What We Did Today: Learnt how to create a function for making rectangles or squares using parameters such as x and y (used for starting position of drawing), length and height (ofRead More...
What We Did Today: Added background music and sound effects to our program. Fixed some bugs and tweaks such as the fireball spawning on top of our player, as well as theRead More...
Homework Inside apr-15-sos-hw1.py Draw the letter O right next by letter S. Draw the 2nd letter S right next by letter O. So eventually you can have the word S O S.
What we did today We finished working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Do pages 140-141 on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email me at abigail@ayclogic.com
Today We Did Reviewed how conditions work Learned about Java if statements Reviewed the and / or operators Learned about how to compare strings in Java (not just using ==) AYC Logic’sRead More...
Today We Did If statements and input from shell Homework Make a file named Apr30_Input2HW.py Copy pages 114 to 116 Upload it to the Google Drive under the folder that’s your nameIf youRead More...
Today We Did Finished creating the title screen and credits pages, reviewing all the old fundamental pygame concepts You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repositoryRead More...
Today we: Started the Cheese Chase project. Homework: In your yellow coding book, do pages 54-55, steps #6-11. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier,Read More...
Today We Did Function Review print_first_item_in_list return_second_item_in_list random import random random.randint(start, end) random.choice(list) Magic8Ball V1 Using random.randint() to make a Magic 8 Ball Program Homework: Submit the following file into your GoogleRead More...
Today We: Learned about functions with return value Your HW: Do numbers 4 to 7 from the website below: https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/
Today We Did Homework Review TellMeYourAgeOOP.java SchoolSystem Project Student.java and Teacher.java Constructors Attributes & Private Variables Getters & Setters Homework Create a new Java file May1_Classes.java and create the program below. MakeRead More...
Today We Did Inheritance (Animal/Parrot/CurlParrot example) Basic Inheritance super() Constructors Subclasses of subclasses Overriding methods Methods that are only accessible with specific classes Homework Make a file named May2_Inheritance.py and do theRead More...
Your HW: Add the find teacher option Create new method called find_teacher if the user enters the option on the menu that says "find a teacher" call this find_teacher method Ask theRead More...
Today we did: We worked on some more exercises for debugging (fixing errors), and also started doing exercises on functions. Homework: Make sure you review the 3 steps for fixing errors, andRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed coordinates in Pygame. We reviewed how to display image on the screen. We learned how to save/push code to gitlab cloud. Homework Display 4 birds in theRead More...
Your HW: Copy codes from page 130 to 133. Make sure to do the 131 (TRY IT YOURSELF) https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/ number 4 to 6.
Your HW: Create animation clip for one of the birds First create a new object and change the sprite to one bird image Then follow the process we did in class toRead More...
Today We Did We created fast.ai vision_learner model that can identify cat or dog images. Homework Try uploading some cat images, some dogs images and some frog images. And observe, the predictionRead More...
Today We Did We learned about variables and data types. Homework Create a new python file may-4-string-homework.py Copy codes from page 20 to 23. IntroToPythonP20toP23 my email is gamas@ayclogic.com
Today We Did SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Please submit your homework into your GoogleRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Practice Final (TaxiDriverSystem) Solution can be found in our Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b_4rMxapEAcj8rjxQ4rWxTmIKHTBjolR?usp=drive_link Homework No homework for this week! Review for our final next week (2 hours). IRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed x-,y- coordinate system Added body to robot Drew pentagon + polygon Homework Code for today's lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DRueQQ9kB5K51cmthKCBg2nzg0qxTbSR/view?usp=drive_link Work on the following files: Mar23_TurtleHW.py Complete the HW Exercises at https://www.ayclogic.com/event/6-pm-intro-to-python-46/Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt and improved how we connect different shaped together using geometry. Learnt how to use a function to combine different shapes together to create an object. Homework: YourRead More...
What We Did Today: Started on the Flappy Bird Project, where we initialized and spawned a tube to moves backwards in our screen. Homework: Create a new Player class, and (using Birdie'sRead More...
What we did today We started the Punch the Dummy project. Homework In the Head sprite, decorate the Dummy. Make a happy costume and a sad costume. Label the costumes. If youRead More...
Today We Did Learned about lists Learned about for loops AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework Please submit your homeworkRead More...
