(Indo Time) What we did today We continued working on the Hatsune Miku drawing. Homework Look up some fancy or interesting eye designs and implement them in your Hatsune Miku drawing. MakeRead More...
Today We Did Looked through project proposals & looked closely at the requirements Finished the entire Robux Shopping project Learned how to create programs based off what the menu requires (this willRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed Supermarket Started on How Old Are You (for Kurt and Jensen) Used if statements and ask blocks to get name and age of users Homework: For KurtRead More...
Today we did: Learned about variables and data types (Integer, float, string) Learned about print() statements String concatenation Started learning If-Else statements Homework: Create a new file named July31_StringHW.py (make a newRead More...
Today We Did Explored the topic of class variables Animated our birds to flap when flying You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/mon-7-pm-dragon-birdie/-/tree/MON-7PM-Sebastian?ref_type=headsRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed Quiz and homework Continued MonsterInheritance project: initializeMonsters() addNewMonster() play() healMonster() meleeAttack() Started arrowAttack() Homework: Finish arrowAttack() If monster has no more HP, print: "The (monster species) has beenRead More...
Homework: Start working on your turtle python project according to your proposal. By next week August 8, you should have done 25% of it. If you have any questions, feel free toRead More...
Today We Did Drawing half-circles for a windmill pattern Using for loops and random.choice to draw 10 randomly colored faces Homework Start on your final project. Do all the letters and atRead More...
What we did today We continued working on Punch the dummy project. Homework Add the "Big Boing" sound effect every time you punch the dummy. Add the punching bag sprite into theRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed "Intro to List" from last week Finished Mary Had A Little Lamb (with lists) Homework: Make TWO more songs using a list in the Mary Had ARead More...
Today We Did: Finished the apple and almost finished the star sprite power-ups, using broadcasts and new variables Implemented the color change and giant fireball/iceball codes Homework: In the current code, youRead More...
Today We Did Quiz 2 Review Started learning about Turtle Homework Create a new file “Aug9_TurtleShapesHomework.py” Fill in all shapes Create a new function “draw_rectangle”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, drawRead More...
Today we did: We continued with the Funny Faces project, and added the nose and its animation, the mouth, the hair, and the sunglasses. We started the Funny Faces project and learnedRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Birdie Game Homework In playbutton_and_title(), calculate the title_x and title_y then blit the title image to the screen at that location. Make sure it is aboveRead More...
What we did today Checked music for Mary Had a Little Lamb Started Virtual Snow (last project). You can find the project here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/879822146 Created snow sprite and background Made snow fallRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed turtle python project. We started Grocery Shopping Cart. Homework Continue with Aug3_GroceryShoppingCart.py Make sure if user select "Ice Cream" and "Bread" the program works and the programRead More...
What We Did Today: We reviewed using for loops for lists and using range Introduced the topic of while loops and conditionals Homework: Create python file named WhileLoopHW.py and when finished uploadRead More...
Today we did: We went over the homework for Marry had a Little Lamb and started the Virtual Snow project. Homework: Instead of making a snowflake stick every time to either theRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework Make a project proposal for me explaining what kind of game you want to make. Write me a paragraph describing the gameRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework Did 9-6 on page 173 in the textbook Continued our MonsterInheritance project Added magic attack function Homework Finished 9-7 on page 173 in the textbook. Continue withRead More...
Today we did: Finished MonsterInheritance Explained Inheritance and created child classes (Troll, WaterGolem, Dragon) Finished magic attack Implemented game over messages Homework: Fix addNewMonster(). Our current implementation creates generic monsters based onRead More...
Today We Did: Continued with the Spaceship project Added in the lightning power up and also the lightning projectile. Finished up with the timer and the asteroid delay For Homework: Create aRead More...
Today We Did Revisited our old grocery system Applied object oriented programming to it, began Grocery System project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework PleaseRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Tower of Defense Game Homework Make enemy_3.py which has the EnemyThree class. It should be similar to the EnemyTwo class except it uses the “assets/images/monster-character-2d-sprites/PNG/3/2_enemies_1_RUN_00{id}.png”. Then,Read More...
