Today We Did Refined sprite movement using Julian's improvements Added waves for the game Added health counter and images above enemy You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today We: Continued learning about Classes Learned how to access the attributes assigned to an instance Learned how to create a basic method to print out our instances Your HW: Create aRead More...
Today We Did For loops practice Homework Make a file named On page 56, do the TRY IT YOURSELF problems Upload it to the Google Drive under the folder that’s your nameIfRead More...
Today we: Finished the Cheese Chase project. Started the Fantastic Flower project. Homework: In your pink coding book do page 113, steps 13-15. Send me your project here: Homework is due MONDAYRead More...
Today We Did Quiz 2 Homework: If you did not complete the homework below for last class, please finish it by next class. Make a new file called May21_QuizPracticeHW and complete question 4 foundRead More...
What We Did Learned if, else, and elif statements Learned how to use comparison operators Used "and" and "or" in if statements Homework Pages 78-81 from the textbook, put it in aRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed findStudentUsingMap(); Did Java fixing error exercise: Began working on Java Practice Quiz, completed questions 1 to 5 Homework Finish questions 1 through 10 on the Java PracticeRead More...
Today We Did Finished Practice Final Emphasized trying to look exactly like the final output for full score Homework Study for the final exam next week! If you have any questions, feelRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed If, Else, and elif statements Reminder end all if,else, and elif statements with : (the colon) Reminder, else and elif statements need a if statement to workRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Project Proposals Kaleidoscope Spiral Learned how to change colors infinitely (will be useful for the project!) Code for today's lesson: Homework Start coding up your projects!! YouRead More...
Today we did: We continued working on the final project We continued ShootBalloon Homework: Continue with ShootBalloon and do the following: Finish the update function for the bug class and make itRead More...
Today We Did We made the bird able to appear on the right side of the screen and moving LEFT. We created Player sprite. We were able to flip the bird imageRead More...
Your HW: Create a new file called Jun_1_StarwarsProblems Do every problem from the website linked below:
Your HW: Create the paused menu UI, no need to write any code just place the images in the right place and also anchor them correctly (hold shift + alt when youRead More...
Today We Did Continued working on our projects You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case youRead More...
Today We Did Began learning about functions Learned that functions can sometimes take an input (parameters), and sometimes give an output (return). SAT3PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: InRead More...
What we did today We finished the Movie Ticket project. We started the Jumpy Monkey Project. Homework Randomize the SIZE and COLOR for the banana sprite clones. If you have any questions,Read More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed methods and We started SchoolSystem project. We print the menu. We created Student class. Homework Add code that will make the program stop whenRead More...
What We Did Today: Utilized loops to create a cool kaleidoscope image using the turtle module. Went over steps to complete the final project Homework: Work on your final project! You need toRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to draw letter SOS using rectangle function. We learned by using function, we can draw SOS by just 60+ lines of codes where if we wereRead More...
What We Did Today: Added a coin that rotates, through adding the coin group with the same logic as the tubes. Learnt how to fix merge requests (conflicts) Assigned team members andRead More...
Today We Did Continued reviewing methods so we have a full understanding of everything that's going on when we code now! Reviewed that the static keyword is used for methods that belong toRead More...
What we did today We started and finished the Virtual Snow project. Homework Do your Scratch Level 1 practice exam. If you have any questions, email me at
Your HW: Download Firealpaca: Add custom collide handler for the player and tube Make it so when the player and tube collide, the player's dizzy_mode attribute is toggled
What We Did Today: Got introduced to the world of Python, learning concepts such as variables and data types in Thonny. Learnt about conditionals, how to compare things in a programming language.Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to debug (fix) our code whenever errors appear, and what the common types of errors are. Solved a couple programs that were buggy (broken). Homework: CreateRead More...
Today We Did We went over SchoolSystem.findStudentByMap We learned how to fix java problems in PetSystem Java syntax problems or AKA errors. Java non-syntax problems where there is no errors, but behaviorRead More...
