Today We Did We continued with EnemyPathFinder class. We integrated EnemyPathFinder with EnemyTank class. Homework Inside EnemyTank class, inside set_direction(self) method print the "path" to see the coordinates. The path is aRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed a couple of difficult questions from the 2nd quiz. We started learning about Python Turtle. Homework Inside, create 3 new functions draw_rectangle(pen_color) draw_triangle(pen_color) draw_octagon(pen_color) The coordinatesRead More...
NEXT WEEK IS YOUR FINAL EXAM FROM 6-8 PM What We Did Today: Reviewed the driver system project for the final exam next week. Homework: Study for your final exam through driverRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed function homeworks We learned about parameter default value We learned how to rotate rectangle Homework Create Copy rectangle function that we did today. Copy circle functionRead More...
Today We Did We started working on the Dino Dance project Homework Do page 42 on your pink Scratch book. If you don't have the book right now, click this link toRead More...
What We Did Reviewed the debugging homework Prepared for the quiz next week through the Quiz 2 Review exercise. Homework Continue on your file and finish number 4!! If you haveRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed For loop in range and For loop using List. We started with while loop. Homework If your book is 2nd edition copy codes from these pagesRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the homework Brushed up on what functions are with/without return values Did examples of functions from the page Homework: In one new file, "Sep5_FunctionsWithRVCopyHW", do the following:Read More...
Today We Did We learned about variables and data types. We learned how to combine String together Homework In Thonny, create a new file copy codes from page 20 to 23Read More...
Your HW: Study for your 2 hour final test next week Monster Inheritence Driver System You can do this one more time without looking at the answers for practice Other Misc. Stuff:Read More...
Today we: Continued the Spaceship project. Homework: Make a Game Over Banner sprite. When the game starts, make it hide. When the Spaceship sprite hits the Meteor sprite, make it show up.Read More...
Today We Did TBD Homework Add collision detection between player and coin. The coin will disappear Play assets/collect5.wav Add score attribute Display score on the screen increase score when player collide withRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We finished game landing page We finished bird chirping sound (except when count down goes to zero) Homework When you pop the balloon, play the assets/plop.wav WhenRead More...
Today We Did We fixed the giant fireball spawn location We started creating landing page and game in session Homework Currently in landing page there is only play button. You need toRead More...
Your HW: Add a pause button that stops the game like in the platformer Create a small paused menu with an unpause button in it that will pop up when you clickRead More...
Today We Did We continued with Titanic Survival project We were able to feed a training CSV file into our learning model and predicts the survival of each of the person insideRead More...
Your HW: Create a new main menu scene Give it a canvas and display the logo image on that canvas Create a button with text that says "Play" You do not haveRead More...
Your final exam will be on Sep 21. What We Did: Implemented a more advanced text based program – Robux System – that tests the knowledge gained in the class so farRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt how to grab an element by its id using findViewById(). Utilized ID's to change the text of other elements on our screen Implemented the math to convertRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the homework for the grocery system v2 program, in adding a dictionary to keep track whether an item is meant to be frozen or not. Introduced the concept ofRead More...
Today We Did: We reviewed each individual project. We continued on Shoot Balloon project by implementing the loading page, as well as cleaning up our code inside of __init__. Homework: In ShootRead More...
Today We Did: Continued in Android Studio, implementing the function for the convert button. Learnt how to grab UI elements in code by id, and manipulate them using getText and setText. Homework:Read More...
Today We Did We learned how to make draw_square function reusable by adding x and y coordinates. Homework If you have not done last week homework, please do so. And thenRead More...
Today we did: We continued with while loops, and learned about while True (forever) loops, and the way to break out of them (using the 'break' keyword) Homework: Finish these exercises beforeRead More...
What We Did Today: Did our final exam. You will get your results soon within the next 3 days. Notes: If you have any questions, you can contact me at
Today We Did We finished working on the Dino Dance project Homework With your second sprite, make up a dance sequence for that sprite. Use the Ballerina sprite as reference on howRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to create face Homework Finish last week homework Continue with finish the face(x,y) function so the face will look like below Inside same fileRead More...
What We Did Did our second quiz today. You will get your results by email soon. Homework None! If you have any questions, email me at or
What We Did Today: Reviewed the final exam in anticipation of the retake. Homework: None this week! Prepare for your retake exam, and you can practice by going over the Bank SystemRead More...
What We Did We went over the review exercises Practiced with any topics that needed more attention Homework Review for the quiz next week If you have any questions about the reviewRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the homework Brushed up on what functions are with/without return values Tried the Magic 8 ball worked with the library random for random choces random.randint(1,4) random.randchoice() Homework: InRead More...
Today We Did We learned about variables We learned about 3 datatypes: Integer, Float and String Homework Create a new python file Copy codes from textbook page 20 to 23. IfRead More...