Today We Did Began working on school system project Started learning how to build code from a menu that we're given In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Latisha Sub Homework Make the create_bug method in main.py that will create a new bug every FPS*3 . Make a timer for this, and the bug should have a random direction andRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed data types and operations Learned about if, elif, and else Learned about the special keywords "and" & "or", and how to use them with conditions In case youRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the homework Edited coding errors Started the Ask Gobo project Homework: Read and do the codes in Pg. 62-65, steps #5-14 Contact us if you have any questions
What we did today We finished working on the Hatsune Miku drawing. We started working on the Eyes drawing. Homework Make a new layer and color in the flat colors in thatRead More...
Today We Did: Finished up the How Old Are You project Understood how to use if statements with a range condition (like between 1 and 10 or between 20 and 50) StartedRead More...
Today we did: We continued with the project and learned how to tilt objects, and learned how to draw more letters. Homework: Continue on your personal turtle project. By next week AugustRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed HW Printing using f-strings (formatted strings) If statements with or and and elif statements Homework: Create Aug7_StringHW2.py Page 25: TRY IT YOURSELF: 2-3, 2-4, 2-5 and 2-6 ForRead More...
Today We Did Discussed more about Git commits, what repositories are, and how to explore them to see our past commits Learned about static variables, reviewed what local variables and attributes are,Read More...
Today We Did Installed and set-up Pycharm. Created a Pycharm project Started learning about dictionaries Homework Name your file August14_Dictionary_HW.py and do: Page 92 to 97. Page 99 TRY IT YOURSELF. 6-1Read More...
Today we did: Started setting up Android Studio Homework: Finish Android Studio setup with Gamas (he will contact your parents) If you have any questions, please email me at williamsmith@ayclogic.com
Today We Did Made a Kaleido Spiral with Turtle Finished most of GrocerySystem Homework Continue your final project. You should have all the letters by now — finish at least half ofRead More...
What we did today We finished working on Punch the dummy project. We started working on then Mary had a Little Lamb project. (MHALL) Homework (For punch dummy homework refer to lastRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed Mary Had A Little Lamb Started on Shopping Cart, making the fruits to shake Homework: Copy the codes so that all the foods shake when the catRead More...
Homework Continue with your Jul22_RobuxShoppingCart.py. Add codes to handle "2. Buy The Samurai of the Gamers 1000 robux", "3. Buy parrot 50 robux". Also add code to do "4. Add more robux"Read More...
What We Did Today: Finished the fire and ice fight project Started reviewing materials for the final Homework: Create a new scratch project named "Final Prep Homework" Make the cat shoot aRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Aug9_TurtleShapesHomework.py Started Robot Builder Homework Finish the rest of the Robot Builder project Name your file: Aug15_RobotBuilder.py Finish the legs, body, neck, head, eyes, mouth
Today We Did Continued working on Dragon Birdie Homework Edit create_fireball_skill, create_giant_fireball, and create_fireball so that the fireball shoots from in front of the player If you have any questions, please sendRead More...
oday we did: We finished the Funny Faces project. We started learning about X and Y coordinates. Homework: Ask your parents to print this x and y graph for next week:
What We Did Today: Covered variables and data types, typecasting, combining strings Covered if and else statements along with and/or operators and ==, <, >, !=, <=, and >= Learned how toRead More...
What we did today Worked on Virtual Snow Allowed snow to build up on floor Added snowman sprite Homework Make the snow jiggle sideways as it falls In the "forever" block underRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed while loops and for loops Get input from shell for a while loop to end Homework: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ Create a file called Review1HW.py and upload it to googleRead More...
Homework: Make sure to set aside 1-2 hours for the practice test, and make sure to submit it before next week. If you guys have any questions, feel free to send anRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework Make the changes to your project proposal that I added in red. Email me if you have any questions. If you haveRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework Did 9-7 on page 173 in the textbook Started first half of the Hangman project Homework Continue with Hangman hangman.py and finish the entire program: In applicationRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We continued on Temperature Converter android project. We added all the UI components except for the Spinner. We connected the button in activity_main.xml with the MainActivity.java clickConvertRead More...
What We Did Today: Covered the topic of lists, how to modify lists by adding, removing, or replacing elements Covered the topic of for loops, using lists as well the range functionRead More...
Today We Did: Started the Cheese Chase project Added in the mouse, cheese and started the Ghost. For Homework: Do page 56-57 where you will be creating the ghost. Also if youRead More...
