7 PM – Intro To Python – Darin
What We Did Today: Setup Thonny Learnt how the environment works (with folders, files, the shell) Learnt about variables and data types Learnt a bit about how to do math in PythonRead More...
What We Did Today: Setup Thonny Learnt how the environment works (with folders, files, the shell) Learnt about variables and data types Learnt a bit about how to do math in PythonRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed how spinners work in Android Studio Debugged and fixed some minor issues in our converter app Finished the Android Studio Temperature Converter project Homework: Finish the practice finalRead More...
What We Did We continued working in the schoolsystem and added staff and classroom class. Homework In the SchoolSystem.py, continue working and finish the selections List all staff younger than 20 AddRead More...