American Young Coder (AYC)

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1 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over homework to add the game over page. We went over how to reset the game after clicking the play button. We added logic to modify the map soRead More...

7 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over the homework to add the game won and game over pages. We added 3 different tower types for the tower for purchase, tower and bullet. Homework: Make sureRead More...

1 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over the homework to add the enemy sprite. We added the logic to move the enemy on the map. Homework: Create a new sprite class called "TargetPointer" which hasRead More...

1 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over the homework and added the landing page and added the target pointer sprite We added waves and a way to keep track of the current wave. Homework: UpdateRead More...

1 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over the homework to add a type to the enemy. We added the tower hotspot sprite. We added the ShootingTower sprite. We went over how to create the shootingRead More...

1 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over the homework to create the bullet sprite. We added logic so the shooting tower could shoot bullets. We added different tower for purchases. Homework: Add collision detection betweenRead More...

1 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over the homework to add custom shooting tower images and collision detection logic between bullets and enemies We added logic so different towers shoot their corresponding bullet images. WeRead More...

1 PM – Python Game Development

Today: We went over the homework to add the cancel purchase button and music. We fixed the bug where clicking on the towers for purchase deducted more coins We added logic soRead More...

3 PM – Adv Python Game Dev – Gamas

Today We Did We setup SAT-3PM-TOD project. We created gitlab project and clone them and checkout individual branches. Added background and Enemy class. Homework Inside Enemy class, resize the image according toRead More...

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