4 PM – Scratch 2 – Darin
4 PM – Scratch 2 – Darin
Gamas Sub Today We Did Gamas did 2 questions from practice test. Crab shooting star Parot and toucan Homework Study for final test next week. Don't be late. Fix your fireball fightRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did Gamas did 2 questions from practice test. Crab shooting star Parot and toucan Homework Study for final test next week. Don't be late. Fix your fireball fightRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed School System homeworks We reviewed how to add staff to dictionary We reviewed how to list all staffs. We went over how to choose theRead More...
Today we continued the Elsa project Finished up the eye shadow details Added details to the eyes Added color to the lips Please check all your layers are in the correct placeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Exercises 1-2 of Oct23_StarWars.py Created a password generator Homework Finish exercises 3-4 of Oct23_StarWars.py https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ Oct30_Magic8Ball.py Follow the instructions on the page to create a magic 8 ball!Read More...
Today We Did Added more functionality to player class Flapping wings by cycling through images list Added gravity by decrementing y attribute by a constant value You can always find the codeRead More...
Your HW: Convert your robux shopping cart system from intro to python using dictionaries like we did for the grocery shopping car system
Today We Did Handled new logic for drawing play button Learned how to check mouse position and if mouse was clicked You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did SchoolSystem continuation Homework Make a file called Oct31_ClassHW2.py and do Page 167 – TRY IT YOURSELF Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if you have any issues!
What We Did Today: Reviewed using lists in for loops Learnt how to use for loop with range() function to do certain things a fixed number of times Homework: Create a fileRead More...
Today We Did Installation of Python and Streamlit Homework None Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if you have any questions.
Your HW: Convert your robux shopping cart system from intro to python using dictionaries like we did for the grocery shopping car system
Today We Did Reviewed project outlines Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Make the changes I asked you to make in your Project Outline Create Project Planning in your project document. LinkRead More...
Today we: Finished the Tunnel of Doom project Started the Window Cleaner project Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Tuesday at 8 PM. In that email, writeRead More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship 2.0 project Continued coding the Bomb and Fireball Power-up sprite Homework: Lea: Ask your family if you can buy the Scratch Level 2 Book for the class.Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the quiz 2 and talked about results, how to improve, and etc. Did a brief overview on everything we have learnt in this course so far, includingRead More...
Today We Did Went over project progress Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework If the bug is moving to the left, make sure that the image gets flipped. use the Bird classRead More...
Today we did: We did practiced with if-else statements, string concatenation, and learned about the != operator. We learned how to receive input from the user, and the shortcut for adding toRead More...
Today We Did We continued with SchoolSystem project We added List all students. Homework After you are done with the homework, upload both teacher.py and oct_28_school_system.py files to google drive. Create aRead More...
Today We Did We made the player able to face left or right. We made the cloud able to appear on the left or right side of the screen. And also moveRead More...
Today we: Started on Level 2 in the Jumpy Monkey project. Homework: In your yellow coding book, do pages 100-101, #16-19. Create the Level sprite. The Level sprite should have 2 costumes,Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed each individual custom project. We continued on MetropolitanWeatherApp. Homework Continued on your individual project.
Today We Did We went over the 3 websites: www.usaco.org, train.usaco.org and usaco.guide. We went over recursion the rule of recursion basic examples and its while true equivalent. Homework Try to doRead More...
Today We Did Continue working on Tower of Defense Project Homework make the game_win_page() function in main, show the play button and the game win image, and if the game mode is GAME_WIN,Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Methods HW Started TellMeYourAge using methods Homework Finish Nov4_TellMeYourAgeMethods (locate code in the "Files" Google Drive folder) Remaining cases in provideResponse Run method Print out user age basedRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed for loops Started while loops Homework Create the following file: Nov4_AnimalList.py Follow the instructions at https://www.ayclogic.com/animal-list-and-for-loop-exercises/ If you get stuck, look at code from previous lessons or emailRead More...
Today We Did We continued on Snake and Apple game. We added Snake into the screen and using android.os.Handler to move the snake once every 200 milliseconds. Homework We need to changeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework Began working on the Supermarket System Homework Finish the application loop function for the ShoppingCart class Check the input and generate responses Ex. if userRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last week's homework and finished the School System project Began working on the Library System project Created the application loop Homework Name your file Nov13_LibrarySystem.py and do: CreateRead More...