Your HW: In the main, create the tube_group Create a method called spawn_tubes that will spawn a new tube to the tube group every second Make it so the tubes will moveRead More...
Today We Did If statements and input from shell Homework Make a file named Apr30_InputElifHW.py Page 117 . TRY IT YOURSELF: 7-1, 7-2 Tell Me Your Age homework ONLY number 1: 6th weekRead More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project. Homework: In your yellow coding book, do pages 56, steps #12-13. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier, IRead More...
FINAL PROJECT we need to finish the LINES for the final project, and make the lines very nice and clean. As always, be careful on which layers you are drawing in, andRead More...
Today We Did Continued adding images for "game in session" before enemies are drawn Started Tower class and began understanding how the class will work You can always find the code weRead More...
Today We Did Installed PyCharm Community Edition + created project Learned about Python dictionaries Key, value Add/update entries Get/delete entries Code for today's and future lessons can be found here (you shouldRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed HW the list goes inside the parenthesis of random.choice Function Review Exercises Problem 1 & 2 from HW Challenge Problem 3, using random.randint to get a random itemRead More...
Your HW: Create a new function called order_food 1 parameter: String food Will return the price of the food If the food parameter entered is "burger" the function should return 2.99 "hotRead More...
Today We Did Homework Review Animal.java Constructor Getters Setters Started SchoolSystem.java Created run loop Scanner and Menu addNewStudent() findStudent() Homework We're going to continue working on our SchoolSystem.java application! Please code theRead More...
Today We Did Homework 9-6 --> BagelStore (not IceCreamStore) 9-7 --> Administrator MonsterInheritance Monster class get_info receive_sword_attack receive_magic_attack Homework Continue working on the MonsterInheritance project, implement the Dragon class following the instructionsRead More...
Today We Did Learned about Data Types: Integers, Double/Float, Strings Learned about Variable Types and how to assign numbers and Strings to Variables Homework Create may_9_string_hw.py pages 20-23 copy python codes fromRead More...
Your HW: In school system, create a Map (or dictionary) to store the students (name as key, student object as value) Update your create a student method to add the new studentRead More...
Today we did: We reviewed functions with and without return value, and did some exercises regarding functions. Homework: Follow the instructions from https://www.ayclogic.com/fix-python-bugs-2/ Do the exercises from https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises-for-quiz-2/. Don't worry if youRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Bird class We learned about pygame.sprite.Group for bird_group. We learned how to specify bird location when creating a new Bird class. Homework We want you toRead More...
Today we did: We continued working on the final project. We made some progress with the Shoot Balloon project. Homework: For Shoot Balloon, make sure you create the collision function for theRead More...
Your HW: Read from the textbook: 2nd edition: 138, 139: 14th week 3rd edition: 137-139: 14th week number 4 to 7. https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/
What we did today We finished the SuperMarket List project. Learnt how to use lists a bit more with adding things into a list, as well as some logic behind the orderRead More...
Today We Did Random and While Loop and 8 Ball Homework Modify the Magic 8 Ball code so that you replace the if statements with a list. Code is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1qrIxc6mtpiZJJ-vYGbFwJ7ZH8GgbUxKo IfRead More...
What We Did Today: Created a function for the right arm, showing how to create a function for a collection of rectangles. Learnt how to use the t.circle which we engineeredRead More...
Today We Did We finished SOS turtle We learned about function We learned how to use function inside Python turtle. Homework Change code inside may-13-function.py Add more parameters to the friend_activities function.Read More...
What We Did Today: Continued on the Flappy Duck project, where we made the player flap, as well as added hit-boxes around the player and tubes, and we added collision detection. LearntRead More...
Today We Did Learned about Java methods Learned about the difference between static and non-static methods by looking back at Python's "self" parameter we had to put in all our methods insideRead More...
What we did today We finished the Punch the Dummy project. We started working on the MHALL project. Homework Duplicate your note sprite until you have 4 note sprites in total. TheRead More...
Your HW: Make the tubes have a random Y height instead of resizing the image so that the lip of the tube does not look squished Remember the demonstration in class inRead More...
Today We Did Lists and input from shell Homework Make a file named May14_Lists2HW.py 1st Homework: 2nd edition: Page 38 to 41: access, modify, append, remove – 7th week 3rd edition: PageRead More...
Today We Did Continued creating the enemy class Reviewed dictionaries to shorten the amount of code we need Reviewed static methods (static just means you don't need to make an object toRead More...
