What We Did Today: Learnt how to debug, identified common types of errors, and gained independence as a coder. Homework: Continue on your file called April1_Debugging_2.py and submit it into the googleRead More...
What We Did Today: Added the fireball and made it shoot from the players location, and triggered it on command using the space key We added a timer for launching the fireballRead More...
Today We Did We continued learning turtle. We drew triangles and octagon inside forloop We learned how to set background to dark blue We learned how to set the pen to white.Read More...
Today We Did Continued adding logic for bug collisions You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/mon-7-pm-shoot-balloon/-/tree/sat_7_pm_sebastian?ref_type=heads AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In caseRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Drawing Shapes project. We started working on the Animal Crossing project. Homework Make a sprite start from the RIGHT side of the screen,Read More...
Your HW: Create a new file called bullet.py Make it a sprite similar to cloud but with only 1 image Make it be able to move left or right based on theRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed variables and data types Learned about string functions Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1sZAR3eiAAz3Yafzcux39FXbbzkuwM1C6 If you don't have access to this, email me. Homework Create a file named Apr2_StringHW.py & do theRead More...
We continued the Belle Project. Today we did: Merged all the “Line Layers” together Recoloring the lines to black, and refining the lines so that they are neater and more uniform withRead More...
What We Did Today: We learnt how to make a Robux system where our program can keep track of how much money we have in the interactive text based program we madeRead More...
Today we: Started the Spaceship project. Homework: When the Spaceship sprite is moving in a specific direction, switch to these costumes. Make a Game Over Banner sprite. When the game starts, itRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Quiz 1 Answers Functions How to make functions Why we want to use functions Parameters vs Arguments Homework: Submit the following file into your Google Drive Homework FolderRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the practice quiz Your HW: Study for the quiz by reviewing old files and do last week's homework again without looking at the answers
Today We Did For loops Looping through lists for (datatype var_name : list_name) { } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { } for (int i = list.size() -Read More...
FINAL EXAM IS NEXT WEEK! So you have to study the past projects and finish up the final exam review. Today We Did Went over the final exam review, going over similarRead More...
Today We Did Finished LibrarySystem Project Fixed bugs in getting info from books and checking whether a books publishing year was before 2000 Find Book By ID Super Secret Password mechanism toRead More...
Today We: Finished the Fireball Fight project. Went over the Level 2 Practice Test. Homework: Finish the Level 2 Practice Test: https://forms.gle/zVoPVyE57Ssx6Ty56 This is 10% of your Final Test's grade. Contact usRead More...
Today we did: We reviewed the homework and worked on the password generator. Homework: Create a new file called April6_FunctionsExercise and do the exercises from here: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ If you have any questions,Read More...
Today We Did Continued working on collision handler for Target & Balloon. You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/sat-2-pm-shoot-balloon-sebastian AYC Logic’s observed holidays:Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed the full score algorithm (no code yet) for Milk Exchange USACO Feb 24 Bronze problem (https://usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=1396) We reviewed the full score algorithm (partial code) for Maximizing ProductivityRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed conditionals like if, elif, and else Learned about user input User input can be retrieved using input() All user input turns into a string data type Class code:Read More...
Today We Did Added 3 conversion types to the application Created ConversionTypeListener.java to listen to changes in the Spinner Homework Continue working on TemperatureConverter: Catch up if you haven't already!! Our codeRead More...
Today We Did Learned about x,y coordinates in Python Turtle Created functions to draw shapes Homework Work on the following: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ You can use any method (goto(x,y),Read More...
YOU WILL HAVE YOUR SECOND QUIZ NEXT WEEK ON APRIL 15 What We Did Today: Prepared for the second quiz, went over some topics to prepare for the quiz, how to study,Read More...
Today We Did We learned about drawing star and octagon using for loop going up and down. We learned how to draw star and octagon filled up color. Homework Create a newRead More...
What We Did Today: Changed the direction of the fireball depending on the player direction Made the birds disappear when the fireball collided with them Re explained why the timer works differentlyRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Animal Crossing project. We introduced the Spiralizer project. Homework Make a sprite glide from one screen to another screen. When that sprite touchesRead More...
We continue the Belle Project. Today we did: Finish adding all the base colors Added some line details to her ear, bodice, and underskirt lace Added shadows and details on a newRead More...