Today We Did Created logic for player, tube, and coin collisions Added modes to player for flying & dizzy You can always find the code we wrote in class in my GitlabRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Exercises 3 and 4 of Oct23_StarWars.py Reviewed While Loops Homework Create the following files: Nov6_Magic8Ball.py Follow the instructions to create a Magic 8 Ball: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/magic-8-ball If you haveRead More...
We continued the Elsa project. We added shadows and highlights to her hair. Shadow layer and highlight layer are separate layers and both are merged onto the hair color layer. You canRead More...
Today We Did SchoolSystem continuation Homework Continue SchoolSystem and do options 7-9 for the staff. Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if you have any issues!
William Sub What We Did Today: Reviewed for loop with range() to add to a counter variable Learned about while loops and how to print numbers Infinite loops Remember to check theRead More...
Today we: Continued the Fire and Ice project Continued coding the Fireball sprite Started coding the Star sprite Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Monday atRead More...
Today We Did Hosted streamlit app Homework If you haven't already, host the streamlit app. Here's the code: https://pastebin.com/TTFnPuE3 Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if you have any quesitons.
Today we: Worked on the Cheese and Beetle sprites. Homework: Make a Level Banner sprite. Add 2 costumes, one for Level 1 and one for Level 2. Add the right arrow code usingRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed project outlines Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Finish Project Planning in your project document. Link to template here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjSYrJb7VvreJexS-2BWtKKRojrwHXUIDSHk51qyJOk/edit?usp=sharing Download your assets (only need to download onceRead More...
Today we: Continued the Window Cleaner project Continued coding the Splat sprite and clones Important Reminders: After you finish your homework in Scratch, send an email to allison@ayclogic.com by Tuesday at 8 PM. In that email,Read More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship 2.0 project Finished coding the Bomb and Fireball Power-up sprite Continued coding the Rocketship sprite Homework: Code the Rocketship sprite go to (0, -120) when the gameRead More...
What We Did Today: Introduced basic turtle (creating images using code) Homework: Create a new file “Nov30_Turtle4ShapesHomework.py” Create a new function “draw_rectangle”. Inside the function, draw a rectangle shape using turtle module.Read More...
Today We Did Went over project progress Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Add self.score to main and when the balloon collision is detected, add the balloon's speed to the score. Show theRead More...
Today we did: We went over some more examples of using the += shortcut, and some exercises with input. We went over the list and all the operations: accessing, modifying, adding, deleting.Read More...
Today We Did We added fireball. We added fireball with direction and spawn where the player is at. Fixed cloud spawning Homework No homework
Today We Did We created sat_9_am_school_system pycharm project We added add teacher, list all teachers. We added Student.get_info() We added default teachers list for testing purposes. Homework Inside teacher.py, add get_info(self) method.Read More...
Today we: Finished the Jumpy Monkey project. Started the Fireball Fight project. Homework: Find TRANSPARENT pictures. You need to pick these pictures: First fighter First fighter's small attack First fighter's big attackRead More...
Today We Did We were able to pull information from openweather.org and display the information to screen. Homework Continue with your custom project.
Your HW: Make the bullet move left or right depending on direction In the main, spawn a bullet when the player presses the space bar
Today We Did We went over the tricks and hurdle of submitting problem in https://train.usaco.org/ We went over how using HashMap can be faster than using List. We went over different recursionRead More...
Today We Did Finish Tower of Defense Project Homework None If you have any questions, please send an email to latisha@ayclogic.com
Today We Did Finished TellMeYour Started SchoolApplication Created Student.java Explained attributes, constructor, getter methods Started SchoolSystem Homework Create Teacher.java Create the following attributes: firstName lastName subject Create a constructor Create getter methodsRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Nov4_AnimalList.py Finished learning about while loops Infinite while loop Homework Create the following file: Nov11_PythonExercises.py Follow the instructions at https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ Upload the homework to your assigned Google DriveRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on the Supermarket System. Created a class for grocery items. Added an in_stock attribute, to determine whether items can be purchased or not Homework Name your folderRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Exercise 1 from Nov6_Magic8Ball.py Finished random lottery() example Reviewed common errors in Python Homework Create the following files: Quiz2Prep.py Complete the exercises at to prepare for Quiz 2! Read More...
Today We Did We continued on Library System. We added Book.get_info() method. We did find book by name. Homework Create a new pycharm project MonsterInheritance In this new project, create a newRead More...
Today We Did Added audio, and background music Made rectangle move with image to handle full group collisions for everything Created placeholder methods for all future game modes, including the drawing ofRead More...