Today We Did Benchmarked dictionary vs. list Reviewed dictionary concepts Looping through keys, values dict.items() Homework Follow the instructions at: https://www.ayclogic.com/phone-book-system/ If you want supplemental reading about dictionaries, check out the textbook:Read More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project. Homework: Make another maze costume in your Maze sprite. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAY NIGHT. You can submit it earlier, IRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed HW Questions 2, 3 and 4 from the HW (starwars functions) Errors and how to fix them Click on the blue text to figure out where the errorRead More...
What We Did We learned about variables Comments in python We learned about integers, doubles, strings Homework Create May_15_StringHomework.py pages 20-23 copy python codes from the book: 2nd week or 3rd weekRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We continued about SchoolSystem We learned about Map and HashMap. We created Address class. We created May15HashMapTutorial.java Homework Continue with SchoolSystem. Add the following features Add methodRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on MonsterInheritance Project Dragon Class Started the MonsterSystem Initialization Application Loop Menu Add monsters List all monsters Started working on the adventure game Homework Continue working onRead More...
Today We Did String Concatenation (You can combine strings with the + sign ) f"strings (using f and {}, you can put variables into strings) Stripping whitespace out of strings (.rstrip, .lstrip(),Read More...
Gamas Sub What We Did We went over how to do right_arm function. We went over how to find coordinate of a new shape base on a coordinate of a known shape.Read More...
Today we did: We worked on exercises in preparation for the second quiz. Homework: Create a new file called May17_FixPythonErrorsHomework and follow the instructions from https://www.ayclogic.com/fix-python-bugs-2/ Here are the topics you mustRead More...
Today We Did We spawn one bird every one second. We randomize the bird image. We randomize the bird Y location. Homework Spawn one cloud every 2 seconds. Randomize all 3 cloudRead More...
Today we did: We continued working on the final project. Homework: For Shoot Balloon, make sure you create the collision function for the target and the balloon, and inside the collision function,Read More...
Your HW: Create a new function called convert_feet_to_inches 1 Parameter: feet It will return the number of inches in the parameter, feet There are 12 inches in 1 foot total # ofRead More...
What we did today We started and finished the How Old are You project. We started the Movie Ticket project. Homework Finish the three if statements. $5 ticket: 3-10 $10 ticket: 11-59Read More...
Today We Did Methods Homework Create a new Java class <date>_MethodsHomework.java Create a new method convertFromFahrenheitToCelcius. It has one parameter int fahrenheit. Inside the method, it will convert fahrenheit parameter into celciusRead More...
What We Did Today: Showcased how to combine circles and rectangles for a shape. Showed how to use "heading" to make our shapes inclined. Showed how to use the "extent" parameter forRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued on the Flappy Duck project, where we made the player fall with gravity and have the ability to jump. Fixed our tube gap distance in a moreRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed last week homework. We added 2 more parameters to friend_activities function. We added 2 more parameters to rectangle function. Homework Continue may-13-turtle-function.py Complete SOS by calling rectangleRead More...
What we did today We continued and finished working on the MHALL project. Homework Finish making the last two lines of the Happy Birthday song. If you have any questions, email meRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed arrays, lists, for loops, for each loops, while loops, and methods You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/tue-6-pm-sebastian-apr-2024 AYC Logic’sRead More...
Today We Did Introduced the idea of regions to enemy class Change enemy movement depending on which region the enemy is in Learned faster way to detect what x/y locations are inRead More...
Today We Did Created GrocerySystemV2 using Dictionaries Overview of Object-Oriented Programming Homework Create a file named May21_RobuxShoppingV2.py: Modify your original RobuxShopping code from Intro to Python to use dictionaries instead of multipleRead More...
Today We Did Lists review For loops Homework Make a file named May21_ForLoopHW.py Copy page 54 and 55 Upload it to the Google Drive under the folder that’s your nameIf you have anyRead More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project. Homework: Do this code in the stage. Make a Timer variable. It starts at 0 and goes up by 1 every second. When the gameRead More...
Today We Did Did practice problems reviewing for the quiz Error fixing https://www.ayclogic.com/fix-python-bugs-2/ Practice quiz questions (1-3) https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python-exercises-for-quiz-2/ Homework: Make a new file called May21_QuizPracticeHW and complete question 4 found at https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/ (alsoRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the first string homework. We went over string functions and how to write f-strings Homework Create May_22_StringHomework2.py. Page 25 TRY IT YOURSELF: 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, and 2-6Read More...
