10 AM – Intro To Python – Private – Gamas
Homework Create Dec15_Private_ForLoopInRangeHomework2.py translate this Scratch code into Python. Use for loop in range. Create Dec15_WhileLoopHomework.py Copy codes 118 to 121.
Homework Create Dec15_Private_ForLoopInRangeHomework2.py translate this Scratch code into Python. Use for loop in range. Create Dec15_WhileLoopHomework.py Copy codes 118 to 121.
Homework These homeworks are due on 12/19 - Monday at 5 PM. Create a new python file Dec16_HowOldAreYouHomework.py Do exercises number 1 only from https://www.ayclogic.com/tell-me-your-age/ . This is an input from shellRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to kill bug chirping sound when bug goes off the screen. We added count down in the screen. We learned how to kill bug chirping soundRead More...