American Young Coder (AYC)

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Latest Past Events

11 AM – Scratch 2 – Abigail

What we did today We started working on the Spaceship project. Homework Make 2 sprites: FirePowerUp & BombPowerUp Have both of the start from the top of the screen, move downwards, andRead More...

SAT – 6:30 PM – Intro To Java – Shawn

Today We Did Reviewed variables, data types, print statements, if statements, lists, and for loops Homework Make a file called and do  Email me at if you have anyRead More...

6 PM – Scratch 2 – Abigail

What we did today We finished working on the Fireball project. We went over the Scratch Level 2 Practice Exam. Homework Finish the last question of the Practice Exam (the bird one)Read More...

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