American Young Coder (AYC)

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4:30pm – Python OOP – Roland

Today We Did Setup SchoolSystem project on local computer Continued working on SchoolSystem Project Find a teacher List all teachers dictionaries List all students dictionaries Add staff Homework Continue working on theRead More...

7 PM – Python OOP – Sebastian

Today We Did Added remaining logic for monster system project Only need to fix bugs for next class AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to emailRead More...

7 PM – Python OOP – Sebastian

Today We Did Full review of object oriented programming and inheritance Full explanation of homework assignment. AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...

7 PM – Python OOP – Darin

FINAL EXAM IS NEXT WEEK! So you have to study the past projects and finish up the final exam review. Today We Did Went over the final exam review, going over similarRead More...

6 PM – Python OOP – William

Today We Did Installed PyCharm Community Edition + created project Learned about Python dictionaries Key, value Add/update entries Get/delete entries Code for today's and future lessons can be found here (you shouldRead More...

6 PM – Python OOP – William

Today We Did Benchmarked dictionary vs. list Reviewed dictionary concepts Looping through keys, values dict.items() Homework Follow the instructions at: If you want supplemental reading about dictionaries, check out the textbook:Read More...

6 PM – Python OOP – William

Today We Did Created GrocerySystemV2 using Dictionaries Overview of Object-Oriented Programming Homework Create a file named Modify your original RobuxShopping code from Intro to Python to use dictionaries instead of multipleRead More...

6 PM – Python OOP – William

Today We: Reviewed homework/OOP Concepts Started SchoolSystem Created Student class for add_student() Created list and dictionary to store students Homework: Continue working on SchoolSystem: Add the following options to the menu: 2.Read More...

6 PM – Python OOP – Darin (William Sub)

What We Did Today: Continued School System Implemented the listing methods for both the student and teacher Converted the file into a class called SchoolSystem Homework: Continue working on SchoolSystem, butRead More...

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