4 PM – Intro To Python – Darin
4 PM – Intro To Python – Darin
What We Did Today: We finished our first quiz of the class Homework: None Notes: If you have any questions, feel free to email me at ddjapri@ayclogic.com
What We Did Today: We finished our first quiz of the class Homework: None Notes: If you have any questions, feel free to email me at ddjapri@ayclogic.com
What We Did Today: Learnt how to make the code more efficient by using classes. We created the Bird() class which we used to blit our birds onto the screen and changeRead More...
Today we: Continued learning about lists, if else, and user input Began learning about for loops Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Feb26_List_Pt2_Homework Read and do the codes fromRead More...
Today We Did Finished Robux Catalog Buy more Robux Checkout Homework Create the following file: Feb26_FinalPrep.py Complete the exercises at: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises-for-quiz-2/ If you have any questions, email me at williamsmith@ayclogic.com.
Today we: Continued the Animal Race project Coded the Dog sprite to move and switch costumes when the player presses and releases the "m" key Drew the costume for the Finish LineRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed logic for how game modes work Began landing page Reviewed how to blit play button You can always find the code we wrote in class in my GitlabRead More...
Today We: Learned about sprite groups Learned how to spawn infinite birds Learned how to create a timer Your HW: When we spawn a bird, make it's Y parameter be randomized soRead More...
Today We Do Continued on the RobotBuilder project, where we further connected the shapes together using a bit of math and logic. Introduced creating a function for creating the right arm, whereRead More...
Today we: Finished the Virtual Snow project. Went over the Scratch Level 1 Practice Test. Homework: Finish the Scratch Level 1 Practice Test. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAYRead More...
Today We Did Created explosion objects that show a score corresponding to balloon speed Learned how to only display a sprite for a certain amount of time Began adding extra game modesRead More...
Today we started a new project, the Belle Project. The focus of this project is to draw the figure in a different pose than last project (just standing), while also continuing practiceRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Last week pg 56 Try It Yourself Homework Reviewed Homework from week before last week on ranges from textbook range(start, end, step) Homework: Submit the following file intoRead More...
Today We: Learned about lists Learned how to access from lists list Learned how to modify items in lists list = newdata Learned how to add and remove from lists .append() andRead More...
Today we: Finished the Fireball Fight project. Homework: Finish the Scratch Level 2 Practice Test. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier, I willRead More...
Today We Did We finished Shoot Balloon Game The course is finished. Thank you students for all of your hard works. You can soon view your games in https://www.instagram.com/ayclogic
Today We Did Began Monster Inheritance project Created basic MonsterSystem class AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Please come toRead More...
Today We Did Continue MonsterSystem Homework https://forms.gle/hPeppnz5FrZrAHT16
Today We: Continued the Jumpy Monkey project Began coding level 2 Homework: Code the Monkey to be in the front layer Read and do the codes in the yellow Scratch Book Pg.Read More...
Today We: Learned more about for loop using range How to go backwards How to start at different numbers etc. Your HW: Create a new file called Feb_28_LoopHW2 Do only #3 from:Read More...
Today we did: We started working on the game over page, and the dizzy animation when the player crashes into a tube. We also made sure that the user loses the gameRead More...
Today We: Learned about lists Learned how to create a list Learned how to modify items in a list Learned how to add and remove from a list Learned how to getRead More...
Today We Did Adjusted text position for balloons Learned how to conditionally draw something with a 50/50 chance Reviewed pygame hitbox rectangles & their full setup You can always find the codeRead More...
Today We Did We went over Mad Scientist USACO problem. https://usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=1012 We went over Greedy algorithm concept. Homework Do Cannonball problem - try to read and do the problem within 1 hourRead More...
Today We Did continued working on Tank Game Homework make a class called TankExplosion in a file called tank_explosion.py the class should be very similar to WallExplosion, except it uses the imagesRead More...
Today We Did Finished implementing takeMagicDamage() Used proper constructors when adding new monsters Implemented monster healing Homework Download and Install Android Studio! Link here: https://developer.android.com/studio Follow the default installation instructions. Once installationRead More...