Today we: Started the Spaceship project. Homework: Create a Fireball Power Up sprite and a Bomb Power Up sprite. Add the Lightning sprite and look for another sprite we can use toRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed homework & how to upload to Drive. Homework Revise the homework from last week. Add f-strings Add quotes inside of the famous person's quote Add anything else you'reRead More...
NEXT WEEK IS YOUR FINAL EXAM ON APRIL 16 What We Did Today: Reviewed topics for the final exam next week Homework: Study for your final exam next week, focusing on theRead More...
Today We Did Warm-Up Review While Loop Problem For Loop & Lists Problem Random (Feel free to explore the documentation here!: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Random.html) Random r = new Random(); r.nextInt(lower_bound, upper_bound) or r.nextInt(upper_bound) Arrays.asList(...);Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Dictionaries and did Dictionary Practice How to add/insert into dictionary Getting items from dictionary dictionary.keys(), dictionary.values(), dictionary.items() Started Supermarket Project GroceryItem Class Created self.shopping_cart and added GroceryItems toRead More...
Today We: Went over the Level 2 Practice Test. Homework: Finish the Level 2 Practice Test: https://forms.gle/zVoPVyE57Ssx6Ty56 This is 10% of your Final Test’s grade. We will finish going over the Practice TestRead More...
Today We: Learned more about OOP Static methods/variables Your HW: Create a new file called Apr_11_TellMeYourAgeOOP Go to Feb_8_IfStatements file and copy and paste the Tell Me Your Age section into theRead More...
Today We: Learned how to make our programs run continuously Your HW: Make sure to give yourself 1 hour to do this practice quiz: Create a new file called Apr_14_PracticeQuiz1 Do theRead More...
Today We: Learned how to move objects in script Your HW: In the game controller script, make it so the objects that spawn are created where the user's mouse position is IfRead More...
Today We Did Completed Explosion class Added buttons to landing page Began credits page You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/sat-2-pm-shoot-balloon-sebastian AYC Logic’sRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed how if statements work Reviewed how to get user input Learned about lists, and all the different things we can do with them. SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYCRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Temperature Converter Swapped unit labels to match temperature conversion type (C --> F) Homework Continue working on TemperatureConverter: Change the unit labels according to the otherRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed x-, y-coordinate system and last week's homework Created function to draw filled-in circles Homework Work on the following: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ Make sure to createRead More...
Today We Did Finish Monster Inheritance Homework Do the practice final that was shared with you in your email. If you have any questions, email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com
What we did today Finished up the Beetle and Ghost sprites. Worked on the Level Banner sprite and made Level 1 & Level 2 costumes. Added code in the Cheese sprite toRead More...
Today We Did If Else and Scanner Homework Assignment: https://www.ayclogic.com/java-exercise-2b-input-from-shell-and-if-else/ Upload it to the Google Drive. If you have any questions, email me at szhuang@ayclogic.com
Today We Did We learned more about for loop. We learned how to print some sentences multiple times into the shell using for loop. Homework Print the grid paper from And drawRead More...
What We Did Today: Added the game landing page using game modes Blitted out the play button on screen and enabled mode switching when the screen is clicked We also corrected andRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Spiralizer project. We introduced the Tunnel of Doom project. Homework Do pages 124-127 on your pink Scratch book. Do not copy the mazeRead More...
Your HW: Create a new method called handle_main_menu It will have birds and clouds spawn/update Also make it have the title/logo and play button displayed on the screen To test, add anRead More...
Today We Did If statements Homework Copy pages 79-81 from the textbook, put it in a file called Apr16_IfElseHomework.py. DO NOT copy the output. Just the code. Upload it to the GoogleRead More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship project. Homework: Add code to the Bomb Power Up and Rocketship sprites. Change these things: Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You canRead More...
Today we started on the FINAL PROJECT. This project will be done as Homework, but every week, we will review and talk about the progress in class. Final Project Step 1. Find aRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed function homework We reviewed function without return value We started doing function WITH return value. Homework Create a new python file apr_16_function_hw2.py Do try itRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed Magic 8 Ball homework and created 2nd version of Magic 8 Ball. We introduced the concept of methods in Java. Homework Create April17MethodHomework.java Create aRead More...
