Today We Did Learned about variables, data types: int, float, string, and boolean. int and string operations. Converting data types, int(), str()... Learned about if-elif-else statements. Learned about boolean expressions. View whatRead More...
Today We Did: 1. Changed the Mary Had A Little Lamb project to use list 2. Got used to how to use the list blocks For Homework: 1. Create a new listRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework. Modified our rectangle function, using parameters, to specify: Starting (x, y) coordinates. Length and width. Color and fill color Created a left_arm function for ourRead More...
Today We Did Continued Monster System program Added new menu items to get the last bit of required user input In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today we did: Finished List operations Enhanced For Loops (For Each Loops) For Loops, incorporating arrays Homework: Create new Java HW files: (Problems 1 and 2) (ProblemRead More...
Today We Did Quiz 2 Homework None – enjoy your break! NOTE THAT WE HAVE NO CLASS NEXT WEEK DUE TO INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY! If you have questions, feel free to emailRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Tunnel of Doom project. We started working on the Spiralizer project. Homework Do pages 98-99. Make a background with at least 2 colors.Read More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project Began creating level 2 Added more Beetle sprites Created another Maze costume Important Information: In honor of Independence Day, the school will be closed fromRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the homework due today for strings and if-else. Reviewed: Strings: upper(), title(), lower() If-elif-else Learned about lists: Accessing and modifying lists by index. Adding to lists: append(), insert()Read More...
Today we: Fixed coding bugs Coded enemies to delete when they touch the Forcefield Finished the Doom on the Broom project Started the Fire and Ice Fight project Coded two sprites toRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Magic8Ball using random.randint() and random.choice() Finished Password Generator and Star Wars problems. View what we covered at No class on July 5th Homework Name your file: July12_FixingBugs1_HW.pyRead More...
Today we: Continued the Animal Race project Learned about broadcast and when I receive Coded the Dog sprite to move Created the Finish Line sprite Important Information: In honor of Independence Day,Read More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Game Homework Make the Fireball class in Use the bullet.png image and it should move right. Inside a method called create_fireball() in, addRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Punch Dummy project. Homework Add the "Big Boing" sound effect whenever you punch the dummy. optional: try to do the Boxing glove sprite. UseRead More...
Today We Did: How to access lists Add items to a list Remove items from a list, and Modify lists. Homework Create new python file named For those with second editionRead More...
Today we: Finished the Window Cleaner project. Started the Birthday Card project. Homework: Find 1 picture of your mom and 2 different pictures of yourself. Make sure to save them on theRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework Make the Coin class in, using the coin_1-3 images for animation. In, make a coin group and 1 coin andRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework for Robot Builder. Complex shapes and polygons. No class next week. Next class on July 10, 7:00 PM. Homework Project proposal (drawing) due July 10.Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed and finished LibrarySystem Began SchoolSystem Homework Work on Delete the attribute. You're going to use the dictionary to print out the menu instead! Create the print_menu_and_take_input()Read More...
Today We Did: Continued with the Monster Inheritance, added in the magic damage Learned about inheritance and how it works with parent and child classes. For Homework: Create 2 new monster classesRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the homework due today for lists and if elif else. Reviewed: If-elif-else Lists Learned about for loops: For loop with list For loop with range View what weRead More...
Today we: Took the Scratch Level 1 Final Test. Homework: No homework! When I am done grading your test I will release your score. You will get an email showing your score.Read More...
Today We Did Added object oriented programming to grocery shopping cart with GroceryItem class In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Name your homework JUN8_OOP_hw, pleaseRead More...
Today We Did We setup SAT-3PM-TOD project. We created gitlab project and clone them and checkout individual branches. Added background and Enemy class. Homework Inside Enemy class, resize the image according toRead More...
Today We Did First day of class, learned about dictionaries! How do the following in dictionaries: create, get key's value, add key/value pair to dictionary, update key's value, delete item from dictionary,Read More...
Your HW: Continue to work on your game Remember that anything you did not complete previously is also added onto your homework (Make sure to update your document) Finish making the assetsRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the Final Test Homework: Ask your parents to contact Mr. Gamas about when to schedule your Retake Test Study for the Retake Test Study the Practice Test answers IfRead More...