Today We Did Debugged FixingPythonBugs2.py Reviewed Exercise #1 and #2 from Quiz 2 Prep Explained return values from functions Homework Continue working on Quiz2Prep.py! Try your best to attempt all the exercises.Read More...
Today We Did More OOP examples — Dog example Finished GroceryShoppingCart with OOP Homework Copy pages 163 to Page 166 Page 167 – TRY IT YOURSELF If you have any questions, please messageRead More...
Today we: Finished the Virtual Snow project. Reviewed the practice test. Homework: Finish and submit the Scratch Level 1 Practice Test. Submit your homework here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due by FRIDAY NIGHT. Don’t forgetRead More...
What We Did Today: Started learning what functions are and how they are significant Learnt how to create and use functions without return values Learnt how parameters/arguments for a function works Homework:Read More...
What We Did Today: Made our code to create birds a bit cleaner using a method called create_bird() that uses a timer to create the birds (since the create_bird() method is calledRead More...
Today we: Continued learning about for loops Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Mar4_ForLoop_Pt2_Homework Follow the instructions in: https://www.ayclogic.com/animal-list-and-for-loop-exercises/ Read and do the codes from Pg. 56 Try It Yourself sectionRead More...
Today we: Coded the Banner sprite to hide when the game starts Coded the Banner sprite to switch to a costume and show when the Dog wins Coded the Banner sprite toRead More...
Today We Did Added credit page button Added draw_text() Began credits page You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/mon-7-pm-shoot-balloon/-/tree/sat_7_pm_sebastian?ref_type=heads AYC Logic’s observed holidays:Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed code for the final -- uploaded to Google Drive Homework Study for the final! Make sure to understand everything we went over today, and review the following topics:Read More...
Today We: Learned how to randomize the direction and where the birds spawn Your HW: Make clouds also be able to spawn on the right and move towards the left like theRead More...
Today we: Reviewed the Scratch Level 1 Practice Test. Homework: Study for the test, we will continue going over the practice test next week. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is dueRead More...
Today We Do Reviewed how to create a function for a shape (in this case a left arm) Learnt how to make circles using turtle Created a makeCircle() function to change featuresRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last weeks homework (54, 55) Logical Errors Syntax Errors While loops With variable (number = 1) With boolean (active) Infinite loop break Homework: Submit the following file intoRead More...
Today We: Learned how to loop through lists Your HW: Read and copy from pages 54 and 55 from your textbook (Ignore what I said about the animal hw website link)
Today we: Reviewed the Scratch Level 2 Practice Test. Homework: Study for the test next week! Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier, IRead More...
Today We Did First reviewed what 2 things all classes have, so that we really can understand what it means to inherit a class: Methods (functions inside of classes) Attributes (variables shared betweenRead More...
Today We: Coded the Dinosaur sprite Finished coding Level 2 Finished the Jumpy Monkey project Homework: Create a new project and title it “Fire and Ice Fight” Upload a sprite It canRead More...
Today We: Learned about while loop Your HW: Create a new file called Mar_7_WhileLoopHW1 Do the assignment found here: https://www.ayclogic.com/java-exercise-while-loop/
Today we did: We continued to review and work on exercises based on functions with and without return values. Homework: Copy the code from pages 137-139 and put the in a fileRead More...
Today we did: We started working on the countdown timer. Homework: Make sure to buy the assets before the next lesson Make sure to finish the draw_countdown_timer function by checking if theRead More...
Today We: Learned about looping through lists Your HW: Read and copy from pages 54 and 55 from your textbook
Today We Did We learned about Kaggle Jupyter notebook. Homework Copy https://www.kaggle.com/code/ayclogic/lesson-1-homework And create a new notebook out of this homework file. Follow the instruction. After you are done, email the linkRead More...
Today We Did Fixed balloons from spawning out of bounds Wrote landing page method and began blitting play and credit buttons You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We Did continued working on Tank Game Homework use assets/audio/Military Tension (Loop Version).wav as the background music for the game play assets/audio/TankFiring.wav when a bullet is shot play assets/audio/explodify.wav when aRead More...