Today We Did Finished all Enemy functionality! Began thinking about how towers will work Began thinking about how fireballs will work (and pretty much finished) You can always find the code weRead More...
Today We: Reviewed Dog Class from Homework Created ShoppingCartV4 Used GroceryItem class to represent grocery items Your HW: Create a file called Page 162 – TRY IT YOURSELF 9-1, 9-2, 9-3Read More...
Today we: Finished the Fantastic Flower project. Started Intro to Lists project. Homework: No homework. If you have any questions, email me at
Final Project Remember the notes from class and continued to work on your final project. Audrey: Fix the shading on the face, and also something of the facial features. Add folds toRead More...
Today We Did For loop with range While loop Homework Make a file named Copy these pages: 2nd edition: Page 118 and 121 3rd edition: Page 117 and 121 Upload it toRead More...
Today We Did We went over Dino Dance project. We created dinosaur 1, 2 and 3. We colored dino 2 and 3 differently so we can easily tell the different between eachRead More...
What We Did We went over the first if else homework. We did some examples with if and else. Discussed difference between if else and if elif. Started if and else withRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed our Dino Dance homework. We downloaded Scratch Offline Editor because Scratch Online page was down. We started Animal Race project. We added the cat We made theRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed question 11 from the Practice Quiz AnimalSystem and Animal VendingMachineSystem Practice Homework Test will be next week. I recommend studying the notes, specifically from this session. FinishingRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use conditionals (if, elif, and else statements) and printing formats using print(f" "). Learnt about lists, how to modify lists, and how to use listsRead More...
Today we did: We learned about printing, variables, datatypes, casting, and operations Homework: No homework for this week, but make sure you understand and review what we learned about in this lesson.Read More...
What Did We Review Today input() is used so your application can request a response for a user in the Shell remember, input() returns a string. You may need to use int()Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed Project Progress Started Grocery System Homework Finish your projects before our next lesson! I'll be available via email anytime if you guys have questions or need help, andRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to detect when user press key on the keyboards. We made the player able to move left, right, up and down using WASD keys. Homework SpawnRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the star wars homework problem involving functions and random module Learnt how to debug, and we did a couple debugging exercises Your HW: Create a new fileRead More...
Today we did: We finished the setup and started learning about dictionaries and their operations. Homework: No homework for this week because we just started, but make sure to review all ofRead More...
Today We Did Finished Dereck and Merinda's project & gave advice on what to add during next lecture (written in bottom of project proposal) You can always find the code we wroteRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We learned on how to attach script to sprite/object. We learned how to access sprite x and y position. We learned how to move sprite to theRead More...
Today We Did Continued learning about functions Wrote examples of functions with parameters and return values Began learning about the random library SAT3PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: InRead More...
Today We Did We learned about if else and if elif else statements Homework Create a new python file copy codes from Pages 79-81 from the textbook. Don't forget to upload yourRead More...
What we did today We continued the Jumpy Monkey Project. Homework Do pages 100-101 on your yellow Scratch book Make a Level 1 & 2 banner sprite (with costumes for each level)Read More...
What We Did Today: Made a grocery system text based program with logic we have learnt before including while loops, for loops, and if statements along with variable and data types. Homework:Read More...
What We Did Today: Explained more details on the final project, assigned repositories on gitlab for project submissions and updates. Added collision mechanism for the coin as well as score display. MadeRead More...
Today We Did Began school system Created Student class Created addStudent() method Began listStudent() method for homework SAT3PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feelRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed the homework in term of how switch player to Dizzy mode after the player hit the tube. We learned how to crop images for animationRead More...
William Sub What We Did Today: Learned about For Loops: For loop using range() Enhanced (For Each) loop using lists Started learning while loops Homework: Create two files in Thonny as shown,Read More...
Today We Did While loop Homework Make a file named Do the TRY IT YOURSELFs: 2nd edition: Page 123-124 TRY IT YOURSELF 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7 3rd edition: Page 123 TRY ITRead More...