Today We Did If, Else, and elif statements Don’t forget the : only at the end and the tab (space infront of code you want attached to if ,else,elif How to compareRead More...
Today we: Finished the Spaceship project. Started the Cheese Chase project. Homework: Do pages 54-55 steps #6-11 in your yellow coding book. If you have any questions, email me at
Today We Did We learned how to do count down in flappy bird. We added sound effect when the player collide with coins. Homework Create landing page When user click on theRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to display loader images we learned how to create loading image page. Homework display the loader images in the center of the screen display "LOADING ..."Read More...
Today We Did We learned how to detect mouse clicking on top of the play button. We learned how to switch between LANDING_PAGE to GAME_IN_SESSION. When player collide with bir, switch toRead More...
Your HW: Make the X button on the pause screen send the user to the main menu Create a new scene for when the user wins (copy and paste the main menuRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to use the Titanic Survivorship Model to predict new data. Homework Utilize Titanic Survivorship learning model in streamlit.
What We Did Today: Implemented the spinner class, learning about listeners, attaching the listener to our MainActivity program, to change appearances of our application. Implemented the functionality to change the headers. NextRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the idea of classes and objects (object oriented programming), and learnt how to use classes and create objects out of them. Learnt more about attributes (variables of the class)Read More...
Today We Did: Finished Shoot Balloon, implementing multithreading as a concept to make the game optimized. IMPORTANT NOTES: You can contact me via for any questions or concerns.
Today We Did: Continued in Android Studio, reviewing the homework to implement the math. Added elements to the spinner and learnt about listeners. Attached the listener to the spinner to check forRead More...
What We Did We took quiz 1 in class today. Homework Review any topics you had trouble with on the quiz. If you have any questions about the quiz, email me atRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to create draw_rectangle with x, y, width, height and color We learned how to create filled rectangle. We started Robot Builder. Homework continue to drawRead More...
Today We Did We learned about face_1 and face_2 We learned how to draw half circle We learned about turtle project. Homework Create turtle project proposal in a piece of paper. AfterRead More...
Today We We started working on the Animal Race project. Homework Do pages 53-55 on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email me at
What We Did Today: Learnt the basics of turtle drawing. Learnt how to shorten code by use of loops and functions. Homework: Create a new file “” Draw the rectangle and squareRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about functions, why we use functions. Learnt about functions without and with return values, highlighting a couple examples. Homework: Make a new file called and submitRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the homework(magic 8 ball choice Brushed up on what functions are with/without return values, inputs, remember if you are using random to put the following code import randomRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed variables and data types Reviewed the functions from homework like upper(), lower(), and title() Began learning about conditional statements (if, elif, else) Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYCRead More...
Today We Did Showed how to input your homework into google drive Connected those that were not connected to the drive showed how to do copying homework Practice if,else,elif If, Else, andRead More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project. Homework: Do page 56 steps #12-14 in your yellow coding book. In the Stage, add the music "Xylo1" and play it over and over again forever. If you have any questions,Read More...
What I Did Flappy Bird codes in gitlab - Homework In landing page add "assets/FlappyBirdLogo.png" In game credit page add more text like below GAME DESIGNER: <Yourname> GAME ASSET: GAME AUDIO:Read More...
Your HW: Start working on the robux shopping cart system Make it continously ask the user for a response to the menu: What do you want to do: 1. Buy hat 100Read More...
Today We Did We deploy our Titanic Survivorship project into streamlit. Homework Create a proposal for your individual project. Find an interesting case and its dataset in Create proposal for eitherRead More...
What We Did Today: Completed the temperature converter project, implementing the math change, as well as debugging a couple things. Homework: Do the practice final exam sent to your emails! It isRead More...
Today We: Changed the grocery system program to use classes to minimize the number of dictionaries needed for our program. Reviewed how dictionaries work. Homework: (1) IF you haven’t already: Do TryRead More...
Today We Did: Continued in Android Studio, implementing the rest of the spinner conversion types. Changed the headers when selecting an item from the spinner (drop down menu) Next week we willRead More...
What We Did Reviewed the quiz questions together. Homework Review the functions homework from last week If you have any questions, email me at
Today We Did We reviewed Robot Builder homework We did left_arm(x,y, color) function. Homework When calling left_arm function, plugin the correct x and y so the left arm would be on theRead More...
What We Did Today: Installed and did the setup for PyCharm, our new IDE to use in this course. Navigated the PyCharm environment, and explained how to submit homework and access PyCharmRead More...
Today We We finished working on the Animal Race project. We introduced the Ask Gobo project. Homework Do page 63, on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email meRead More...
What We Did Reviewed the shapes homework from last week Worked on the robot builder together in class Homework Finish the right arm function for the robot builder in the same fileRead More...