Today We Did Set up Android Studio and started TemperatureConverter project Began customizing the UI with textViews and a button Homework Finish creating the UI for TemperatureConverter: Insert an EditText view beneathRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Exercise #3 and #4 from Quiz 2 Prep Completed 2 practice problems for Quiz 2 Homework Study for next week's quiz! You can review our lesson material here:Read More...
Today We Did Started SchoolSystem Homework Implement 3 more options: 4. Add new teacher 5. List all teachers 6. Find a teacher If you have any questions, please message me at szhuang@ayclogic.com
Today we: Went over the practice test. Homework: Finish and submit the Scratch Level 1 Practice Test if you have not done so yet. Study for the Final Test. Submit your homeworkRead More...
What We Did Today: Started learning what functions with return value are and how to use them using the return keyword Went through a couple examples on how to use return to initializeRead More...
What We Did Today: Made our birds wings flap by introducing a self.image_index variable to change the image from the images list Added a timer to make the flapping slower Tidied upRead More...
Today we: Learned about for loops with range Homework: Upload this homework in the Google Drive folder as Mar11_ForLoopWithRange_Homework Read and do the codes from Pg. 57-58 Contact us at gamas@ayclogic.com or allison@ayclogic.com if you haveRead More...
Today we: Continued the Ask Gobo project Coded Gobo to have different responses depending on which number is picked Homework: Record your voice saying Gobo's different replies and code Gobo to playRead More...
Today We Did Made credits page with text for all credits. Began template code for Bobby the Bug class. You can always find the code we wrote in class in my GitlabRead More...
Today We Did Final Exam! Homework No more homework. Good job finishing the course! :) If you have any questions, email me at williamsmith@ayclogic.com.
Today We: Learned how to flip an image Learned how to Animate a sprite Your HW: Add a timer to the bird class to make the bird flapping much slower (make itRead More...
Today we: Finished reviewing the Scratch Level 1 Practice Test. Homework: Study for the test next week. You will need to know: "Broadcast" and "When I Receive" How to make, control, andRead More...
Today We Do Reviewed how setheading changes the incline of the mouse, which in turn when used in functions changes how the functions are angled Learnt how to make semicircles using theRead More...
Today We Did Learned what threads are, and how they allow multiple different parts of our code to execute at the same time. Learned how to freeze our program using time.sleep(), stoppingRead More...
We continued the Belle project. Today we did: Finished the Body layer by adding the hands Added a new layer (Layer 3) to start the face and clothes currently we should haveRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed last weeks homework While loops Reviewed concepts for the quiz and started doing practice quiz questions Variables and Data types String formatting String concatenation How to get inputRead More...
Today We: Learned how to loop with range Your HW: Create a new file called Mar_12_AnimalListHW Do the assignment found here: https://www.ayclogic.com/animal-list-and-for-loop-exercises/
Today we: Took the Scratch Level 2 Final Test. Homework: Nothing! I will grade your test and release the score once I am done. If you got higher than 70%, that meansRead More...
Today We Did We created a project in intelliJ We learned about variables and datatypes: int, double, String. We learned how to get input from shell. Homework Inside intelliJ, create a newRead More...
Today We Did Learned about how to call methods from a parent class, while inside a child class using super() Continued building out our monster adventure game AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/Read More...
Today We Did Setup SchoolSystem project on local computer Continued working on SchoolSystem Project Find a teacher List all teachers dictionaries List all students dictionaries Add staff Homework Continue working on theRead More...
Today We: Continued the Fire and Ice project Began coding the Fireball and GameLoop sprites Homework: Create a new sprite called “Instructions” The sprite’s first costume should have the words: Press HRead More...
Today We: Learned how to get random numbers Your HW: Create a new file called "Mar_14_Magic8BallHW" Do the assignment found here: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/magic-8-ball/
Today We Did We created gitlab account We clone a gitlab project. We started drawing background image to pygame. Homework No homework
Today We: Learned how to use a for loop with range Your HW: Create a new file called Mar_16_AnimalListHW Do the assignment found here: https://www.ayclogic.com/animal-list-and-for-loop-exercises/
Today We Did Learned Python variables have names (can't have spaces), and values (values can have 4 different data types) Learned the 4 main data types are integer, float, string, and booleanRead More...