Today We Did Added code to create purchase towers on top right Added mouse target pointer for collisions with purchase towers You can always find the code we wrote in class inRead More...
Today we: We finished the Intro to Lists project. We started working on the Supermarket project Homework: Make it so when any of the food sprites are clicked, it says "Thank youRead More...
Today We: Reviewed homework/OOP Concepts Started SchoolSystem Created Student class for add_student() Created list and dictionary to store students Homework: Continue working on SchoolSystem: Add the following options to the menu: 2.Read More...
Your second quiz is next week Tuesday on June 18 What We Did Today: Reviewed the debugging homework. Finished the rest of the quiz 2 review. Reviewed concepts that will come outRead More...
Today We Did We made some progress with Animal Race. We learned about Broadcast and When I Receive We created Finish Line sprite. We created Bat Win and Dog Win sprites. HomeworkRead More...
What We Did Reviewed If Else homework 2 Learned how to get input and use in If Else statements Learned how to convert from string data type to int data type HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Broadcast and When I receive. We learned how to create banner. We learned how to play background music. We learned how to stop other scripts inRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about while loops using counter variables. Learnt about forever loops and using conditionals inside of while loops. Homework: Create one file named in Thonny as shown,Read More...
Today we did: We learned about incrementing, shorthand operators, if-else statements, f-strings, and logical operators. Homework: Create a new file called, and copy the codes from pages 79-81 in the bookRead More...
Today We Did Lists How To Create a list ( names = ) How to access data in the list ( names -> "Names_1") Delete with the del (del names) appendingRead More...
Your HW: Study for the Quiz next week If you haven't already, take the practice quiz from last last week for extra practice
Today We Did We learned how to spawn fireball in front of the player when user press SPACE key. We learned how to animate bird sprite. Homework Animate player sprite. Utilized allRead More...
Today We Did We continued to learn about Python Turtle. We drew the word "ALYSSA" We learned how to create a filled circle. Homework Create Using combination of 5 circles andRead More...
Your HW: Add collision detection for the door but only when the door is open For now, just print out "Door accessed" when the player collides with the door and the doorRead More...
Today we did: We started working on the phone book program. Homework: Continue working on the PhoneBook system. Inside, add a new selection in the menu (4) that will allow the userRead More...
Today We Did We discussed about each team project and how to make them better. We continued with Shoot Balloon project. We enabled Game Win and Game Over page. Homework Max CreditRead More...
Your HW: Make it so that the circle that spawns follows your mouse around Try to research and do this on your own If you are stuck you can use the followingRead More...
What We Did Reviewed Magic 8 ball homework Reviewed the random library Worked on Magic 8 Ball version 2 Went over password creator Homework Create a file named If youRead More...
What we did today We finished the Jumpy Monkey Project. We started the Fireball Fight project. Homework Finish your right projectile code (deleting the clones) Replace all your sprites and background withRead More...
Today We Did Finished SchoolSystem Begin HashMap Homework No homework this week. We'll learn and implement HashMaps next week. Email me at if you have any issues.
What We Did Today: Continued School System. Finished the listing methods for students. Got introduced to HashMap's. Homework: Please submit your homework into your Google Drive. Homework: Finish the teacher class, andRead More...
What We Did Today: Made a Robux System similar to BankSystem but with the ability to add money balance to make purchases. Learnt about the global keyword which is used for a functionRead More...
What We Did Today: Explained more details on the final project, assigned repositories on gitlab for project submissions and updates. Made the Game Landing Page mode. Implemented mouse clicking features. Homework:Read More...
Your HW: Add new game state handler methods for the MAIN_MENU, GAME_WIN, and GAME_LOSE game states Copy code from dragon birdie if you need to (if you forgot how to do theRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about functions (with and without return value) Learnt in depth on why we want to use functions and why they are useful. Learnt about parameters and commonRead More...
What We Did We reviewed While Loop homework Reviewed previous topics: Datatypes, f-strings, lists, while loops, for loops. Homework Create a file and name it If you have any questions,Read More...
