7 PM – Intro To Python – Darin (Bill Sub)
Your second quiz is next week Tuesday on June 18 What We Did Today: Reviewed the debugging homework. Finished the rest of the quiz 2 review. Reviewed concepts that will come outRead More...
Your second quiz is next week Tuesday on June 18 What We Did Today: Reviewed the debugging homework. Finished the rest of the quiz 2 review. Reviewed concepts that will come outRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about while loops using counter variables. Learnt about forever loops and using conditionals inside of while loops. Homework: Create one file named June13_WhileLoopsHW.py in Thonny as shown,Read More...
What We Did Today: Made a Robux System similar to BankSystem but with the ability to add money balance to make purchases. Learnt about the global keyword which is used for a functionRead More...
What We Did Today: Explained more details on the final project, assigned repositories on gitlab for project submissions and updates. Made the Game Landing Page mode. Implemented mouse clicking features. Homework:Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about functions (with and without return value) Learnt in depth on why we want to use functions and why they are useful. Learnt about parameters and commonRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued School System Implemented the listing methods for both the student and teacher Converted the main.py file into a class called SchoolSystem Homework: Continue working on SchoolSystem, butRead More...
What We Did Today: Did the second quiz. Homework: No homework! Enjoy your one week's break of no homework as next week we will learn something new - drawing in python!!
What We Did Today: Reviewed functions with/without return values Learnt about the random module. Learnt how to get a random integer using random.randint() Learnt how to get a random item from aRead More...
IN 2 WEEKS IS YOUR FINAL EXAM ON JULY 8 (next week is a holiday) What We Did Today: Reviewed topics for the final exam. Reviewed how to randomize colors for drawingRead More...
Next week is a holiday, we will meet again on July 8. What We Did Today: Finished Flappy Bird (Duck, or whatever you want to call the animal), adding the feature ofRead More...