4 PM – Scratch 2 – Darin
4 PM – Scratch 2 – Darin
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to make the projectile reduce the sprite's health in Fireball Fight Copied code over from and made the second player able to do the same capabilitiesRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to make the projectile reduce the sprite's health in Fireball Fight Copied code over from and made the second player able to do the same capabilitiesRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Creating instances from a class, accessing attributes, calling methods, incrementing/decrementing attributes from methods, default attributes Homework Name your file Oct9_OOP_HW.py and do: Pg. 167 -Read More...
Today We Did 1st Python Quiz! Homework Create the following file: Oct2_WhileLoopHW.py Read textbook end of pg 117 until pg.123 and copy down the code If you have any questions or needRead More...
Today We Did Finished the giant fireball functionality Added displays for the score and fireball cooldown text You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework Reviewed creating instances of a class, using attributes and methods outside of class, incrementing/decrementing class attributes Started School System Homework No homework
Today We Did We reviewed the homework from page 105. We started converting Aug8_GrocerrySystem.py into oct_3_grocerry_shopping_cart_dictionary.py. Homework Create oct_3_robux_shopping_cart_dictionary.py Copy codes from Robux Shopping Cart project (click here) into this new python file.Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to get input from shell (user) Manipulated user input with if statements to perform certain code/actions Reviewed fundamental concepts of data types Homework: Create a fileRead More...
Today We Did Successfully blitting birds and clouds on different sides of the screen. Began developing the player class. You can always find the code we wrote in class in my GitlabRead More...
Today we: Continued the Jumpy Monkey project Coded the Dinosaur sprite Coded level 2 Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Monday at 8 PM. In that email,Read More...
Today We Did We learned about AI and Machine Learning (ML) concepts. We learned about Google Colab and how it connects with google drive. We learned about Notebook and the advantages ofRead More...
Today we: Worked on the Bomb sprite and the Game Over collision. Homework: Create the Fireball Power Up and Bomb Power Up sprites. You will have to make them by yourself. AddRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Flappy Duck Game Homework Make a project proposal for me explaining what kind of game you want to make. Write me a paragraph describing the gameRead More...
Today we: Continued the Birthday Card project Coded sprites to show up and glide when the Button sprite is clicked Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an emailRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the Star Wars homework: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ Applied "random" inside of functions, to get random items from a list Practiced steps in debugging, and got started on debugging worksheetRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed personal projects Start Shoot Balloon Game Homework Work on the tasks assigned to you in the Project Outlines If you have any questions, please send an email toRead More...
Today We Did We learned more about Python "class". We learned about different rules and terminologies of using Python class. Homework Memorize all the rules and terminologies that we have learned whenRead More...
Today we did: We learned how to move the birds around, and how to do it using Python OOP. Homework: In main.py make a new group called self.cloud.group, make an instance ofRead More...
Today We: Started the Shopping Cart project. Homework: For the Apple and Banana sprites make them: Start at the same spot, go back to their normal size, and show up every timeRead More...
Today we did: We learned about the basics of object-oriented programming: classes, objects, constructors, attributes, methods, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at joel@ayclogic.com or Mr. GamasRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed each individual project and assigned next week assignment. We registered to pixabay.com and openweathermap.org to get their API Keys. We explained how to programatically get data fromRead More...
Today We Did We learned about isPalindrome using List, String and Array. We learned about data structure and algorithm Homework Oct7Palindrome.java (don't forget to upload to google drive) Inside create a methodRead More...
Today We Did Continued the Monster System class Began developing the logic for magic and sword attacks In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Please submitRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed the for loop homework. We introduced for loop using index. Homework Create Oct7ForLoopHomework2.java do number 3 only from https://www.ayclogic.com/java-list-forloop/ upload your homework to your assigned google driveRead More...
Today We: Finished the Shoot Balloon project Your HW: None, class is finished
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to make the apple power up appear with certain conditions The conditions include: Appearing only one at a time, and appearing after every (7) seconds. TalkedRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Started working on the School System project Homework Upload your main.py file to the google drive and do: Finish the add_new_student function Finish the list_all_studentsRead More...
Today We Did Began working on the School System Created the School System class Created a Student class Homework Upload your main.py file to the google drive and do: Finish the add_new_studentRead More...