Today We Did Added a fromTextField and toText field to show temperature values Started the onClickConvert() method to convert F to C Homework The code for today's lesson is uploaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ftsx-CYnRf3_zP2ypCEGCDhjrX3PCWrY?usp=drive_linkRead More...
Today We Did Python Quiz 2 Homework No homework this week! Next week we will review the quiz and start learning about Turtle in Python :) If you have any questions, pleaseRead More...
Today We Did Started LibrarySystem Homework Implement the 5 things we discussed in class 1. Add book 2. List all books 3. Find book by name 4. Find book by id 5.Read More...
What we did today We continued working on the Spaceship project. Homework Create 2 sprites: the Fireball Powerup and the Bomb Powerup. Draw them however you like. Don't make them too similarRead More...
Today we: Went over the practice test. Homework: Study for the Final Test next week. Submit your homework here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due by FRIDAY NIGHT. Don’t forget to share your project, otherwise, I cannot seeRead More...
Today we did: We reviewed homework, and started to learn about the random module, as well as random.randint() and random.choice() Homework: Copy the code from pages 137-139 and put the in aRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to use the random module to get a random number from a range and how to get a random item from a list Showcased a coupleRead More...
What We Did Today: Made our code tidier by using a get_next_image method inside of the bird class Created our player class which spawns a player in our screen Made the playerRead More...
Today We Did We learned about for loop We learned about Turtle Homework Create a new python file march_18_turtle_homework.py Draw 4 shapes according to below
Today We Did Added attributes to Bug constructor Began fetching images for bug sprite Added self.bug_group, and create_bug() in main.py You can always find the code we wrote in class in myRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Ask Gobo project. We started working on the Funny Faces project. Homework Make the Hat2, Hair, Bow tie, Eyebrows, and Sunglasses sprite. TheRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Final Exam Notes Gamas will reach out to your parents to schedule a Final Retake. Wishing you the best of luck! If you have any questions, email meRead More...
Today We Do Learnt how to make things appear at random on our screen for the trees in the March12_ExtraShapes file Made a kaleidoscope that creates a circle infinitely but with aRead More...
Today We Did Fixed loading screen bug and reviewed how threads work / why we need them Added text for credits along with play button while on credits screen Began Bug classRead More...
Today we: Took the Final Test. Homework: Nothing! I will grade your tests soon. If you pass (70% or higher) then no class next week. If you do not pass, you willRead More...
We continued the Belle project. Today we did: Finished the main shapes of the clothes started on the hair placed all sketch layers into a folder
Today We Did Went over questions 2-10 on the intro to python review exercises https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises/ Homework: Study for the quiz!!! Recommended review the following topics (you guys seemed weak in these areas):Read More...
Today We: Learned about while loops Your HW: Read and copy from page 118 and 121
Today We Did We learned more about input from shell. We learned how to read an Integer from shell. We learned how to do if else if else statement. We learned aboutRead More...
Today We Did Added remaining logic for monster system project Only need to fix bugs for next class AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to emailRead More...
Today We Did Finished SchoolSystem Project List all staffs using List List all staffs that is younger than 20 Find a staff by name using List Find staff using Dictionary Started LibraryRead More...
Today We: Continued the Fire and Ice project Coded the Instructions and Text Background sprites Began coding the Apple and Star sprites Homework: Code Darwin (the sprite facing to the right) toRead More...
Today We: Learned how to create functions Your HW: Create a new Java class <date>_MethodsHomework.java Create a new method convertFromFahrenheitToCelcius. It has one parameter int fahrenheit. Inside the method, it will convertRead More...
Today we did: We worked on the second version of the magic 8-ball project using random.choice(). Homework: Copy the code from pages 138-139 (if you're using the online pdf) and put theRead More...
Today we did: We finished flappy bird by adding the background music and the sound effects. We started working on the shoot balloon project. Homework: Make sure to buy the assets beforeRead More...