Your HW: Page 162 – TRY IT YOURSELF Page 163 to Page 166 – copy code to Pycharm and run it Note: No class next week Resumes: 11/28
Today We Did Class set up new repository Blitted background image Created Tube class You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/tue-6-pm-dragon-birdie/-/tree/TUE-6PM-Sebastian In caseRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed while loops and comparing it to for loops Remember to check the Google Drive folder if there’s any code you missed (Nov14_WhileLoops2.py)! Homework: Create a file calledRead More...
Today We Did Finish SchoolSystem and start LibrarySystem Homework Do options 1-3 for LibrarySystem. The book class should have the following attributes: title, author, publish_year, id. Email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com if youRead More...
Today we: Continued the Fire and Ice project Continued coding the Giant Fireball Important News: To celebrate Thanksgiving, the school will be closed from Monday 11/20 – Sunday 11/26. There is noRead More...
Today We Did Streamlit app finish deployment Start digit recognition project https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1cd0XPCVHW7UayBotJqvyAlNDQ-yLHYpJ?usp=sharing Homework Make a function to print out 10 random numbers using show_image() Hint: to display more than 1 number, useRead More...
Today we: Worked on the Cheese and Beetle sprites. Homework: In your yellow book, do page 57, steps #15-17. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit itRead More...
Your HW: Page 162 – TRY IT YOURSELF Page 163 to Page 166 – copy code to Pycharm and run it Note: No class next week Resumes: 11/29
Today we: Continued the Window Cleaner project Continued coding with the video motion Coded the Splat clones to delete when video motion is detected or when touching the mouse pointer Important News:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed project outlines Went over project setup Homework Do tasks assigned to you in your Project outline NOTE: There is no class 11/22 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. IfRead More...
Today we: Finished the Spaceship 2.0 project Started the Fantastic Flowers project Began coding the Ball sprite to create a flower using stamps Important News: To celebrate Thanksgiving, the school will beRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use the t.goto() function, the idea behind the x and y graph, and how to create basic shapes using t.begin_fill() and t.end_fill(), and using t.penup()Read More...
Today We Did Went over project progress Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Add the dizzy mode to the bug. Do it like how we did it for the player in FlappyRead More...
Today We Did We continued with SchoolSystem We added code to do "3. Find Student" and "6. Find Teacher". We added add_default_students() method. Homework No class on November 25 because of ThanksgivingRead More...
Today we did: We made sure that the fireball only spawns when we press the space bar, and made sure that there is a 1 second cooldown before the player can shootRead More...
Today we: Worked on the Fireball Fight project. Homework: Do what we did in the Left Player Attack sprite for the Right Player Attack sprite. Here is a picture of all ofRead More...
Today we did: We enabled the user to add, list, and find teachers and staffs. Homework: Continuing in Oct21_SchoolSystem.py, finish "find staff". Also, create a new class for Classroom, and it willRead More...
Your HW: Give the bullet a hitbox Make it so when a bullet hits a bird, the bird AND the bullet disappears Note: No class next week, resumes: 12/2
Today We Did We learned more about Big O notations. We started Binary Search in a List. Homework No class on Nov 25 because of Thanks giving holiday. Try to finish theRead More...
Today We Did Begin Tank Game Homework Make the Tank class in tank.py using the images in assets/Player_2/Type_1/PlayerTank_2_1_#.png and animate it. Make a tank_group in main and create 1 tank, and showRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We continue with School Application We added add new Student feature. Homework No class on Nov 25 because of Thanksgiving holiday. All the latest codes can beRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Nov11_PythonExercises.py Homework Finish Nov11_PythonExercises.py https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ Study for our quiz. I recommend reviewing the following topics: Variable datatypes While loops For loops Lists Reminder, no class next week! Enjoy yourRead More...
Today we did: We made sure to display the score of the player We created a new feature where the player can spawn a fireball combo of four vertically stacked fireballs. Homework:Read More...
Today we did: We went over the homework for last week, and went over some additional operations for lists like pop, insert, and remove. Homework: Copy the codes from and put intoRead More...
Today we did: We started a new project called Nov25_LibrarySystem Homework: Make sure to do the other options in the menu: Find by ID, List all old books (older than the yearRead More...
What We Did Today: Introduced Thonny, how to navigate files, and use shell Introduced variables and data types in Python Introduced printing, and math with variables Homework: Copy code from pages 20-23Read More...
Today We Did Continued working on the Supermarket System. Created a dictionary menu_items, with item number keys and GroceryItem instances as the values. Created a function to handle purchasing items. Homework NameRead More...