Today We Did Finished the rest Reviewed Map and HashMap. hashmap.get(key) hashmap.put(key, value) Homework Submit your SchoolSystem.java file into the HW folder after finishing the following below. We want to add Map<String,Read More...
Today We Did Finished MonsterInheritance Project play_adventure_game sword_attack magic_attack Briefly went over the Practice Final Test - Python OOP - Driver System Homework Complete the entirePractice Final Exam Driver System project and submitRead More...
Today We Did If, Else, and elif statements Don't forget the : only at the end and the tab (space infront of code you want attached to if ,else,elif How to compareRead More...
Your HW: Create a new method/option to the menu called List all available books Make it print all the books that are available (checkedOut is equal to true)
Today We Did We create create_bird and create_cloud methods. We made sure the clouds glide into the screen. We added direction to the bird. Homework Change create_bird method Randomize LEFT or RIGHTRead More...
Today we did: We continued working on the final project We continued ShootBalloon Homework: Continue with ShootBalloon and do the following: Finish the update function for the bug class and make itRead More...
Today We Did Refined sprite movement using Julian's improvements Added waves for the game Added health counter and images above enemy You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We: Continued learning about Classes Learned how to access the attributes assigned to an instance Learned how to create a basic method to print out our instances Your HW: Create aRead More...
Today We Did For loops practice Homework Make a file named May28_ForLoopHW2.py On page 56, do the TRY IT YOURSELF problems Upload it to the Google Drive under the folder that’s your nameIfRead More...
Today we: Finished the Cheese Chase project. Started the Fantastic Flower project. Homework: In your pink coding book do page 113, steps 13-15. Send me your project here: yitong@ayclogic.com Homework is due MONDAYRead More...
Today We Did Quiz 2 Homework: If you did not complete the homework below for last class, please finish it by next class. Make a new file called May21_QuizPracticeHW and complete question 4 foundRead More...
What We Did Learned if, else, and elif statements Learned how to use comparison operators Used "and" and "or" in if statements Homework Pages 78-81 from the textbook, put it in aRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed findStudentUsingMap(); Did Java fixing error exercise: https://www.ayclogic.com/fix-java-error/ Began working on Java Practice Quiz, completed questions 1 to 5 Homework Finish questions 1 through 10 on the Java PracticeRead More...
Today We Did Finished Practice Final Emphasized trying to look exactly like the final output for full score Homework Study for the final exam next week! If you have any questions, feelRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed If, Else, and elif statements Reminder end all if,else, and elif statements with : (the colon) Reminder, else and elif statements need a if statement to workRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Project Proposals Kaleidoscope Spiral Learned how to change colors infinitely (will be useful for the project!) Code for today's lesson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14-jq6tTrF-UmgCcABNyZ1EVEKYqy6Tf_/view?usp=drive_link Homework Start coding up your projects!! YouRead More...
Today we did: We continued working on the final project We continued ShootBalloon Homework: Continue with ShootBalloon and do the following: Finish the update function for the bug class and make itRead More...
Today We Did We made the bird able to appear on the right side of the screen and moving LEFT. We created Player sprite. We were able to flip the bird imageRead More...
Your HW: Create a new file called Jun_1_StarwarsProblems Do every problem from the website linked below: https://www.ayclogic.com/intro-to-python/star-wars-problem/
Your HW: Create the paused menu UI, no need to write any code just place the images in the right place and also anchor them correctly (hold shift + alt when youRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on our projects You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: https://gitlab.com/gsugiart/sat-2-pm-shoot-balloon-sebastian AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case youRead More...
Today We Did Began learning about functions Learned that functions can sometimes take an input (parameters), and sometimes give an output (return). SAT3PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtwIu3EczMxWU83o5ECJylqtfCmTKvb9 AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ InRead More...
What we did today We finished the Movie Ticket project. We started the Jumpy Monkey Project. Homework Randomize the SIZE and COLOR for the banana sprite clones. If you have any questions,Read More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed methods and Magic8BallOOPHomework.java We started SchoolSystem project. We print the menu. We created Student class. Homework Add code that will make the program stop whenRead More...