Today We: Went over the Level 2 Practice Test. Homework: No homework! We will take the Scratch Level 2 Final Test next week. If you will not be here, tell your parentsRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed Tell Me Your Age program using OOP way: methods and class. We started SchoolSystem program. Homework Continue on your SchoolSystem program. Create a new classRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We cloned fri-9-am-david-pygame-final-project gitlab project for David to start his project. This project is due on June 8, 2024. We copied TreeBoy images into the project. WeRead More...
Your HW: Study for your first quiz next week Redo last week's practice quiz without looking at the answers for practice Quick List of topics to study: Data types Lists getting userRead More...
Your HW: Decorate your level 1 scene using the tile map painter tool If you want to use other blocks, follow the process we went over in class to add the imageRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Maximizing Productivity USACO Feb 2024 Bronze problem from https://usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=1397. We discussed how to optimize the solution from Big O(N^2) to Big O (N Log N) and passedRead More...
Today We Did Learned about while loops Learned about for loops Learned about how for loops are made from while loops SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In caseRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on Temperature Converter: Finished swapping all unit labels according to conversion Changed conversion formula based on conversion using conversionType attribute Code for today's lesson can be foundRead More...
Today We Did Created functions to draw squares and rectangles Homework Work on the following: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ Make sure to create functions to draw each shape! Apr13_RobotBuilder.py CreateRead More...
Today We Did Went over practice test & review Homework None. No class next week — study for the 2 hour final exam on 5/4, 4:30pm! If you have any questions, emailRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Cheese Chase project. Homework Add special effects/finishing touches to your project. Add sound effects. Add bg music. Make sure nothing is overlapping andRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt the basic of turtle, how to use goto(), forward(), right(), left(), penup(), and pendown(). Learnt how to draw shapes on the screen using geometry. Learn how toRead More...
What We Did Today: Updated and finished our game landing page mode, where we spawned a title, the birds, the clouds, and made the game only start when we click within theRead More...
Today We Did We drew letter S using python turtle We learn about function a little bit. Homework inside the apr_15_sos_hw_1.py, draw letter O. Find the coordinates of the 4 rectangles inRead More...
Today We Did Learned about different variables and data types in Java. Class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
What we did today We finished working on the Tunnel of Doom project. We introduced the Window Cleaner project. Homework Do pages 135 and 136 in your pink Scratch book. Create 4Read More...
Your HW: Create a custom collide handler for when a bird hits the player Change the game so that the player is NOT destroyed when it collides with a bird Make itRead More...
Today we: Finished the Spaceship project. Homework: Do pages 52-53, steps #1-5. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier, I will check it asRead More...
Today We Did If statements and input from shell Homework Make a file named Apr25_IfElse2HW.py Page 84, 5-3, 5-4 Number 3 only from https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/ Upload it to the Google Drive under the folderRead More...
Today We Did Began working on tower of defense project Created title screen, logo, and play buttons You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here:Read More...
Today we finished the Belle project! Added shading to the white parts of clothes. Added the background by: Importing a picture of the background we want Add a filter and extra detailsRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Function with Return Value HW Overloading functions Did more review of Functions with Return Values Conversion problems Searching for items in lists (returns True or False) Is itemRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Method HW from last week Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius Converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit How to run the method Converted Magic8Ball program to use Methods run() provideResponse()Read More...
Today We Did Finished our Supermarket project print_menu() add_item() checkout() Started learning about inhertance A subclass or child class inherits all the methods and/or attributes from the parent class class Child(Parent): super()Read More...
Today We: Took the Level 2 Practice Test. Homework: No homework! I will grade your tests and let you know if you passed or not. If you pass, there is no classRead More...
Your HW: Create a new class, Teacher Parameters: Name - String Age - Int Subject - String 1 Method: getInfo Public, will return a string to display the teacher, "<Name> <Age>, TeachersRead More...
Today We Did We went over Java Comparator how to do Ascending and Descending sorting using one Comparator. We are going to learn about LinkedList. Homework Enhance GamePriceComparator.java so it can doRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed David's final project progress according to homework assignment assigned in the project proposal doc. We continued with Shoot balloon project. Displayed "Bad Balloon" text onRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to move the birds left and right. We started creating Bird class. Homework Display another bird to start from bottom right corner and move diagonally toRead More...