Today We Did We learned more about XML how a data can be represented using tags or attributes of tags. We added the board with the 9 boxes in activity_game.xml using LinearLayout.Read More...
Today we: Started the Dino Dance project. Added the Dinosaur sprite and made it dance by pressing the space key. Added another Dinosaur sprite and made it dance on its own. Homework:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed the homework due today about: for loop with list and with range Reviewed for loops: with lists and in range. Learned about while loops: Forever loops and breakingRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Mary Had a Little Lamb project. We started working on the Supermarket List project. Homework Add 6 more food sprites (2 in eachRead More...
Today We Did Setting up Gitlab and PyCharm Learned about how to load images Learned how to blit images In case you need anything, feel free to email me at HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework for project proposals If I gave you critiques, make sure to modify your project proposal Finished reviewing complex shapes and circles. Finished Kaleido Spiral Homework Make significantRead More...
Today We Did Finished Monster System Finally understood why we have unique classes for monsters like Dragon and Troll (so they can handle magic attacks differently) In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Today we did: While Loops Random module Magic 8 Ball Started Java Methods Homework: Create new Java HW files: The HW is due by Thursday night (July 13th).Read More...
Today We Did Turtle intro turtle.goto(x, y) — move to particular spot on screen turtle.fill(color) — fill shape with color turtle.penup(), turtle.pendown() — lift pen up and down turtle.color(color) — set colorRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Spiralizer project. We started working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Make 3 more costumes for your Splat sprite. Make the last costumeRead More...
Today We Did: We continued with the Cheese Chase project by going over the homework and adding in the level banner and also you win/gameover banner Discussed about the myblocks again andRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the homework due today about: while loop and functions Functions: Without return values With return values Random module: random.randint(start, end), random.choice(list) Magic8Ball View what we covered today at More...
Today we: Fixed coding bugs Continued the Fire and Ice Fight project Coded the Instruction sprite to hide and show Began coding the Fireball sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homeworkRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed fixing bugs HW, part 1 and part 2. Reviewed errors and fixing bugs. Reviewed quiz 2 practice problems: View what we covered at Homework Study forRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed all the things we have learned so far. We made the box00 clickable and we set either circle or cross image on the box00 Homework Next classRead More...
Today we: Continued the Animal Race project Created the Flag sprite Coded the Flag sprite to hide when the game starts Coded the Flag sprite to use the second costume and showRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Game Homework add a hitbox to the fireball and blit it to the screen. If you have any questions, please send an email to
What we did today We started working on the Mary Had a Little Lamb (MHALL) project. Homework Add 3 more notes to your project. You can duplicate your C sprite because theRead More...
Today We Did: Understanding the difference between del/pop, and append/insert How to find length of a list Introduction to For Loops for lists Homework: Create new python file named 2nd edition:Read More...
Today we: Finished the Birthday Card project. Started the Punch the Dummy project. Homework: Make a new sprite. Call it "Head." Use the circle tool to draw the head. Change the fillRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework add a hitbox to the player and the tube by adding a self.rect for both classes and please show both hitboxes onRead More...
Today We Did Finished Grocery System program Started working on Robux Balance program View what we covered today at Homework Make more progress on your project. Submit your file Entire projectRead More...
Today We Did Finished and reviewed Supermarket Application Learned what inheritance is. Started the MonsterInheritance project. Created our Monster class, Dragon, and Troll. Homework Copy pages 168 to 170 in your textbookRead More...
Today We Did We finished Monster Inheritance project. We learned the difference between private, protected and public access modifier. We learned about "super" keyword in Java on how to access parent classRead More...
Today we did: Finished Java Methods Started School System Add a student List all students Homework: Create new Java HW files: Create a new method convertFromFahrenheitToCelcius. It has one parameter intRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed the turtle project from everyone. If you submitted by July 15 before night, then you will get 5% extra point for your turtle project. We continued onRead More...
Today we: All passed the Scratch Level 1 Final Test! Homework: No homework! Submit your homework here: Don’t forget to share your homework or else I can’t see it. Homework is due FridayRead More...
Today We Did Review of dictionaries and OOP Began SchoolSystem program In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Create a new folder in our Google DriveRead More...
Today We Did We learned on how to load images using for in range for loop. We created config,py We learned about the enemy movement regions. Homework Our next class is goingRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed dictionaries and how they're much faster than lists Began grocery system v2 Understand how we use the dictionary; we make the selection point to the name and theRead More...