Today We Did We continued with Monster Inheritance project. We added code so it can start the adventure by displaying all monsters. Homework Continue with Monster Inheritance. After 2nd menu, add codesRead More...
Today We Did Encapsulated blitting play button, logo, and credit button to their own methods Created logic to check mouse position when clicking on play button You can always find the codeRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Quiz2Prep.py and Python bugs homework Homework Review for our quiz next week! I recommend focusing on the following topics: List operations (length, append, etc) Functions (return values, multipleRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the homework Started to work on the Grocery System V3 project Your HW: Page 167 – TRY IT YOURSELF
Today We Did Finished LibrarySystem, started GroceryCartApplication Homework Implement the buying for the shopping cart application. If an item is selected, add it to the list If an an invalid selection isRead More...
Today We Did Developed algorithm to create tubes based on timer (both downwards and upwards Used math to find correct position of sprites to remove them when they go off of theRead More...
Today we continued the Elsa project Changed the blending mode of the skin shadow layer to “Mulitply” and changed the opacity of the skin shadow layer to about 75% opacity (you canRead More...
Today We Did Finish digit recognition: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1cd0XPCVHW7UayBotJqvyAlNDQ-yLHYpJ?usp=sharing Homework Try the following code: from google.colab import files file = files.upload() Try passing in the file you upload into model.predict, and see how itRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed all the concepts learned to this point in preparation for the first quiz Homework: PART 1: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises PART 2: Continue on your file called Nov14_WhileLoops2HW.py andRead More...
Today we: Finished the Fire and Ice project Reviewed Scratch Level 2 concepts Homework: Elizabeth: If you want to check if your Fire and Ice project is missing any codes, you canRead More...
Today we: Finished the Cheese Chase project. Started the Fantastic Flowers project. Homework: In your pink coding book, do page 108, step #2. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAYRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed project progress Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Do tasks assigned to you in your Project outline If you have any questions, please send an email to latisha@ayclogic.com
Today we: Started the Punch Dummy project Created the Eye sprite Coded the Eye sprite to move back and forth when it touches the mouse pointer Important Reminders: After you finish yourRead More...
Today we: Continued the Fantastic Flowers project Randomized the amount of petals, the color of the petals, and the color of the flower's center for each flower Homework: Read and do theRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to create shapes on turtle using turtle.goto(x, y) Learnt how to use turtle.forward() Learnt how to use turtle.right() and turtle.left() Learnt how to create a squareRead More...
Today we: Learned about parameters and arguments Started the Robot Builder project Homework: In your Robot Builder project: Allow us to choose what color we want the rectangle to be using parametersRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Shoot Balloon Homework Whenever a balloon or bug is hit, create a new Explosion using the balloon/bug's x, y, and score and add the explosion to theRead More...
Today We Did We learned about dictionary Homework Create a new python file inside your pycharm and name it nov_30_dictionary_hw.py Copy codes from textbook page Page 92 to 97. Page 99 TRY ITRead More...
Today we did: We created the giant fireball by making some new methods: create_giant_fireball, and also created a giant_fireball_group, to make sure that the giant fireball can pierce through all the birds.Read More...
Today We Did We finished SchoolSystem We started LibrarySystem project. Homework Continue on your LibrarySystem. Add code so the first 3 item in the menu would be working like below. And bonusRead More...
Today we: Worked on the Fireball Fight project. Homework: Make a Right Player ATTACK variable. Add code to the Right Player sprite so that if there are more than 0 Right PlayerRead More...
Today we did: We worked on GrocerySystem using a shopping cart list, and a dictionary to store the values. Homework: Continuing in Dec2_GrocerySystemV3, inside the for loop for finding the total price,Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed individual project. We continued with Metropolitan Weather app. Homework Continue with your personal individual project. The project is due next week 12/09. Also you are recommended toRead More...
Today We Did Added rectangles to all classes Removed sprites when they go off screen Added giant fireballs Learned about & created event listeners You can always find the code we wroteRead More...
Today we did: We learned about for loops in lists, and for loops using range with one number (one argument). Homework: Create a new file called Dec2_ForLoopListHomeowkr and do the exercises fromRead More...
Today We Did Continue working on Tank Game Homework Make the Turret class in turret.py using the assets/Player_2/Type_1/PlayerTank_2_1_Turret_0.png image. Make a turret_group in main and create 1 turret, and show it toRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed: Add a teacher List all teachers List all students. Explained overriding toString() method Started findStudent() Homework Finish findStudent() Add a last name attribute to Student Make sure toRead More...