Today We Did Continued our Grocery System project but started implementing the class system structure Organized each operation into its own method in the system class In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Tower of Defense Homework Add self.coin and self.health variables to main.py, and show them on the screen like in the picture below. Also show the heartRead More...
Today We Did Continued SchoolSystem project Took another deep dive into the differences between lists and dictionaries for the "find_student" methods. Full lesson on how lists and dictionaries "find" different things, veryRead More...
Your HW: Continue working on your projects It will be due next week (August 19th) Add background music/sound effects I have shared with you the library of sound effects on google drive:Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed the GameActivity.addClickListenerToAllBoxes() We started checkWinner() method. You can view my latest codes in here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/android-tic-tac-toe/-/tree/SAT-5PM-Gamas/app/src/main/java/com/ayclogic/tictactoe?ref_type=heads Homework Inside GameActivity.java, inside checkWinner(): Add code to check the tag ofRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed variables and data types and f strings Learned string functions (lower, upper, title, strip) Learned escape characters (\t, \n, \") Homework Name your file Aug12_StringHW.py On page 25,Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Variables/Data types String Float/double (decimals) Integer (no decimals) Reviewed input from shell Reviewed f-strings Reviewed string functions (upper, lower, title, strip) Reviewed if statements Started lists and forRead More...
Today We Did We completed RobuxShoppingCart program. Homework Next week is 2 hours final test. Please prepare the following topics. Python Turtle – make sure you know how to do draw rectangle,Read More...
Today we did: Continued working on TempConverter Added spinner with conversion options Implemented Listener to check conversion type Started working on swapping temperature labels based on selected conversion type setConversion() Homework: FinishRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Learned about inserting, removing, modifying, and accessing with dictionaries. Learned about looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Learned about checking if a key existsRead More...
Today We Did Finished adding static variables to Bird class Began creating the player class Learned how to get keyboard input from players to move our Player bird You can always findRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed for loops Covered the topic of while loops, and using conditionals (if statements) to end the loops Used input from shell along with while loops to createRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Turtle Project Finished Grocery System Started Robux System Homework Finish the rest of your final project! You should have all your text, all your shapes, and your colorRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Mary had a Little Lamb project. (MHALL) Homework Use the notes to play the "Happy Birthday" song. It should be in project resources.Read More...
What We Did Today: Continued the Shopping Cart Project Made the ability to add the items to the shopping cart list, as well as reviewed how the items started shaking through broadcastingRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the final exam practice, going over concepts like and/or, and shooting projectiles. Homework: Finish the final practice exam (the practice exam is sent to your emails too)Read More...
Today We Did Finished Dragon Birdie Started working on Flappy Bird Homework None If you have any questions, please send an email to latisha@ayclogic.com
Today we did: We learned about the X and Y graph and how to find coordinates using it. Homework: For Morris and Titus, find the coordinates (or spots) of the rectangle andRead More...
What we did today We finished working on Virtual Snow. We talked about the Scratch 1 test. Homework Complete the Scratch 1 Practice Exam I sent you. We will review it nextRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed for the quiz next week on topics such as while loops, for loops, if statements, getting input from shell, printing using f "{variable}" Homework: Review your recentRead More...
Today we: Went over the practice test. Homework: No homework! Prepare for the final test if you need to. Remember to study the Animal Crossing and Virtual Snow project. Email me ifRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Bird Homework Finish your Project Proposal Outline inside your old word document. The link to the template is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjSYrJb7VvreJexS-2BWtKKRojrwHXUIDSHk51qyJOk/edit?usp=sharing If you have any questions,Read More...
Today we did: Finished Temperature Converter Application Finished implementing Listener Added Celcius to Kelvin conversion Live Android Demo Homework: Finish DriverSystem practice quiz by next class Be sure to upload your filesRead More...
Today We Did Finished Hangman Started the DriverSystem practice test Did the driver class Homework Finish the New York Taxi Driver class If you have any questions, feel free to email meRead More...
Today We Did: Finished the Temperature Converter today Added in the switching for when clicking on different options. For Homework Do the practice exam I emailed you guys before the next class
Today We Did Learned about variables and datatypes Learned about if-else statements Learned how to get user input Homework Catch up on the previous 2 homeworks: Lesson 1 - Variables and DatatypesRead More...