Your HW: Create a new file called Mar_23_LoopPracticeHW Create a list called games and fill it with your favorite games Create an empty list called account Loop through your list of gamesRead More...
Today We Did Continued target class drawings for lines Began group collide method for target and balloons You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
Today We Did Learned about conditions and if statements Learned comparison operators: ==, !=, <=, >=, <, > Learned about operators that let us connect conditions: and, or Learned about 3 kindsRead More...
Today We Did We discussed USACO Feb 2024, Milk Exchange problem - https://usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=1396 We did the brute force way (simulation). Which only give us 8 out of 16 test cases. We discussedRead More...
Today We Did Fixed Android Studio issues Reviewed last week's homework Homework Continue working on TemperatureConverter: Finish last week's homework if you haven't already: https://www.ayclogic.com/event/4-pm-intro-to-java-william-16/ Add additional temperature conversion options to theRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Python Quiz 2 Learned Turtle basics Homework Create the following file: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ Use goto(x, y) to go to a specific x, yRead More...
Today We Did Finished LibrarySystem Started inheritance Homework Page 168 to 170: Copy Codes If you have any questions, email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com
Today we: Took the Scratch Level 1 Final Test. Homework: None! I will grade your tests. Please wait for your score to be released. NO CLASS ON MARCH 30!!! Submit your homeworkRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to use the random module in other programs like password generator and using random.choice to reinvent our magic 8 ball program. Homework: Create a new fileRead More...
Today We Did We learned about how to use for loop to create many rectangles Homework Finish last week homework - draw the octagon and square inside march_18_turtle_homework.py Create march_25_turtle_forloop_hw.py Draw TriangleRead More...
What We Did Today: 1. Continuing off of the previous homework, we made our birds image orient the opposite way when coming from the right to the left 2. We made theRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Funny Faces. We learned about how to use X and Y coordinates and how to set coordinates. We started working on our DrawingRead More...
Today We Did Continued bug movement code Began bug collision code You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/mon-7-pm-shoot-balloon/-/tree/sat_7_pm_sebastian?ref_type=heads AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/Read More...
Today We: Created the player class Learned how to flip the player and avoid the lag from flipping the image too often Your HW: None
Today We Did Continued creating the Bug class Started adding bug image sprites You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/tue-6-pm-shoot-balloon/-/tree/Sebastian?ref_type=heads AYC Logic’s observedRead More...
Today We Do Learnt how to make a grocery system, where our computer keeps track of what items we bought and we imitated a simple text based game. Reviewed the final projectsRead More...
Continued the Belle project. Today we did: Finished the hair Added details to clothes, such as the apron, and the lacy under-dress Duplicated the “Sketch layers” —> renamed “line layers” Erased partsRead More...
Today We Did We learned about variables and data types. Homework Create a file named Mar26_VariableDataTypeHW.py Copy the code, not the output from pages 20-23 Upload it to the Google Drive If youRead More...
Today We: Continued learning about while loops Learned how to convert old code to ask the user things forever Your HW: Create a new file called Mar_26_PracticeQuiz1 Go to this link andRead More...
Today We Did Full review of object oriented programming and inheritance Full explanation of homework assignment. AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Today We Did Learned about &&, ||, !=, and ! && = And || = Or != --> not equals (primitives) ! --> negate .equals() and .equalsIgnoreCase() Lists in Java List<String> namesRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We started LibrarySystem project. We created Book class. We added add_book and list_all_books. Homework Continue with LibrarySystem project Add codes to enable find book (by name). UseRead More...
Today We: Continued the Fire and Ice project Coded the Ice sprite. Created a Big Fireball sprite. Coded Darwin to shoot his SuperPower. Coded the Star sprite for Gumball. Homework: Make aRead More...
Today We: Learned about how to create classes Your HW: Create a new package called Mar_28_HW Create a Car class Attributes (all private): Brand (String) Model (String) Year (Int) Methods: Getters andRead More...
Today We Did We learned about pygame library. We learned about how to blit image to screen. We learned how to move bird left and right. Homework Memorize the X, Y coordinateRead More...
