Today we did: We learned how to draw a Kaleido Spiral using turtle. We reviewed project progress. Homework: Continue on your personal turtle project. By next week June 5rd, your project shouldRead More...
Today we did: We went over the homework and the steps to drawing the right arm for the robot. We started drawing a face using circles instead of squares. Homework: Continue withRead More...
Today We Did Understood more about objects and how we should store them in our dictionaries Finished the remaining methods for library system Understood why it would be better for some objectsRead More...
What we did Quiz Review Turtle Intro Homework Do in file If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at
What we did today We started working on the Birthday Card project. Homework Get 2 Shark sprites. Make one of them glide from the top left corner -> bottom right corner. MakeRead More...
What we did Function with return value review Homework Do problems 4-7 in into a file named If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at
Today we: Finished coding the fireball and bombs Finished the Spaceship 2.0 project Started the Fantastic Flowers project Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to by Monday atRead More...
Today we: Coded a Dinosaur sprite Coded a Level Banner sprite Finished coding level 2 Finished the Jumpy Monkey project Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an emailRead More...
Today We Did Helped with project work Finished GrocerySystem project Started Robux Shopping Cart project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Name your homework MAY31_project_hw,Read More...
Today we: Started the Dino Dance project Learned about sprites and costumes Coded three dinosaur sprites to switch costumes Homework: Read and do the codes in the Scratch Book Pg. 41-42. DoRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Homework Make a new class called Cloud in a file called similar to the one we made for Bird. Use the cloud1.png image, andRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Spiralizer project. We finished working on the Spiralizer project. We began working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Make/draw 4 splat costumes. MakeRead More...
Gamas sub. Today We Did We reviewed page 84 homework We further review if elif else concepts Homework Homework is due WED night and please upload to your assigned google drive. CreateRead More...
Today we: Finished the Spiralizer project. Started the Tunnel of Doom project. Homework: Make a You Win Banner sprite. It should be round (use the circle tool to make it) and sayRead More...
What we did Classes review Homework Create a file named Do the TRY IT YOURSELF on page 167 If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at
Homework In activity_setting.xml, set the background image drawable/background_img.png After adding background image, add a big blue text on the top center of the page "SETTING" After that, add a switch. A switchRead More...
Homework Continue with your Turtle project (20 % of your grade), by next week June 10, you should have done 75% of your turtle. Turtle project is due on June 17. ThereRead More...
Today we: Finished the Mary Had A Little Lamb project. Started the Virtual Snow project. Homework: Make the Snow clones randomly show up between the left side of the screen and theRead More...
Today we: Finished the Fantastic flowers project. Started the Intro To List project. Finished the Intro To List project. Started the Mary Had A Little Lamb List Version project. Homework: Add theRead More...
Homework You need to display player1 and player 2 names in Game Activity page. Whatever names that they enter in MainActivity you need to use that in GameActivity page. To do this,Read More...
Your HW: Create a game proposal like the example below: Make sure to have a list of plans for the next nine weeks
Your HW: Add collision between the coins and player When they collide, increase a score variable by ten Display that score variable on the screen Make sure it resets when a newRead More...
Today we: Edited coding bugs Finished the Fire and Ice project Had a review session to prepare for the final test Homework: For this week, you do not have to email meRead More...
Today We Did We started with Tic Tac Toe project. We started with landing page (activity_main.xml) We added background image, title image, one TextView and one EditField. Homework Continue with activity_main.xml makeRead More...
Your HW: Study for the test next week, (2 hours) Monster Inheritance system Grocery System V4 School System (lists) Dictionary (Beginning of class) Try doing the practice test again but try notRead More...
Homework Continue with your Turtle project (20 % of your grade), by next week June 12, you should have done 75% of your turtle. Turtle project is due on June 19. ThereRead More...
Today we did: We went over the homework and learned how to draw different types of faces We learned how to use t.setheading() in order to change the angle of a shape.Read More...
Today We Did Started and almost finished Supermarket Application OOP Saw a great example about why objects are helpful (they can store multiple attributes) In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
What we did Quiz Review Robot Builder Start Homework Complete the RobotBuilder we started in class, in the same file. Below is a picture for reference. If you have any questions, don’tRead More...