Today we: Made the Dinosaur3 sprite move back and forth across the screen. Added the Spotlight background and made it change color. Made music play forever. Homework: Do pages 43-44, #25-28 inRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed functions homework Reviewed fixing bugs and errors Finished fixing bugs problem 1 in class: Went over practice problems for review: View what we covered today at More...
What we did today We finished working on the Supermarket project Tested understanding of lists Homework Test out the lower block to make the cat mention the names of the food afterRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed how to use Gitlab & went over homework Learned how to change the size of an image by scaling Learned how to change the position of an imageRead More...
Today We Did Finished the Robux Balance System project. Reviewed final projects and made critiques. Homework Make significant progress on your project. Project due July 24th Final test July 24th Project criteria:Read More...
Today we did: Finished School System methods: Find student Find teacher List all teachers List all teenager students Edit student Homework: Finish Find Teacher: Print "We cannot find teacher with name: _____Read More...
Today We Did Turtle review (last week): turtle.goto(x, y) — move to particular spot on screen turtle.fill(color) — fill shape with color turtle.penup(), turtle.pendown() — lift pen up and down turtle.color(color) —Read More...
Today We Did Full review of object oriented programming Went over strategies for how to best take the test In case you need anything, feel free to email me at HomeworkRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Add a "score" variable. Increase the score by 1 every time you delete a splat clone. If you haveRead More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project Edited coding bugs Coded the Ghost sprite to move faster in level 2 Used "my blocks" to code the Mouse to move Important Reminders: AfterRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Quiz 2 problems Starting learning about the turtle module Completely Robot Builder left_arm and right_arm. View what we covered today at Homework Name your file Finish the restRead More...
Today we: Fixed coding bugs Continued the Fire and Ice Fight project Continued coding the Fireball sprite Coded only four fireballs to show at a time Coded Gumball to lose a lifeRead More...
Today we: Finished the Animal Race project Started the Ask Gobo project Coded Gobo to talk Randomized the ReplyNumber variable from 1-2 Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, sendRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Game Homework Make a new function called create_fireball_skill so that when the e key is pressed, create 4 fireballs that are stacked vertically, and addRead More...
What We Did Today: Using if statements inside for loops Understand how indentation works for for loops, how to put code inside a for loop versus outside a for loop Homework: More...
Today We Did We continued on TOD project. We specifically worked on the 3 steps to enable the enemy movements What direction should the enemy move according to its region. Move theRead More...
Today we: Finished the Eyeball, Head, and BoxingGlove sprite. Homework: Make the Pow sprite show up in this part of the screen. Send your homework to this email: Don’t forget to share your projectRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework Modify spawn_tubes so that the coin will appear either at the top or at the bottom. If you have any questions, pleaseRead More...
Today We Did Project critiques Turtle review Final test review Homework Project due July 24th Due by 8:00 AM Final test July 24th 7PM - 9PM. You have two hours to take theRead More...
Gamas Sub What We Did We went through Android Studio installation process We started Temperature Converter project. Homework Continue on Temperature Converter project by adding UI component 5 and 6. component 5Read More...
Today we did: Reviewed Homework — finished SchoolSystem Intro to Hashmaps (similar to dictionaries in python) map.put(key, value) - add to hashmap map.get(key) - get value from hashmap map.containsKey(key) - see ifRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed homework We continued creating the for MonsterInheritance project. Homework Continue with MonsterInheritance and add these 2 features: List All Monsters and StartRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Turtle project Reviewed and finished Started Robux Shopping Cart program Created handle_transaction function We can buy Robux items We can add Robux if we enter the rightRead More...
Today We Did: Started on the Spaceship Project Made the spaceship move Made the stars and asteroids fall and disappear Added backdrop Made the spaceship able to shoot fireballs and disappear (withoutRead More...
Today We Did Continued the School System program Created all methods for students and teachers In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework In our SchoolSystem folderRead More...
Today We Did Introduction to object oriented programming class: a blueprint for an object made up of methods and attributes method: a function belonging to a class attribute: a variable belonging toRead More...
Today we: Added the purple ballerina to our Dino Dance Started Animal Race ( Created Sprites for our Cat, Dog, Bat, and set the Background Created our variable, count, and made itRead More...
