What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework on applying different concepts together in a function Covered extra ideas on functions including using functions inside other functions Practiced complicated examples for functions Homework:Read More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed for loop homeworks. We continue with while loop. Homework Submit your homework to your assigned google drive by Sunday evening. Create a new python file,Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed data types and variables Talked about typecasting Introduced control statements using if, else, and elif statements Homework: Create a file named Sep19_StringHomework2.py and upload it to theRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework on formatting of a function Learnt how to generate random numbers and choose a random item from a list Created Magic 8 Ball text basedRead More...
Today We Did Review using for loops to loop through list Can loop through every value Example: "for name in names" Can loop through every index by using range(n) function which returns kindRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Review __init__ method Review class attributes Review how create new instance of a Dog class. Create several instances of Dog class. Review how to useRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Python Exercises Homework Complete the Python Exercises if you haven't already Study for our quiz next week! Review: Variables (double/float, int, string) for loops while loops list operationsRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about .title(), .lower(), and .upper() for string capitalization Reviewed if, elif, and else statements Learnt about !=, >, >=, <, <= comparisons Learnt about and/or statements Homework:Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework of recreating the text based mini-game with random.choice instead of random.randint() Created a password generator program using random functions Started working on the StarWars worksheetRead More...
Today We Did 1st Python Quiz! Homework Create the following file: Oct2_WhileLoopHW.py Read textbook end of pg 117 until pg.123 and copy down the code If you have any questions or needRead More...