Today we did: We worked on the balloon class. We made sure to have all colors of the balloon, as well as the update method. We created a balloon group in main,Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to debug, identified common types of errors, and gained independence as a coder. Homework: Continue on your file called April1_Debugging_2.py and submit it into the googleRead More...
Today We Did We continued learning turtle. We drew triangles and octagon inside forloop We learned how to set background to dark blue We learned how to set the pen to white.Read More...
What We Did Today: Added the fireball and made it shoot from the players location, and triggered it on command using the space key We added a timer for launching the fireballRead More...
Today We Did Continued adding logic for bug collisions You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/mon-7-pm-shoot-balloon/-/tree/sat_7_pm_sebastian?ref_type=heads AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In caseRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Drawing Shapes project. We started working on the Animal Crossing project. Homework Make a sprite start from the RIGHT side of the screen,Read More...
Your HW: Create a new file called bullet.py Make it a sprite similar to cloud but with only 1 image Make it be able to move left or right based on theRead More...
What We Did Today: We learnt how to make a Robux system where our program can keep track of how much money we have in the interactive text based program we madeRead More...
We continued the Belle Project. Today we did: Merged all the “Line Layers” together Recoloring the lines to black, and refining the lines so that they are neater and more uniform withRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed variables and data types Learned about string functions Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1sZAR3eiAAz3Yafzcux39FXbbzkuwM1C6 If you don't have access to this, email me. Homework Create a file named Apr2_StringHW.py & do theRead More...
Today we: Started the Spaceship project. Homework: When the Spaceship sprite is moving in a specific direction, switch to these costumes. Make a Game Over Banner sprite. When the game starts, itRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Quiz 1 Answers Functions How to make functions Why we want to use functions Parameters vs Arguments Homework: Submit the following file into your Google Drive Homework FolderRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the practice quiz Your HW: Study for the quiz by reviewing old files and do last week's homework again without looking at the answers
Today We Did For loops Looping through lists for (datatype var_name : list_name) { } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { } for (int i = list.size() -Read More...
FINAL EXAM IS NEXT WEEK! So you have to study the past projects and finish up the final exam review. Today We Did Went over the final exam review, going over similarRead More...
Today We Did Finished LibrarySystem Project Fixed bugs in getting info from books and checking whether a books publishing year was before 2000 Find Book By ID Super Secret Password mechanism toRead More...
Today We: Finished the Fireball Fight project. Went over the Level 2 Practice Test. Homework: Finish the Level 2 Practice Test: https://forms.gle/zVoPVyE57Ssx6Ty56 This is 10% of your Final Test's grade. Contact usRead More...
Today We: Reviewed last week's homework Learned more about OOP Started to convert the magic 8 ball project to OOP Your HW: None
Today We: Learned about while loops Your HW: Read and copy from page 118 and 121 Page 123-124 TRY IT YOURSELF 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7
Today We: Learned about the layout of the Unity Editor Learned how to print stuff out into the console Your HW: None
Today we did: We reviewed the homework and worked on the password generator. Homework: Create a new file called April6_FunctionsExercise and do the exercises from here: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ If you have any questions,Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed the full score algorithm (no code yet) for Milk Exchange USACO Feb 24 Bronze problem (https://usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=1396) We reviewed the full score algorithm (partial code) for Maximizing ProductivityRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed conditionals like if, elif, and else Learned about user input User input can be retrieved using input() All user input turns into a string data type Class code:Read More...
Today We Did Continued working on collision handler for Target & Balloon. You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/sat-2-pm-shoot-balloon-sebastian AYC Logic’s observed holidays:Read More...
Today We Did Added 3 conversion types to the application Created ConversionTypeListener.java to listen to changes in the Spinner Homework Continue working on TemperatureConverter: Catch up if you haven't already!! Our codeRead More...
Today We Did Learned about x,y coordinates in Python Turtle Created functions to draw shapes Homework Work on the following: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ You can use any method (goto(x,y),Read More...
Today We Did Start Monster Inheritance Homework Page 173, 9-6 and 9-7 If you have any questions, email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com