What we did Random module (random.randint and random.choice) Homework Do the homework in this link: Put it in a file called If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to emailRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Birthday Card project. Homework Get 2-3 pictures of you and a close friend, family member, pet, etc. If you aren't able to getRead More...
Today we: Continued the Fantastic Flowers project Learned about "my blocks" Created flowers by using "my blocks" Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to by Monday at 8Read More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We continued with Doom On The Broom. We added the feature to make the witch turn left and right. We added the bat sprite. We utilized aRead More...
Today We Did Lots of project review and advice Worked together to create a few more letters for our projects Finished Robux Balance Program In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Homework Inside create a new method called create_cloud() that should be similar to create_bird(), Make a new cloud every 90 seconds
Today we: Continued the Dino Dance project Learned about directions in Scratch Edited coding bugs Homework: Read and do the codes in the Scratch Book Pg. 43-45. Do the codes in theRead More...
What we did today Made clones of the Splat sprite. Learned how to make the clones go to random places on the screen. Learned about video motion. Homework Do pg. 138, #10-12.Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed page 84: 5-5 We learned how to get an input from shell Homework Create Do number 3 from . Make sure to use input fromRead More...
Today we: Finished the Tunnel of Doom project. Started the Window Cleaner project. Homework: Do page 138, #10-12 in your pink coding book. Send your homework to this email: Don’t forget to share yourRead More...
What we did Classes review & starting school system Homework Continue working on the school system! Here's the code from today: Add the following features: Add teacher List all teachers FindRead More...
Today we: Finished the Virtual Snow project. Homework: No homework! Study or review your old projects if you think you need to. We will do a practice test next week. Share yourRead More...
Today we: Finished the Mary Had A Little Lamb List project. Started the Shopping Cart project. Homework: Add the Muffin, Bread, Donut, Jam, and Milk sprites. When the Cat sprite says "Pastries,"Read More...
Homework In the, if the user forgot to put either player1 name or player2 name. Prevent user from starting the game. You need to display an Android alert. Example on howRead More...
What We Did We continued with Tic Tac Toe game. We added code to have Setting page with switch. We added code to add the Setting gear image view in the mainRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed dictionaries Finished phone book dictionary program In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Name your homework JUN10_dictionary_hw, please submit by next Friday.Read More...
Your HW: Buy and download assets Add more details for each of the days, make them look like how July 1 is written Separate Jun 10 different files different days Give themRead More...
Today We Did We added player1 and player2 text fields and Start Game button. When user enter start game button, whatever text user enters in player1 text field will be displayed inRead More...
Today we: Began reviewing the practice test Homework: For this week, you do not have to email me your homework. You only have to finish the Practice Test that was emailed toRead More...
Today We Did: We finished up the Cheese Chase by adding in the Level banners. Started the Fantastic Flower project Was able to create the petals. For Homework: Do pages from 116-117Read More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We learned how life without functions would be miserable because there will be a lot of code duplications and your entire codes would be very long. WeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework Spent a lot of time understanding the pro's and con's of attributes vs using the variables we learned about in the beginning of class "local variables" ReviewedRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed last week homework super briefly. We learned how to fix python errors. We fixed broken python codes from Homework Create a new python fileRead More...
What we did today We worked on the Custom Birthday Card project. Homework Send your project link to this email -> Make sure your project is SHARED. Format your subject lineRead More...
Today we: Continued creating flowers by using “my blocks” Created flower stems by using "my blocks" Finished the Fantastic Flowers project Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send anRead More...
Today we: Continued the Doom on the Broom project Continued coding the Witch sprite Added and coded the Speedy Spector and Dragon sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch,Read More...
Today We Did Received final corrections to project Final exam review In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Name your homework JUN14_final_project, please submit by nextRead More...
Today We Did Defining a function: name, parameters. Functions without return values. Functions with return values Homework Pg. 137, 138 Name your file: and do Problems 6, 7
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Homework Create the Player class in a file called using the player-1.png image. The player doesn't have to move. Make 1 player in main.pyRead More...
Today we: Continued the Dino Dance project Coded Dinosaur3 to move up and down when the up and down arrow keys are pressed Added and coded the background Homework: Read and doRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Do page 137 and 139 on your pink Scratch book. (Do the Score and the Difficulty layer) If youRead More...
What We Did We learned on how to do OR operator inside if or elif statements. We reviewed homework number 3 from Homework If you did not do last week homework, pleaseRead More...