Today We: Finished the Ghost sprite. Learned about myBlocks, functions, and parameters. For Homework: Do pages 64-65, #33-39. Submit your homework here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due FRIDAY NIGHT Make sure to share your project,Read More...
Today We Did We did 1 hour quiz today. Homework Please do homework assignment assigned last week https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-android-game-dev-gamas/
Today We Did We reviewed the quiz solution. We started Magic8Ball project. Homework Add "ASK" button on the bottom of the screen. Make the color blue. And make it constraint 32 fromRead More...
Today We Did Finished creating a full Grocery System with object oriented programming Reviewed the important topics in object oriented programming that we've learned about (classes, constructors, attributes, and objects) Began learningRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Tower of Defense Homework add the other two tower types to TowerForPurchase. If the tower_type is "magic", use the magic-tower-game-assets/PNG/3.png and set the price to 200.Read More...
Today We Did Added teachers, staff, and classrooms to our schoolsystem project Reviewed how to create new classes, then add them to a dictionary In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Today we did: Learned lists Started for and for each loops Remember, you can reference the code from our lesson in the class Google Drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14Onyk8hhcNsgqsbuBMvIX1p0aCnxWZlj?usp=drive_link Homework: Make the following files:Read More...
Today We Did: Finished up the movie ticket project Started on the Jumpy Monkey project, adding code for making the monkey jump and arrow change directions. Homework: 1. Make it so thatRead More...
Today We Did Set up Pycharm Started learning about dictionaries: Get from a dictionary Adding to a dictionary Modifying a dictionary value Removing from a dictionary Length of a dictionary Homework NameRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Reviewed looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Worked on Phone Book Dictionary Program https://www.ayclogic.com/phone-book-system/ Homework Name your file August28_PhoneBook_HW.py and do: Finish code forRead More...
Today We Did Finished player controls Created Fireball class Learned about how hit boxes will work You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/mon-7-pm-dragon-birdie/-/tree/MON-7PM-SebastianRead More...
Today We Did Finished player controls Created Fireball class Learned about how hit boxes will work You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/mon-7-pm-dragon-birdie/-/tree/MON-7PM-SebastianRead More...
Today we did: We went over the grocery system. Homework: Continue with your turtle project. By next week, you should have finished your turtle project. Make sure to reupload your file intoRead More...
What we did Reviewed DriverSystem Reviewed EmailApplication for the final Homework: The final on Friday will be 2 hours long. I'd recommend reviewing the following before then: Monster Inheritance (especially) Driver SystemRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Turtle Project Finished Robux System Homework Submit corrections for the Turtle project by Sunday, 11:59pm PST! I will email you grades by Tuesday night, let me know if you haven'tRead More...
What we did today We started working on the Virtual Snow project. Homework Do pages 147-148 on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email me at abigail@ayclogic.com
Today we: Finished coding the Checkout sprite Finished the Shopping Cart project Started the How Old Are You? project Coded the Cat sprite to ask what the player’s name is, and storedRead More...
Today we: Finished reviewing the Practice Test Homework: Come to class 15 minutes earlier for the Final Test (Arrive at 5:45 PM) Study for the Final Test (which is next week onRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Robot Builder HW Learned about drawing circles Created face function Homework Name your file Aug30_ManyShapes_HW.py Finish the smile for the face1 function using turtle.setheading(direction) Create a letter_A() functionRead More...
Today we: Reviewed and continued learning about coordinates Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Tuesday at 8 PM. In that email, write down your name and aRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Bird Homework Make the Player class in player.py and use the Green duck #1-01.png and Green duck #2-01.png images to make the player flap itsRead More...
What we did today We went over and reviewed the Scratch 1 Practice Test. Homework NO TEST NEXT WEEK!!! (The test will be in 2 weeks) (Jacob & Ethan) Confirm your emailsRead More...
What We Did Today: Had our first quiz covering topics so far on data types, conditionals (if statements), for/while loops, and input from shell Homework: No Homework!
Today we: Took the Scratch Level 1 Final Test. Homework: No homework! Check your emails to see if your test has been graded yet. Email me if you need help: yitong@ayclogic.com
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Bird Homework Make changes to your Project Proposal Outline that I asked you to make. Make a game_win() function in main.py which should be similarRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the Practice exam and was able to cover everything on it without any issues. For Homework: Be prepared for the exam next week and review all your pastRead More...