Today We Did Set up and began flappy bird project Create & blitted background image Brain stormed all the sprite's we'll need and created their classes Developed basic Tube class You canRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed 1st Python quiz Learned functions without parameters Homework Create the following file: Oct9_FunctionsHW.py Copy code from pages 130 to 133 Oct9_FunctionsHW2.py https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/ If you have any questions orRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed input from shell homework with if statements Introduced the concept of lists and how to add items into a list, remove items from a list, and printRead More...
Today We Did Go over homework Introduce OOP concepts Homework Create Oct10_ClassHW.py Copy pages 158 to 161
Today we continued the Elsa project. We finished up the braid. (Check last week’s homework page if you need to see it more than the pictures here) We worked on the topRead More...
Today We Did Finished adding movement to Player class Changed Player image direction on movement Began understanding hitboxes, groupcollide, and the rect attribute You can always find the code we wrote inRead More...
Today we: Finished the Jumpy Monkey project Started the Doom on the Broom Started coding the Witch and Fireball sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an emailRead More...
Today We Did Intro to machine learning and computer vision Intro to Fast.ai & resnet34 Started training our cats vs dogs classification models https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14wdE8R6MoDHzTVO5_tFw50Gjan73KJk-?usp=sharing Homework Try predicting some images using learn.predict(files). PlayRead More...
Today we: Worked on Fireball Power Up and Bomb Power Up sprites. Learned about asteroidCreationDelay. Homework: When the Bomb Power Up sprite touches the Rocketship sprite, make the Bomb variable go downRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed personal projects Finished Flappy Bird Homework Work on the tasks assigned to you in the Project Outlines If you have any questions, please send an email to latisha@ayclogic.com
Today we: Finished the Birthday Card project Started the Tunnel of Doom project Created the Tunnel sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Tuesday at 8Read More...
Today we: Started the Spaceship project Coded the Star sprite Coded the Rocketship sprite to move Created the Asteroid sprite Homework: In your Spaceship project: Finish drawing the Asteroid (See the imageRead More...
What We Did Today: Finished the debugging homework as well as the second debugging homework Maintained practicing proper debugging techniques Started on the Quiz 2 Review, covering topics like functions, conditionals, andRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed personal projects Started working on Shoot Balloon Homework Work on the tasks assigned to you in the Project Outlines If you have any questions, please send an emailRead More...
Today We Did We learned more about class We learned more about how to use methods within method. We learned about how "self" is only used inside a class and used toRead More...
Today we did: We created a new function called create_bird to make creating a bird more efficient. We also had a timer in the function to prevent creating too many birds tooRead More...
Today we: Finished the Shopping Cart project. Started the How Old Are You? project. Homework: Add "if then" blocks into the "forever" block. You should have 7 in total. Leave the operatorRead More...
Today we did: We went over some more examples of how OOP can be used in Python. Homework: Create a new file called Oct14_RestaurantOOP.py. Inside the file, there will be a RestaurantRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed each person's custom Android project - Connect 4, Wack-a-mole and shadow boxing. We continued with Metropolitan Weather App. Homework Continue with your individual custom project.
Today We Did We went over isPalindromeIgnoreSpace(String) using while loop approach and 2 pointers - head and tail. We discussed this simulation type USACO problem - http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=891 Homework Inside ShellGame.java, implement toRead More...
Today We Did Finished the monster system Began review for final exam Went over practice test for homework In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Homework:Read More...
Today We Did Finished for loop with indexes Learned about while loops Started learning about the Random module Homework Create Oct14_WhileLoopHW.java Finish the exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/java-exercise-while-loop/ Upload your homework to your assignedRead More...
Today We Did Learned about If-Else statements Learned about if statements with multiple conditions (and/or) Learned about Elif statements Homework Create the following file: Oct14_IfElseHW.py Copy code from pgs 78-81 in theRead More...
What We Did Today: Coded the star to create the visual effect when picked up Created the ability to shoot giant projectiles after picking up the star Homework: Recreate the ability toRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on the School System project Created new student class Finished adding new students to student list/dictionary Finished listing students from list Homework Name your file Oct23_SchoolSystem.py andRead More...