Today we did: We learned a methodical approach for solving errors, and did a couple of exercises. Homework: Create a new file called April27_FunctionsExercise and do the exercises from here: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ ContinueRead More...
Today We Did We started Cat vs Dog project. We were able to load other people's data set cars-image-dataset in Kaggle. We were able to load URL.PETs from fastai library We wereRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the 2 important kinds of Python loops. Learned about the range() function which helps for loops, letting us loop over indices. SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observedRead More...
Today We Did Finished TemperatureConverter Created constants for conversion strings Changed button text Learned how to export project as APK Reviewed #1-4 on practice final Homework Finish the TaxiDriverSystem practice finalRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed x-,y- coordinate system Finished filledInShapes (triangle) Started RobotBuilder.py Draw left arm Homework Work on the following files: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/ Do what you can toRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to create a function for making rectangles or squares using parameters such as x and y (used for starting position of drawing), length and height (ofRead More...
What We Did Today: Added background music and sound effects to our program. Fixed some bugs and tweaks such as the fireball spawning on top of our player, as well as theRead More...
Homework Inside apr-15-sos-hw1.py Draw the letter O right next by letter S. Draw the 2nd letter S right next by letter O. So eventually you can have the word S O S.
What we did today We finished working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Do pages 140-141 on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email me at abigail@ayclogic.com
Today We Did Reviewed how conditions work Learned about Java if statements Reviewed the and / or operators Learned about how to compare strings in Java (not just using ==) AYC Logic’sRead More...
Today We Did Finished creating the title screen and credits pages, reviewing all the old fundamental pygame concepts You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repositoryRead More...
Today we: Started the Cheese Chase project. Homework: In your yellow coding book, do pages 54-55, steps #6-11. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier,Read More...
Today We Did If statements and input from shell Homework Make a file named Apr30_Input2HW.py Copy pages 114 to 116 Upload it to the Google Drive under the folder that’s your nameIf youRead More...
Today We Did Function Review print_first_item_in_list return_second_item_in_list random import random random.randint(start, end) random.choice(list) Magic8Ball V1 Using random.randint() to make a Magic 8 Ball Program Homework: Submit the following file into your GoogleRead More...
Today We: Learned about functions with return value Your HW: Do numbers 4 to 7 from the website below: https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/
Today We Did Homework Review TellMeYourAgeOOP.java SchoolSystem Project Student.java and Teacher.java Constructors Attributes & Private Variables Getters & Setters Homework Create a new Java file May1_Classes.java and create the program below. MakeRead More...
Today We Did Inheritance (Animal/Parrot/CurlParrot example) Basic Inheritance super() Constructors Subclasses of subclasses Overriding methods Methods that are only accessible with specific classes Homework Make a file named May2_Inheritance.py and do theRead More...
Your HW: Add the find teacher option Create new method called find_teacher if the user enters the option on the menu that says "find a teacher" call this find_teacher method Ask theRead More...
Today we did: We worked on some more exercises for debugging (fixing errors), and also started doing exercises on functions. Homework: Make sure you review the 3 steps for fixing errors, andRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed coordinates in Pygame. We reviewed how to display image on the screen. We learned how to save/push code to gitlab cloud. Homework Display 4 birds in theRead More...
Your HW: Copy codes from page 130 to 133. Make sure to do the 131 (TRY IT YOURSELF) https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/ number 4 to 6.
Your HW: Create animation clip for one of the birds First create a new object and change the sprite to one bird image Then follow the process we did in class toRead More...
Today We Did We created fast.ai vision_learner model that can identify cat or dog images. Homework Try uploading some cat images, some dogs images and some frog images. And observe, the predictionRead More...
Today We Did We learned about variables and data types. Homework Create a new python file may-4-string-homework.py Copy codes from page 20 to 23. IntroToPythonP20toP23 my email is gamas@ayclogic.com
Today We Did SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Please submit your homework into your GoogleRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Practice Final (TaxiDriverSystem) Solution can be found in our Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b_4rMxapEAcj8rjxQ4rWxTmIKHTBjolR?usp=drive_link Homework No homework for this week! Review for our final next week (2 hours). IRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed x-,y- coordinate system Added body to robot Drew pentagon + polygon Homework Code for today's lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DRueQQ9kB5K51cmthKCBg2nzg0qxTbSR/view?usp=drive_link Work on the following files: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/Read More...