What We Did Today: Finished Library Homework: Continue working on SupermarketApplication and do the following: Add print statements using item.name and item.price in each of the if statements. Outside the while loop,Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to combine multiple shapes into one function in turtle Homework: Create a file called July16_AdvancedTurtleHW.py and convert the following code into a function that can beRead More...
Today We Did: We reviewed each individual project. We continued on Shoot Balloon project by making balloon change colors and costumes. Created a target class with a pointer that follows the mouseRead More...
What We Did Today: Finished Supermarket Application Reviewed concepts/functions on using Dictionaries such as .values(), .keys(), and .items() Homework: Implement MonsterSystem.py and Monster.py and upload the two files into the google driveRead More...
What We Did Learned about functions with if else statements inside Learned about functions with return values Homework Create a new file called July23_FunctionsWithReturnValue: Do the "Try It Yourself" section for parts 8-1,Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to combine multiple shapes into one function in turtle Homework: Create your project proposal on paper or on tablet (by drawing), and label/color the drawing.Read More...
Today We Did: Setup PyCharm to use for the Python OOP class. Learnt a bit about a new data structure: Dictionary Homework: Create a new file called July29_DictionaryCopyHW.py and upload it intoRead More...
Today We Did: We reviewed each individual project. We continued on Shoot Balloon project by making target class complete and able to shoot down balloons. Added a score display for our scoreRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued monster inheritance project Learnt about the concept of inheritance (we haven't applied it yet) Homework: Continue in MonsterSystem.py and upload the file into the google drive whenRead More...
What We Did Learned more about the difference of functions with and without return values Learned how to generate random numbers and choices Homework Create a new file called July30_FunctionReview Copy andRead More...