Today We Did Finished drawing double tubes Started Coin class You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/MON-7PM-FlappyBird/-/tree/Sebastian?ref_type=heads In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed functions with no return value Learned about functions with return values Created a grade calculator for the course Homework Create the following file: Oct9_FunctionsHW3.py Try It Yourself 8-3 onRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on the School System project Finished adding new students to student list/dictionary Finished listing students from list/dictionary Finding student using list Homework Name your file Oct23_SchoolSystem.py andRead More...
Today We Did Fixed rectangle hitboxes for Player and Bird classes. Created and finished full Fireball class You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
What We Did Today: Learned how to use .insert(0, "a") .remove("a") del lst Practiced the functions in an example at the end of the notes Homework: Create a file called Oct17_ListsHW2.py andRead More...
Today We Did Review classes Class definition — self keyword, methods, attributes, and constructors Instance of class Homework Create Oct17_ClassHW2.py On page 162 do the TRY IT YOURSELF problems Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.comRead More...
We continued the Elsa project Modified the shape of her hair using the “Transform” and “Mesh form” tool to make it fluffier Added all the “Line” layers into one folder to keepRead More...
Today we: Started the Fire and Ice project Coded Darwin to move Began coding the Fireball Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Monday at 8 PM. InRead More...
Today We Did Started on streamlit app https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14wdE8R6MoDHzTVO5_tFw50Gjan73KJk-?usp=sharing Homework Try changing the runtime of your Colab to T4 GPU Go to Runtime -> Change Runtime Type -> Select T4 GPU Then, goRead More...
Today we: Finished the Spaceship project. Started the Cheese Chase project. Made the Maze sprite. Added movement for the Mouse1 sprite. Homework: In the Spaceship project, add invisible walls for the downRead More...
Today We Did Setup Pycharm Go over Dictionary. Homework Create oct_18_dictionary_hw.py From the textbook, copy the python codes from Page 92 to 97. answer question from If you have 2nd edition bookRead More...
Today We Did Started working on Shoot Balloon Homework Finish your Project Proposal Outline inside your old word document. The link to the template is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjSYrJb7VvreJexS-2BWtKKRojrwHXUIDSHk51qyJOk/edit?usp=sharing If you have any questions,Read More...
Today we: Finished the Custom Birthday Card project Continued the Tunnel of Doom project Started coding the Cat sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by TuesdayRead More...
Today we: Coded the game to be over when the Rocketship and Asteroid touch Coded the player to win when the timer reaches 0 Finished the Spaceship 1.0 project Started the SpaceshipRead More...
QUIZ 2 IS NEXT WEEK ON OCT 26 What We Did Today: Reviewed topics for the quiz next week, through past examples and the homework. Homework: Practice and review the following topics:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed personal projects Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Work on the tasks assigned to you in the Project Outlines If you have any questions, please send an emailRead More...
What We Did We converted grocery shopping cart to use ProductItem dictionary. We generated the menus when we run the program using for loop. Homework Create a new file robux_item.py and insideRead More...
Today we did: We went over the homework, which was to make a new function called create_cloud in main.py We made the flapping animation by creating a new method in bird.py calledRead More...
Today we: Finished the How Old Are You? project. Started the Jumpy Monkey project. Homework: Do the Movie Ticket Price project. Create a new project called Movie Ticket Price. Add the spriteRead More...
Today we did: We went the over homework, and started Oct21_SchoolSystem. We created Oct21_Student as well. In the School System, we went over three functionalities: Add New Student, List All Students, andRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed everyone's custom project. We continued on Metropolitan Weather App project. Homework Continue on your custom project, the due date for the custom project is Nov 18. ByRead More...
Today We Did We discussed ShellGame USACO problem. We discussed the FencePainting USACO problem. Homework Do problem in USACO Speeding Ticket below. http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=568 Make sure to read the problem carefully. Look atRead More...
Today We Did Continued with the Random module Created a mini adventure game Homework Create Oct21_Magic8Ball.java Create the Java program at https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/magic-8-ball/ Upload your homework to your assigned google drive by FridayRead More...
Today We Did We added the Start Wave button. We added multiple waves. Homework Make sure to kill the enemy when it is off the screen. When there is no more enemyRead More...
