6 PM – Python OOP – Darin
What We Did Today: Continued monster inheritance project Applied ways to find a monster in the dictionary through looping through the keys of the dicitonary. Homework: Create a file called Aug6_InheritanceHW andRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued monster inheritance project Applied ways to find a monster in the dictionary through looping through the keys of the dicitonary. Homework: Create a file called Aug6_InheritanceHW andRead More...
What We Did Continued Magic 8 Ball project Homework In your Magic8Ball project (from class) If the user types in "quit" or "exit" (no matter what lower and upper case), end theRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to make a Kaleidoscope, and use the while loop to go through and repeat through the list items for colors Started on the Grocery System program,Read More...