Today We Did Finished DriverSystem practice test Homework None. Prep for the final next week! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com.
Today We Did We created a new Pycharm Project - SAT-9AM We moved all the existing python files to this project. We created aug_26_dictionary.py We learned how to get, add, replace/set, deleteRead More...
Today We: Finished Level 1. Started Level 2. For Homework: Make a Maze costume for Level 2 inside the Maze sprite. Remember that you are making a costume, NOT another sprite. YouRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to add alert dialog in Tic Tac Toe. We continued on Magic 8 Ball. Homework Open your old Intro To Java project, learn how to createRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed fundamentals of inheritance with square & rectangle example Began monster system project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com No class on 9/2Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed fundamentals of inheritance with square & rectangle example Began monster system project In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com No class on 9/2Read More...
Today We Did Finished school system Revisited why its important to have all this repetition: We need to memorize dictionary operations! In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Tower of Defense Homework When you click on a tower_for_purchase in the top right corner, if the player has enough coins, deduct the price from theirRead More...
Today We Did Finished school system Revisited why its important to have all this repetition: We need to memorize dictionary operations! In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Gamas sub Today We Did We learned the difference between if elif else with a lot ifs. We learned how to get input from Shell. We learned how to convert from StringRead More...
Today We Did: Continued the Jumpy Monkey project, making the bananas appear randomly and having them disappear when touching the monkey. Talked about how gravity works in this code, making the monkeyRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework. Reviewed accessing, modifying, and inserting with dictionaries Learned about looping through dictionary keys, values, and items. Homework Name your file Sept4_Dictionary_HW2.py and do: Pg. 100, 101 TryRead More...
Today We Did Gave each object their own hit box when we set "TESTING" mode to True Configured group collisions for the fireball and bird groups You can always find the codeRead More...
Today we did: Reviewed lists Continued for loops with lists Homework: Make the following files: Aug28_ListsHW2.py Read pages 37-41 and copy the code down into a file Aug28_AnimalList.py Follow these instructions: https://www.ayclogic.com/animal-list-and-for-loop-exercises/ Upload yourRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework for the Phone Book dictionary program Worked on the Grocery System project using dictionaries. Homework Name your file Sept4_GrocerySystem.py and finish: Adding the purchased itemRead More...
What we did today We continued working on the Virtual Snow project. Homework Finish the Scratch 1 Practice Test before next week. If you have any questions, email me at abigail@ayclogic.com
Today we: Continued the How Old Are You? project Coded the Cat sprite to say “You are a baby!” if the player puts the age numbers of 0-2 Coded the Cat spriteRead More...
Homework Inside Aug29_TurtleIntro.py create 3 more functions. This is very similar to draw_rect(x,y,color) that we did in the class. draw_triangle(x,y,color) draw_square(x,y, color) draw_octagon(x,y,color)
Today We: Took the Final Test Homework: Contact us at gamas@ayclogic.com or allison@ayclogic.com if you have any questions or need any help There is no homework this week. Enjoy!
Homework: Make sure to finish the rest of the project. Continue in the RobuxShoppingCart.py file. Create a new condition for the 2nd option. If the user chooses 2 from the menu, thenRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Bird Homework Add hitboxes for the player and the tube. When they collide, make the player disappear. If you have any questions, please send anRead More...
Today we: Started the Drawing Shapes on Grid project Coded the Cat sprite to draw the square and start drawing the triangle Learned about the codes “pen up” and “pen down” Important Reminders:Read More...
What we did today We reviewed the practice test and a bunch of other projects. Homework Review all of your projects and study for your Scratch 1 Final Test which is NEXTRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the quiz 1 content and things to remember Introduced functions with no return value, and how to use them to reduce code duplication and make things simplerRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Bird Homework Make changes to your Project Proposal Outline that I asked you to make. Fill out Project Planning Timeline If you have any questions,Read More...
Homework Inside sep_2_grocery_shopping_cart_dictionary.py do the following Use item_price dictionary to replace Replace the 5 inside print(f"You purchase Milk for $5") Replace the 4 inside print(f"You purchase egg for $4") Replace the 6Read More...