Today We Did Learned how to get input from the shell Started learning list operations Append Modify Homework Create the following file: Oct21_TellMeYourAge.py Complete exercise #1 (everything besides the last two lines)Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed and fixed some bugs on the final project Talked about how the projectile motion can be done in different ways, depending on how you want to startRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Finished class methods for student class Began working with teacher and staff class Homework Name your file Oct30_SchoolSystem_HW.py and do: 6. Find a teacher -Read More...
Today We Did Finished code to load the 3 different kind of coin images Finished the code to flip coin images You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed functions with return values Learned about the random module randInt() choice() Homework Create the following file: Oct23_StarWars.py Finish the exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ If you have any questions orRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Finished class methods for student class Began working with teacher and staff class Homework Name your file Oct30_SchoolSystem_HW.py and do: 5. List all teachers fromRead More...
Today we continued the Elsa Project New layer: Colored in the hair in a light blond (almost white) color New layer: Colored in the clothes a light blue Colored in the eyesRead More...
Today We Did Handled collisions for all objects Created giant fireballs with full functionality You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/tue-6-pm-dragon-birdie/-/tree/TUE-6PM-Sebastian In caseRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed operations on lists Introduced using for loops with lists Homework: Create a file called Oct24_ListForLoopsHW.py and submit it into the google drive when you are finished. DoRead More...
Today We Did Finish GrocerySystem Start on SchoolSystem Homework Make a file called Oct24_ClassHW.py and copy pages 163 to Page 166 Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if you have any issues!
Today we: Continued the Fire and Ice project Continued coding the Fireball sprite Started coding the GameLoop sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Monday atRead More...
Today We Did Continued streamlit app Homework Try writing the rest of the server.py as shown: import streamlit as stimport urllib.request from fastai.vision.all import * def label_func(f): return f.isupper() # Load theRead More...
Today we: Worked on the Cheese and Beetle sprites. Homework: In your yellow coding book do page 56, #12-14. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier,Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed dictionary homeworks We started converting Sep6_Grocery_Shopping.py into oct_25_shopping_cart_dictionary.py Homework Continue oct_25_shopping_cart_dictionary.py. Add a new dictionary item_prices. This dictionary is very similar to item_names dictionary, but the keyRead More...
Today we: Continued the Tunnel of Doom project Continued coding the Cat sprite Coded the Home Button and Banner sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an emailRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed project outlines Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Make the changes I asked you to make in your Project Outline Shoot Balloon: in bug.py make the Bug classRead More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship 2.0 project Continued coding the Fireball and Asteroid sprite Homework: In your Spaceship 2.0 project: Add a Lightning sprite. Rename the Lightning sprite to “Bomb” Code theRead More...
What We Did Today: Had our second quiz covering topics so far on lists, loops (while and for), functions, and the random module. Homework: No Homework!
Today We Did Went over project progress Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Make the Bug class in bug.py and make it move to the right. Use the images in assets/bug/flying toRead More...
Today we did: We learned: Variables and data types (Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans) How to print Addition, subtraction, multiplication, Division Adding strings using +, and using f-strings (For example, f"Hi, my nameRead More...
Today We Did We finished oct_21_robux_shopping_cart_using_class.py We started SchoolSystem project. Homework Create a new file student.py Inside this file, create a new Class Student with 3 attributes: name, age and grade. InsideRead More...
Today we did: Created a new file and class for Player, and did the animation for player using the 4 images available. Player has its own flap timer, and in the updateRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the Movie Ticket Price project. Worked on the Monkey and Banana sprites. Homework: In your yellow coding book do pages 92-93, steps #3 & 4 ONLY. Only do theRead More...
Today We Did We continued with Magic 8 Ball android app. Homework Next class will be Nov 11. We are going add a feature where the app will be able to detectRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed each individual project. We continued on Metropolitan Weather App. Homework Continue on your individual android project.
Today We Did Created entire Bird class that flaps birds wings Blit random bird to screen each time program is run You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed the SpeedingTicket USACO problem. Homework Go to https://usaco.guide/ and create an account. Go to https://www.usaco.org and create an account. Go to https://train.usaco.org/ and create an account. StudyRead More...
