creating the enemy class Reviewed dictionaries to shorten the amount of code we need Reviewed static methods (static just means you don't need to make an object toRead More...
Today We Did Benchmarked dictionary vs. list Reviewed dictionary concepts Looping through keys, values dict.items() Homework Follow the instructions at: https://www.ayclogic.com/phone-book-system/ If you want supplemental reading about dictionaries, check out the textbook:Read More...
Gamas Sub What We Did We went over how to do right_arm function. We went over how to find coordinate of a new shape base on a coordinate of a known shape.Read More...
What We Did Today: Showcased how to combine circles and rectangles for a shape. Showed how to use "heading" to make our shapes inclined. Showed how to use the "extent" parameter forRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued on the Flappy Duck project, where we made the player fall with gravity and have the ability to jump. Fixed our tube gap distance in a moreRead More...
Today We Did Created GrocerySystemV2 using Dictionaries Overview of Object-Oriented Programming Homework Create a file named May21_RobuxShoppingV2.py: Modify your original RobuxShopping code from Intro to Python to use dictionaries instead of multipleRead More...
Today We Did Refined sprite movement using Julian's improvements Added waves for the game Added health counter and images above enemy You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Project Proposals Kaleidoscope Spiral Learned how to change colors infinitely (will be useful for the project!) Code for today's lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14-jq6tTrF-UmgCcABNyZ1EVEKYqy6Tf_/view?usp=drive_link Homework Start coding up your projects!! YouRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on our projects You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/sat-2-pm-shoot-balloon-sebastian AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case youRead More...
Today We Did Began learning about functions Learned that functions can sometimes take an input (parameters), and sometimes give an output (return). SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ InRead More...