Today We Did We learned about variables, datatypes and Scanner Homework Create a new Java file Upload your homework to your assigned google drive folder on Tuesday night. Answer questions fromRead More...
What We Did Reviewed the functions with return values Went over the homework problems and did some examples with functions Homework Create a new file and copy code from pages 137-139Read More...
Today We Did: We Worked on bug fixing different types of errors Name Syntax Indentation Type Error How to look at a bugfix message Homework: In one new file, “Sep26_errors_fix”, do theRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We reviewed if else homework We went over if elif else statements We went over "and" , "or" inside if statements We went over list. Homework CreateRead More...
Today We Did: inputs() how to integrate inputs to if and else Remember to indent after your if statements and to not accidently indent an if statement for no reason input_variable.lower() canRead More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project. Homework: Make a Game Over Banner sprite. You need to draw it. Make a Level Banner sprite. You need to draw 2 costumes: Level 1Read More...
Today We Did We went over each individual project proposal. We finished Flappy duck project. Homework Make progress on your each individual project. The due date is Nov 29, 2024. Eugene SubmitRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Dragon Birdie project How to create a sprite How to do animation How to display image on the screen. Homework We will have a quiz next week.Read More...
Your HW: Work on the add more robux function of the robux system Ask the user for their credit card number (no need to check if it is valid) Ask the userRead More...
Your HW: Add to the game in session scene's pause menu a button to get the user back to the main menu Make sure to end the game before doing so toRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Boston Housing Market project. We discussed about individual project. Homework Make progress on your individual project. The due date is end of October 2024.
Today We Did We created an account in We created each individual domain name. We created custom email for each domain name. We created under construction page. Homework No homework
Your Final Exam is next week on October 5 2024!! What We Did Today: Reviewed the practice final exam, going over concepts such as inheritance as a review for next weeks finalRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the homework for TIY pages 162, 167 Got started on the School Application project, further implementing object oriented concepts. Homework: (1) IF you haven’t already: Do Try It YourselfRead More...
Today We Did We installed Minecraft Forge version 1.19.3 MDK file in each student's computer. We ran the minecraft examplemode from IntelliJ community edition. We started creating "aycessentials" mod. Starting from changingRead More...
Today We Did: Continued in Android Studio, implementing the conversion of the math for the temperature converter. Next week we will review the practice final test. Homework: Finish your practice final testRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the functions with return value homework. Talked more about what a return value does Reviewed what a default parameter does We started learning the random module HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did We finished left_arm and right_arm functions. We learned how to draw circle function. We started with draw_face_1 function. Homework Finish draw_face_1() function draw the right eye ball draw 2Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about dictionaries, how to access, remove, edit, and loop through dictionaries. Homework: In a file called Oct1_DictionaryHW, do pages 99 (TIY 6-1 to 6-3) and pageRead More...
Today We Did We started Tic Tac Toe project. We cloned gitlab Tic Tac Toe project. We added background image to the landing page. We added the title image in the landingRead More...
Today We Did TBD Homework In your project proposal Add one more tree on the left of the castle Add clouds Add flowers Take a picture of your proposal and email toRead More...
Today We We started working on the Ask Gobo project. Homework Make all the audio clips for all your responses. (You should 6 in total) Put the audio clips into the code.Read More...
What We Did Reviewed the robot builder and finished it up We learned how to make some more shapes and create a simple face Talked about project proposal and showed some examplesRead More...
Today We Did We learned about IF ELSE ELSE IF statements. We learned about && and || Homework Create And answer question in Upload your homework to your assigned googleRead More...
Today We Did: Bug fixing practice Looked at the first bug-fixing homework Homework: In one new file, “October3_fix_bugs_2”, do the following: In another new file, “quiz_2_practice”, do the following: questionsRead More...
What We Did We went over some functions using random module from the homework. Worked through the Magic 8 ball problem in class together. Homework Create a file called and doRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the logical operators "and" & "or" Reviewed everything we can do with lists Create a list Access one element in a list Change an element's value Add toRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed a bit about inputs Lists [] to create .append() to add locations --> list starts with zero and ascends upwards how do we get specific location name_of_list --->Read More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project. Homework: Make a You Win Banner sprite. You need to draw it. When the game starts, hide the sprite. When the player wins, show the sprite.Read More...
Today We Did TBD Homework Eugene download all images you need for the project and add them to the assets folder in your pycharm project Hammer images (for animation) 2 button imagesRead More...
Today We Did We learned about the difference between classification vs regression tasks We learned about different algorithms Neural Network using Random Forest Regressor XBBoost for Regression Homework Continue with yourRead More...
Today We Did We installed wordpress in each individual website. We learned how to change menu name and how to add menu item. We learned how to add page Homework In yourRead More...