Today we: Continued the Window Cleaner project. Homework: Make 3 more Splat costumes. You should have 4 costumes in total. After a clone is created, switch to the next costume. Send your homeworkRead More...
Today We Did: We reviewed the quizzes that we took a week before. Small reminder to make sure to take everything step by step when creating your code. Started the Monster InheritanceRead More...
Today We Did Create new class called Staff Reviewed the difference between attributes and parameters Added staff methods In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework AddRead More...
Today we: Went over the practice test. Homework: Finish the practice test. Don't forget to share your project before submitting it. Make sure you followed all of the instructions. This practice test isRead More...
Today we: Finished the Shopping Cart project. Started the How Old Are You project. Homework: Add "if then" blocks and leave them empty. You should have 7 "if then" blocks in total.Read More...
Homework Continue with Tic Tac Toe project. Add more codes in inside checkWinner() method Add code to check for winner in columns Add code to check for winner in diagonals. RefactorRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to use SharedPreference to enable and disable sound. Homework In the, when user enter the page, make sure to set the Switch according to theRead More...
Today We Did Finished Grocery System V2 Began learning about object oriented programming Learned about classes, constructors, attributes, methods, and objects In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed question 1 from exam a Reviewed question 2 from exam b In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Please review the codeRead More...
Your HW: Create a game proposal like the example below: Make sure to have a list of plans for the next nine weeks with about a paragraph each of details FindRead More...
Homework Further configure activity_game.xml to have the following component one more TextView under the circle image. Linear Layout under player1ScoreText. Set the ID of the linearLayout to gameBoard. One blue button underRead More...
Gamas Sub What We Did We learned using My Block can eliminate code duplication and reduce the length of your codes. We enhanced Chase Cheese codes to use My Block to controlRead More...
Today We Did Completed Quiz #2 Quiz scores are sent to your email. Started learning about the basics of Turtle Graphics. New schedule: Monday/Thursday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Homework Homework dueRead More...
Today We Did Drew more advanced shapes, such as different faces, the letter A, and a polygon. Homework Create your final project proposal following all the guidelines here: This should beRead More...
Today We Did Introduction to inheritance Began Monster System project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Name your homework JUN20_monster_system_hw, please submit by next Monday.Read More...
What we did today We started working on Tunnel of Doom. Homework Do pages 129-130 on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email me at
Today we: Started the Cheese Chase project Created the Maze sprite Coded the Mouse to stop moving when touching the Maze Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send anRead More...
Today we: Continued the Doom on the Broom project Coded the Forcefield sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to by Tuesday at 8 PM. In that email, writeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed HW problems 6, 7 from: Learned about the random module, random.choice() and random.randint() View what we covered today at: Homework Name your file: and do:Read More...
Today we: Finished the Dino Dance project Started the Animal Race project Learned about variables Coded the Cat sprite to count Homework: Read and do the codes in the Scratch book pg.Read More...
What we did today Started working on the Punch Dummy project. Homework Customize the hair of your Dummy sprite. (make it interesting) Make a second costume of your Dummy sprite. (One costumeRead More...
Today We Did We learned more about input from shell. How to convert from String to Integer. We learned about +=, -=. *=, /= . Homework Create a new Python file June22_HowOldAreYou.pyRead More...
Today we: Finished the Window Cleaner project. Started the Birthday Card project. Homework: Make the Shark1 sprite sing the 3rd line in the birthday song. "Happy birthday dear !" Make the Shark2Read More...
Today We: Continued working on the Flappy Duck project Made the tubes have random heights Started working on the player Your HW: Load the 2 flapping images of the player in theRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed problems from Quiz #2. Continued learning about Turtle Graphics: Reviewed HW. Learned about turtle.begin_fill() and turtle.end_fill() New schedule: Monday/Thursday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Homework Name your fileRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed and finished SchoolSystem Homework Modify the code we wrote in class with the following instructions: Create find book by ID Create a new attribute: a dictionary namedRead More...
Today we did: Variables and data types Getting user input with java.util.Scanner If-Else statements Started learning lists Homework: Create new Java HW files: The HW is due SundayRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the practice test. Homework: Study and review your past projects. Share your homework and submit it to this email: Don’t forget to share your project. Homework is due on Friday night. NO CLASSRead More...