What We Did Today: Continued School System Implemented the listing methods for both the student and teacher Converted the file into a class called SchoolSystem Homework: Continue working on SchoolSystem, butRead More...
Today We Did Click to purchase a tower Finished fireball class Finished up showing fireballs on the screen for purchased towers Add group collides for fireball and enemy You can always findRead More...
What We Did Today: Did the second quiz. Homework: No homework! Enjoy your one week's break of no homework as next week we will learn something new - drawing in python!!
Today We Did We learned how to do drawing in Scratch. We drew face, eye balls, nose and mouth. We learned how to do animation on eye balls and nose runny nose.Read More...
What We Did Reviewed the homework using the modulo operator Learned lists, how to index, append, and delete Learned how to loop through lists using for loop Homework Create a file namedRead More...
What We Did Today: Got started on the monster inheritance program (similar to Python but now we are implementing it in Java) Homework: Upload your file to your google driveRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed functions with/without return values Learnt about the random module. Learnt how to get a random integer using random.randint() Learnt how to get a random item from aRead More...
Today We Did Review How to write a list: name_of_list = How to add things to list Way 1: Appending -> name_of_list.append(new_object) Way 2 : Inserting -> name_of_list.insert( 1, new_object) HowRead More...
Today we did: We started learning about turtle. Homework: Using the file from the Google Drive, finish the rest of the smiley face on the octagon, with squares for eyes and aRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to add hitbox to sprite. We learned how to add collision detection between 2 sprites. Homework Add collision detection between bird and player. When they collide,Read More...
Today We Did We learned about Pygame We learned how to display the image in the screen We learned how to resize the image in Pygame We learned how to create aRead More...
Today we did: We continued working on the final project and ShootBalloon Homework: Make sure to the pull the code for your branch in ShootBalloon. The error was that you forgot toRead More...
Today We Did We learned about hexadecimal color and google color picker. We learned how to ask user for different face, nose and eye colors. We started adding body to the drawing.Read More...
Your HW: Study for the quiz next week Do this practice problem: Create new function with return value, called meter_to_cm 1 paramter, meters convert the parameter meters into centimeters (1 meter =Read More...
Today we did: We learned about elif, and built-in functions. Homework: Create a new file called, and copy the codes from pages 79-81 in the book (the PDF that was sent).Read More...
Today we did: We started working on the GroceryCartSystem. Homework: Use the code from the Google Drive (, and modify it by making two dictionaries, similar to how we did it inRead More...
What We Did Reviewed Homework using Random library and functions Went over bugs in python and steps to fix them Homework Create a file named and fix this code in theRead More...
Your HW: Work on the different game state handlers Main Menu Game Win Game Lose The Main menu must have the logo and both the play and credit buttons Copy from DragonRead More...
IN 2 WEEKS IS YOUR FINAL EXAM ON JULY 8 (next week is a holiday) What We Did Today: Reviewed topics for the final exam. Reviewed how to randomize colors for drawingRead More...
Next week is a holiday, we will meet again on July 8. What We Did Today: Finished Flappy Bird (Duck, or whatever you want to call the animal), adding the feature ofRead More...
Next week is a holiday, we will meet again on July 8. What We Did Today: Continued School System. Finished the edit student method using setter methods. Continued on learning about HashRead More...
Today We Did We started Monster Inheritance project. We added main menu and implemented List All Monsters and Add New monster. Homework Continue with Monster Inheritance project. After user enter monster species,Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use random module functions. Learnt debugging practices, tips, and tricks. Homework: Do the take home quiz shared to your emails, and submit it when youRead More...
What We Did Reviewed the homework from previous week We looked over the general topics we already covered in the class Homework Review for the quiz next week, look over review fromRead More...
Today we: We went over the Mary Had a Little Lamb w/ Lists project. We started and finished working on the Movie Ticket Price project. Homework: Make a "What's your age?" simulator.Read More...