Today We Did Finished Robot Builder Complete complex shapes and Face 1. View what we covered today at Homework Name your file Finish the Face2 function Questions? Email me at
Homework: Submit a proposal for your Python Turtle project. This is due next week on July 31. Proposal means a drawing (with colors) that satisfy requirements in Take a picture orRead More...
Today We Did Created bird class with constructor and update method Created sprite group to add instance of bird Added create_bird() method which creates new bird objects according to our timer CodeRead More...
Today we did: AYCLOGIC Email Application Implemented Login System with menu Created EmailMessage class Implemented Create Email Message Started Check Inbox Homework: Finish checkInbox(EmailAccount account) If there are no emails in theRead More...
Today We Did Spent lots of time answering any questions about the practice exam Reviewed all topics from the class to remember everything we've learned so far Went over good test takingRead More...
Today We Did Turtle review: using goto vs forward/left/right Finished drawing several shapes (faces, polygon, letter a, circle) Homework Create your final project proposal following all the guidelines here: See last week'sRead More...
Today We Did: Finished up Window Cleaner project, adding counter and ability to erase splats using mouse. Started working on Punch Dummy project. Homework: Make the head in the Punch Dummy projectRead More...
Today we: Edited coding bugs Finished the Cheese Chase project Started the Intro to List project Learned about lists Coded the Cat sprite to say all items in a list Finished theRead More...
Today We Did Finished Face 2 Function Finished KaleidoSpiral Finished Grocery System View what we covered today at Homework Complete your project proposal and upload to your Google Drive: Name your file Jul31_ProjectProposalRead More...
Today We Did: Made the second sprite have the same capabilities as the first sprite (to shoot projectiles and reduce the opponents health) Started on adding the apple and star power upsRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Game Homework Make a new function called create_giant_fireball so that when the r key is pressed, create a fireball that is size 150, make aRead More...
Today we did: We finished the rest of the Ask Gobo project by adding all the responses, the audio for the responses, and switched costumes for each response. We started the FunnyRead More...
What we did today Modified each sprite to broadcast their note to play sound and move at the same time Finished 1st measure of Mary Had a Little Lamb Homework Finish theRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed homework for animal_list, understanding how to use if statements inside of for loops (reviewing how to add items to a list) Understanding how to use for loopRead More...
Today We Did We added "region <region>" information on the screen for debugging purposes. We added EnemyTwo class which inherits from Enemy class. This way we can override the self.images used forRead More...
Today we did: We went over the homework for last week and we started the Mary Had a Little Lamb project. Homework: Finish the rest of the song by using the sameRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework add the credit button to the landing page. Do this in playbutton_and_title() Start thinking about what kind of game you want toRead More...
Today We Did We continued creating the for MonsterInheritance project. Added sword attack Continued on start game Homework Create file called and do 9-6 and 9-7 on page 173 inRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed HW and Practice Quiz Quiz :) Started MonsterInheritance Created run() method Homework: Create a Monster class: Monsters should have 3 attributes: String species int health int maxAttack CreateRead More...
Today We Did We completed RobuxShoppingCart program. Homework Next week is 2 hours final test. Please prepare the following topics. Python Turtle - make sure you know how to do draw rectangle,Read More...
Today We Did: Continued with the Spaceship project Added in the lightning and fixed up the fireball Made it so that the game would be over when we hit the asteroid andRead More...
Today We Did Completed School System Began Library System Continued to understand the differences between attributes and variables In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework CreateRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed some important parts of object oriented programming classes attributes the constructor Added object oriented programming to grocery system In case you need anything, feel free to email meRead More...
Gamas Sub Homework In your Dinosaur game add the game assets and audio credits. In Shoot Balloon game Add one more parameter to Explosion.__init__: score And display the score on top ofRead More...
Today we: Learned Data Types Integers Floats/doubles Strings Learned operators (+ - / *) Learned print statements Homework: Create a file named Copy the code (not output) in pages 20-23 in the bookRead More...
(Indo Time) What we did today We continued working on the Hatsune Miku drawing. Homework Look up some fancy or interesting eye designs and implement them in your Hatsune Miku drawing. MakeRead More...
