10 AM – Intro To Python – Indo – Gamas
Homework Create a new file Nov5_1stQuizPrep.py do exercises from https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ If you have question, please email me at gamas@ayclogic.com
Homework Create a new file Nov5_1stQuizPrep.py do exercises from https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ If you have question, please email me at gamas@ayclogic.com
Today We Did Full review! Variables and data types input(), + - * /, += -= *= /=, and how they effect different data types if elif and else statements and howRead More...
Today We Did Full review! Variables and data types input(), + - * /, += -= *= /=, and how they effect different data types if elif and else statements and howRead More...