10:30 AM – Intro To Python – Bill (Darin Sub)
What We Did Today: Reviewed the star wars homework problem involving functions and random module Learnt how to debug, and we did a couple debugging exercises Your HW: Create a new fileRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the star wars homework problem involving functions and random module Learnt how to debug, and we did a couple debugging exercises Your HW: Create a new fileRead More...
Today We Did Continued learning about functions Wrote examples of functions with parameters and return values Began learning about the random library SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ InRead More...