Today we did: Learned lists Started for and for each loops Remember, you can reference the code from our lesson in the class Google Drive folder: Homework: Make the following files:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Robot Builder HW Learned about drawing circles Created face function Homework Name your file Finish the smile for the face1 function using turtle.setheading(direction) Create a letter_A() functionRead More...
What We Did Today: Had our first quiz covering topics so far on data types, conditionals (if statements), for/while loops, and input from shell Homework: No Homework!
Gamas sub Today We Did We learned the difference between if elif else with a lot ifs. We learned how to get input from Shell. We learned how to convert from StringRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed lists Continued for loops with lists Homework: Make the following files: Read pages 37-41 and copy the code down into a file Follow these instructions: Upload yourRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the quiz 1 content and things to remember Introduced functions with no return value, and how to use them to reduce code duplication and make things simplerRead More...
Homework Continue with Draw the face and the neck according to below screenshot We drew one left arm in the class, draw two more left arms like above screenshot. You needRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed homework on functions with no return value Introduced the topic of functions with return values Homework: There are two parts to the homework, the website and theRead More...
Today we did: Learned about for loop with range Started learning while loops Homework: Make the following files: Compete Try It Yourself 4-1 and 4-2 on p. 56 Read textbookRead More...
What We Did Today: Introduced the concept of programming in python Learned about variables and 3 data types: Integers, Floats/Doubles, Strings Learned about printing to the shell Learned about doing math withRead More...