Today We Did Continue working on Tower of Defense Project Homework Add self.coin_drop to enemy, enemy2, and enemy3. The value for enemy is 10, enemy2 is 25, and enemy3 is 50. IfRead More...
Today We Did Learned about Java methods Method overloading Functions with/without return values Homework Create Oct28_MethodsHW.java Create a new method convertFromFahrenheitToCelcius. It has one parameter int fahrenheit. Inside the method, it willRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did Gamas did 2 questions from practice test. Crab shooting star Parot and toucan Homework Study for final test next week. Don't be late. Fix your fireball fightRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed School System homeworks We reviewed how to add staff to dictionary We reviewed how to list all staffs. We went over how to choose theRead More...
Today we continued the Elsa project Finished up the eye shadow details Added details to the eyes Added color to the lips Please check all your layers are in the correct placeRead More...
Today We Did Added more functionality to player class Flapping wings by cycling through images list Added gravity by decrementing y attribute by a constant value You can always find the codeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Exercises 1-2 of Oct23_StarWars.py Created a password generator Homework Finish exercises 3-4 of Oct23_StarWars.py https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ Oct30_Magic8Ball.py Follow the instructions on the page to create a magic 8 ball!Read More...
Your HW: Convert your robux shopping cart system from intro to python using dictionaries like we did for the grocery shopping car system
Today We Did Handled new logic for drawing play button Learned how to check mouse position and if mouse was clicked You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did SchoolSystem continuation Homework Make a file called Oct31_ClassHW2.py and do Page 167 – TRY IT YOURSELF Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if you have any issues!
What We Did Today: Reviewed using lists in for loops Learnt how to use for loop with range() function to do certain things a fixed number of times Homework: Create a fileRead More...
Today We Did Installation of Python and Streamlit Homework None Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if you have any questions.
Your HW: Convert your robux shopping cart system from intro to python using dictionaries like we did for the grocery shopping car system
Today we: Finished the Tunnel of Doom project Started the Window Cleaner project Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Tuesday at 8 PM. In that email, writeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed project outlines Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Make the changes I asked you to make in your Project Outline Create Project Planning in your project document. LinkRead More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship 2.0 project Continued coding the Bomb and Fireball Power-up sprite Homework: Lea: Ask your family if you can buy the Scratch Level 2 Book for the class.Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the quiz 2 and talked about results, how to improve, and etc. Did a brief overview on everything we have learnt in this course so far, includingRead More...
Today We Did Went over project progress Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework If the bug is moving to the left, make sure that the image gets flipped. use the Bird classRead More...
Today we did: We did practiced with if-else statements, string concatenation, and learned about the != operator. We learned how to receive input from the user, and the shortcut for adding toRead More...
Today We Did We continued with SchoolSystem project We added List all students. Homework After you are done with the homework, upload both teacher.py and oct_28_school_system.py files to google drive. Create aRead More...
Today We Did We made the player able to face left or right. We made the cloud able to appear on the left or right side of the screen. And also moveRead More...
Today we: Started on Level 2 in the Jumpy Monkey project. Homework: In your yellow coding book, do pages 100-101, #16-19. Create the Level sprite. The Level sprite should have 2 costumes,Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed each individual custom project. We continued on MetropolitanWeatherApp. Homework Continued on your individual project.
Today We Did We went over the 3 websites: www.usaco.org, train.usaco.org and usaco.guide. We went over recursion the rule of recursion basic examples and its while true equivalent. Homework Try to doRead More...
Today We Did Continue working on Tower of Defense Project Homework make the game_win_page() function in main, show the play button and the game win image, and if the game mode is GAME_WIN,Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Methods HW Started TellMeYourAge using methods Homework Finish Nov4_TellMeYourAgeMethods (locate code in the "Files" Google Drive folder) Remaining cases in provideResponse Run method Print out user age basedRead More...
Today We Did We continued on Snake and Apple game. We added Snake into the screen and using android.os.Handler to move the snake once every 200 milliseconds. Homework We need to changeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed for loops Started while loops Homework Create the following file: Nov4_AnimalList.py Follow the instructions at https://www.ayclogic.com/animal-list-and-for-loop-exercises/ If you get stuck, look at code from previous lessons or emailRead More...