Next week is a holiday, we will meet again on July 9. What We Did Today: Finished School System by implementing the find methods. Started on LibrarySystem, which is similar toRead More...
Today We Did We learned about X and Y coordinates in grid paper. We learned how to use X and Y coordinates in Scratch. We drew part of square in scratch. HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did End game once the final wave has ended Add cancel purchase button You can always find the code we wrote in class in my Gitlab repository here: AYCRead More...
Next week is a holiday, we will meet again on July 9. What We Did Today: We started Python digital drawing using Turtle. Learnt how to use t.forward, t.goto, t.left (and t.right)Read More...
What We Did We reviewed the list homework We continued learning about for loops Learned for loop using range Homework Create a file called and do pages 54 and 55, andRead More...
Today We Did Continued on drawing 4 shapes in Scratch. Started Animal Crossing Homework Next week is holiday, no class. Next class will be on July 9. If you have notRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued on the monster inheritance project. Homework: Upload your file to your google drive homework section when you are finished. This is what we have so farRead More...
Today We Did For Loops: how we access across an entire a list Don't forget to indent! All code you want to be looped/repeated should be one indent more than the forRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to use the turtle module to draw in python. Packaged our code into functions so it becomes easier for us to draw things. Homework: Do theRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed if else homeworks We learned how to get input from shell. Homework Create a new file Do Try It Yourself - Page 84, 5-3, 5-4 DoRead More...
Your HW: Create a Boat class that inherits from vehicle It should have these extra atributes: String - Country Int - Size It should also override the Drive() method to print outRead More...
Today we did: We learned how to accept input from the shell. Homework: Create a new file called June28_ElifHomework and do only number 3 from here: Create a new file calledRead More...
Today we did: We learned about the right and forward functions from turtle, and also how to make a rectangle function. Homework: Create a new file called June28_TriangleFunction. Similar to what weRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to flip an image. We learned how to make the bird going to different directions. We learned how to make the player controllable by AWSD keys.Read More...
Today we did: We finished the final project and continued on ShootBalloon. Homework: Finish the moving animation for the bug Make a dizzy mode, so that when the target collides with theRead More...
Today We Did We started doing left_arm() function Homework continue on Finish left_arm() function. Add the 2nd rectangle for the arm. Create right_arm() function. Similar to left_arm() but on the rightRead More...
Your HW: Work on the bird mob prefab Turn the animated bird object in the hierarchy into a prefab Make it move left and right like the dinosaur but make it notRead More...
Today we did: We learned about OOP concepts and how they work in Python. Homework: Make a new file called Make a new class called Animal. The class will have 4Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed each individual projects. We continued with Shoot Balloon and added bug in the screen. Homework Continued with your individual project. Max: make the enemy move left andRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the fixing python bugs homework Walked through the steps to how to fix python bugs Did some review with writing functions with and without return values HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed input from shell We learned how to convert from String to Integer We learned about List Homework Create And do Create Copy codes fromRead More...
What we did today We started working on the Spaceship project. Homework Make 2 sprites: FirePowerUp & BombPowerUp Have both of the start from the top of the screen, move downwards, andRead More...
Today We Did We learned about inheritance in Java We made Dragon class We made Dragon immune to sword attack. Homework Implement fire, water, earth and wind magic attack Make Dragon immuneRead More...
Today We Did Finished Tower Defense Game Started Tank Game created Tank and Turret Find the code for the Tank Game here: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything,Read More...
What we did today We finished working on the Spaceship project. We started and finished Intro to Lists We started working on Supermarket project. Homework Make 5 new sprites (three "bakery" spritesRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to use the turtle module to draw in python. Packaged our code into functions so it becomes easier for us to draw things. Homework: Do theRead More...
Today we did: We learned about lists and its operations Homework: Create a new file called June28_ElifHomework and do only number 3 from here: Create a new file called June28_InputHomework and doRead More...
Today We Did We went over missing features in David's custom game. We added bug_creation_timer to make sure only 1 bug created per 4 seconds. We loaded bug dizzy image. We addedRead More...