American Young Coder (AYC)

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6 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework on applying different concepts together in a function Covered extra ideas on functions including using functions inside other functions Practiced complicated examples for functions Homework:Read More...

7 PM – Intro To Python – William

Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed for loop homeworks. We continue with while loop. Homework Submit your homework to your assigned google drive by Sunday evening. Create a new python file,Read More...

6 PM- Intro To Python – Darin

What We Did Today:  Reviewed data types and variables Talked about typecasting Introduced control statements using if, else, and elif statements Homework: Create a file named and upload it to theRead More...

6 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework on formatting of a function Learnt how to generate random numbers and choose a random item from a list Created Magic 8 Ball text basedRead More...

5:00 PM – Python OOP – Juan

Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Review __init__ method Review class attributes Review how create new instance of a Dog class. Create several instances of Dog class. Review how to useRead More...

7 PM – Intro to Python – William

Today We Did Reviewed Python Exercises Homework Complete the Python Exercises if you haven't already Study for our quiz next week! Review: Variables (double/float, int, string) for loops while loops list operationsRead More...

6 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

What We Did Today: Learnt about .title(), .lower(), and .upper() for string capitalization Reviewed if, elif, and else statements Learnt about !=, >, >=, <, <= comparisons Learnt about and/or statements Homework:Read More...

6 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework of recreating the text based mini-game with random.choice instead of random.randint() Created a password generator program using random functions Started working on the StarWars worksheetRead More...

7 PM – Intro to Python – William

Today We Did 1st Python Quiz! Homework Create the following file: Read textbook end of pg 117 until pg.123 and copy down the code If you have any questions or needRead More...

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