Today we: Finished the How Old Are You project. Homework: Do the Movie Ticket Price project Create a new project called Movie Ticket Price Add the sprite called D-Money Dance. Change theRead More...
Today We Did We added GamePreferences in so the Sound switch will reflect the last on and off setting. Homework Next week you guys will have 1st quiz, where you needRead More...
Today We Did Went over dictionary homework Reviewed more core OOP concepts like when/why attributes are helpful and an be used Created Dog class and showed how objects can interact with eachRead More...
Your HW: Continue working on your game Use the placeholder assets until you receive your real ones No class next week, Independence Day (July 1 to July 7) Keep working on yourRead More...
Your HW: Add more details to the schedule part of your proposal Purchase and download your assets No class next week, Independence Day (July 1 to July 7) Start working on yourRead More...
Today We Did We made some progress about game_activity.xml layouts. We learned basic XML files and syntax. Homework Inside SchoolSystem project (the one which we did inside Intro To Java class), createRead More...
Today We: Took the Final Test Important Information: In honor of Independence Day, the school will be closed from Saturday 7/1 – Friday 7/7. There is no class next week. Our nextRead More...
Today We Did Learned about variables, data types: int, float, string, and boolean. int and string operations. Converting data types, int(), str()... Learned about if-elif-else statements. Learned about boolean expressions. View whatRead More...
Today We Did: 1. Changed the Mary Had A Little Lamb project to use list 2. Got used to how to use the list blocks For Homework: 1. Create a new listRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework. Modified our rectangle function, using parameters, to specify: Starting (x, y) coordinates. Length and width. Color and fill color Created a left_arm function for ourRead More...
Today We Did Continued Monster System program Added new menu items to get the last bit of required user input In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today we did: Finished List operations Enhanced For Loops (For Each Loops) For Loops, incorporating arrays Homework: Create new Java HW files: (Problems 1 and 2) (ProblemRead More...
Today We Did Quiz 2 Homework None – enjoy your break! NOTE THAT WE HAVE NO CLASS NEXT WEEK DUE TO INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY! If you have questions, feel free to emailRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Tunnel of Doom project. We started working on the Spiralizer project. Homework Do pages 98-99. Make a background with at least 2 colors.Read More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project Began creating level 2 Added more Beetle sprites Created another Maze costume Important Information: In honor of Independence Day, the school will be closed fromRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the homework due today for strings and if-else. Reviewed: Strings: upper(), title(), lower() If-elif-else Learned about lists: Accessing and modifying lists by index. Adding to lists: append(), insert()Read More...
Today we: Fixed coding bugs Coded enemies to delete when they touch the Forcefield Finished the Doom on the Broom project Started the Fire and Ice Fight project Coded two sprites toRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Magic8Ball using random.randint() and random.choice() Finished Password Generator and Star Wars problems. View what we covered at No class on July 5th Homework Name your file: July12_FixingBugs1_HW.pyRead More...
Today we: Continued the Animal Race project Learned about broadcast and when I receive Coded the Dog sprite to move Created the Finish Line sprite Important Information: In honor of Independence Day,Read More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Game Homework Make the Fireball class in Use the bullet.png image and it should move right. Inside a method called create_fireball() in, addRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Punch Dummy project. Homework Add the "Big Boing" sound effect whenever you punch the dummy. optional: try to do the Boxing glove sprite. UseRead More...
Today We Did: How to access lists Add items to a list Remove items from a list, and Modify lists. Homework Create new python file named For those with second editionRead More...
Today we: Finished the Window Cleaner project. Started the Birthday Card project. Homework: Find 1 picture of your mom and 2 different pictures of yourself. Make sure to save them on theRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework Make the Coin class in, using the coin_1-3 images for animation. In, make a coin group and 1 coin andRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework for Robot Builder. Complex shapes and polygons. No class next week. Next class on July 10, 7:00 PM. Homework Project proposal (drawing) due July 10.Read More...
Today We Did: Continued with the Monster Inheritance, added in the magic damage Learned about inheritance and how it works with parent and child classes. For Homework: Create 2 new monster classesRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed and finished LibrarySystem Began SchoolSystem Homework Work on Delete the attribute. You're going to use the dictionary to print out the menu instead! Create the print_menu_and_take_input()Read More...