Today We Did Looked through project proposals & looked closely at the requirements Finished the entire Robux Shopping project Learned how to create programs based off what the menu requires (this willRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed Supermarket Started on How Old Are You (for Kurt and Jensen) Used if statements and ask blocks to get name and age of users Homework: For KurtRead More...
Today we did: Learned about variables and data types (Integer, float, string) Learned about print() statements String concatenation Started learning If-Else statements Homework: Create a new file named (make a newRead More...
Today We Did Explored the topic of class variables Animated our birds to flap when flying You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: More...
Today we did: Reviewed Quiz and homework Continued MonsterInheritance project: initializeMonsters() addNewMonster() play() healMonster() meleeAttack() Started arrowAttack() Homework: Finish arrowAttack() If monster has no more HP, print: "The (monster species) has beenRead More...
What we did today We continued working on Punch the dummy project. Homework Add the "Big Boing" sound effect every time you punch the dummy. Add the punching bag sprite into theRead More...
Today We Did Drawing half-circles for a windmill pattern Using for loops and random.choice to draw 10 randomly colored faces Homework Start on your final project. Do all the letters and atRead More...
Homework: Start working on your turtle python project according to your proposal. By next week August 8, you should have done 25% of it. If you have any questions, feel free toRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed "Intro to List" from last week Finished Mary Had A Little Lamb (with lists) Homework: Make TWO more songs using a list in the Mary Had ARead More...
Today We Did: Finished the apple and almost finished the star sprite power-ups, using broadcasts and new variables Implemented the color change and giant fireball/iceball codes Homework: In the current code, youRead More...
Today We Did Quiz 2 Review Started learning about Turtle Homework Create a new file “” Fill in all shapes Create a new function “draw_rectangle”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, drawRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Game Homework In playbutton_and_title(), calculate the title_x and title_y then blit the title image to the screen at that location. Make sure it is aboveRead More...
Today we did: We continued with the Funny Faces project, and added the nose and its animation, the mouth, the hair, and the sunglasses. We started the Funny Faces project and learnedRead More...
What we did today Checked music for Mary Had a Little Lamb Started Virtual Snow (last project). You can find the project here: Created snow sprite and background Made snow fallRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed turtle python project. We started Grocery Shopping Cart. Homework Continue with Make sure if user select "Ice Cream" and "Bread" the program works and the programRead More...
What We Did Today: We reviewed using for loops for lists and using range Introduced the topic of while loops and conditionals Homework: Create python file named and when finished uploadRead More...
Today we did: We went over the homework for Marry had a Little Lamb and started the Virtual Snow project. Homework: Instead of making a snowflake stick every time to either theRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework Make a project proposal for me explaining what kind of game you want to make. Write me a paragraph describing the gameRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework Did 9-6 on page 173 in the textbook Continued our MonsterInheritance project Added magic attack function Homework Finished 9-7 on page 173 in the textbook. Continue withRead More...
Today we did: Finished MonsterInheritance Explained Inheritance and created child classes (Troll, WaterGolem, Dragon) Finished magic attack Implemented game over messages Homework: Fix addNewMonster(). Our current implementation creates generic monsters based onRead More...
Today We Did: Continued with the Spaceship project Added in the lightning power up and also the lightning projectile. Finished up with the timer and the asteroid delay For Homework: Create aRead More...
Today We Did Revisited our old grocery system Applied object oriented programming to it, began Grocery System project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework PleaseRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Tower of Defense Game Homework Make which has the EnemyThree class. It should be similar to the EnemyTwo class except it uses the “assets/images/monster-character-2d-sprites/PNG/3/2_enemies_1_RUN_00{id}.png”. Then,Read More...
Today We Did Began working on school system project Started learning how to build code from a menu that we're given In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Latisha Sub Homework Make the create_bug method in that will create a new bug every FPS*3 . Make a timer for this, and the bug should have a random direction andRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed data types and operations Learned about if, elif, and else Learned about the special keywords "and" & "or", and how to use them with conditions In case youRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Edited coding errors Started the Ask Gobo project Homework: Read and do the codes in Pg. 62-65, steps #5-14 Contact us if you have any questions
What we did today We finished working on the Hatsune Miku drawing. We started working on the Eyes drawing. Homework Make a new layer and color in the flat colors in thatRead More...