Today We: Reviewed the homework for TIY pages 162, 167 Got started on the School Application project, further implementing object oriented concepts. Homework: (1) IF you haven’t already: Do Try It YourselfRead More...
Today We Did We installed Minecraft Forge version 1.19.3 MDK file in each student's computer. We ran the minecraft examplemode from IntelliJ community edition. We started creating "aycessentials" mod. Starting from changingRead More...
Today We Did: Continued in Android Studio, implementing the conversion of the math for the temperature converter. Next week we will review the practice final test. Homework: Finish your practice final testRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the functions with return value homework. Talked more about what a return value does Reviewed what a default parameter does We started learning the random module HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did We finished left_arm and right_arm functions. We learned how to draw circle function. We started with draw_face_1 function. Homework Finish draw_face_1() function draw the right eye ball draw 2Read More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about dictionaries, how to access, remove, edit, and loop through dictionaries. Homework: In a file called Oct1_DictionaryHW, do pages 99 (TIY 6-1 to 6-3) and pageRead More...
Today We Did We started Tic Tac Toe project. We cloned gitlab Tic Tac Toe project. We added background image to the landing page. We added the title image in the landingRead More...
Today We Did TBD Homework In your project proposal Add one more tree on the left of the castle Add clouds Add flowers Take a picture of your proposal and email toRead More...
Today We We started working on the Ask Gobo project. Homework Make all the audio clips for all your responses. (You should 6 in total) Put the audio clips into the code.Read More...
What We Did Reviewed the robot builder and finished it up We learned how to make some more shapes and create a simple face Talked about project proposal and showed some examplesRead More...
Today We Did We learned about IF ELSE ELSE IF statements. We learned about && and || Homework Create And answer question in Upload your homework to your assigned googleRead More...
What We Did We went over some functions using random module from the homework. Worked through the Magic 8 ball problem in class together. Homework Create a file called and doRead More...
Today We Did: Bug fixing practice Looked at the first bug-fixing homework Homework: In one new file, “October3_fix_bugs_2”, do the following: In another new file, “quiz_2_practice”, do the following: questionsRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the logical operators "and" & "or" Reviewed everything we can do with lists Create a list Access one element in a list Change an element's value Add toRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed a bit about inputs Lists [] to create .append() to add locations --> list starts with zero and ascends upwards how do we get specific location name_of_list --->Read More...
Today we: Continued the Cheese Chase project. Homework: Make a You Win Banner sprite. You need to draw it. When the game starts, hide the sprite. When the player wins, show the sprite.Read More...
Today We Did TBD Homework Eugene download all images you need for the project and add them to the assets folder in your pycharm project Hammer images (for animation) 2 button imagesRead More...
Today We Did We learned about the difference between classification vs regression tasks We learned about different algorithms Neural Network using Random Forest Regressor XBBoost for Regression Homework Continue with yourRead More...
Today We Did We installed wordpress in each individual website. We learned how to change menu name and how to add menu item. We learned how to add page Homework In yourRead More...
Today We: Reviewed TIY page 167, highlighting default values. Continued the School Application project, further implementing object oriented concepts. Homework: For Ian: In your Sep30_SchoolSystem project, add a staff class and addRead More...
Today We Did We learned about variables and data types We learned about Integer and String. Homework Create a new file Copy codes from textbook page 20 to 23. IntroToPythonP20toP23
Next week is your Final Exam! Study from the practice final review, as well as other projects we have done before. Your practice final grades will be emailed to you.
What We Did Today: Learnt how to implement heading into the functions. Explained the final project structure Homework: Draw a proposal with the following guidelines: Submit the proposal by taking aRead More...
What We Did Reviewed the Random Functions homework from last week Went over the Magic 8 Ball V2 problem Homework Review the Random Functions homework and try them on your own IfRead More...
What We Did Today: Applied dictionaries in a text based game Homework: (If you havent already) In a file called Oct1_DictionaryHW, do pages 99 (TIY 6-1 to 6-3) and page 105 (TIY 6-4Read More...
Today We Did TBD Homework do draw_letter_c(x,y,color) do draw_letter_a(x,y, color) draw 2 trees according to your project proposal. Draw all parts of the castle: walls, windows, roofs, door
Today We We finished working on the Ask Gobo project. We started working on the Funny Faces project. Homework Do page 75 on your pink Scratch book. Make a Hair sprite, EyebrowRead More...
Today We Did We learned about List We learned about For loop Homework Create Do exercises in
What We Did We worked with more shapes and learned how to create a half circle. Talked about project proposal Homework Start on project and try to finish 25% of the projectRead More...
What We Did We went over fixing python errors in class today. We made the password generator together in class. Homework Create a new file and fix this code, until theRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed Fix 2 Homework Remember that it is <= or >= not => =< If/Elif/else reminder: remember the idea of boxes If is start , elif in the middle(ifRead More...
Today We Did Revisited while loops Learned about for loops with the range() function Learned about "for each loops" Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case youRead More...
Today We Did Review How to write a list: name_of_list = How to add things to list Way 1: Appending -> name_of_list.append(new_object) Way 2 : Inserting -> name_of_list.insert( 1, new_object) HowRead More...
Today we did: We learned the basics of java: printing, formatting, variables, taking input. Homework: Create a new file called Oct11_VariableDataTypeHomework and do the exercises from here: Remember, you need toRead More...
Today we: Finished the Cheese Chase project. Started Fantastic Flowers project. Homework: In your pink coding book, do page 116 steps #21-22. If you have any questions, email me at
Today We Did TBD Homework Riley Landing page. Game Over page Credit page. Eugene Continue with the hammer animation Make sure the hammer sound effect is working. Change your background image soRead More...
Today We Did We went over the quiz solution We started Flappy Duck project Homework In your Flappy Duck project display background image create Inside create Player sprite. Use assets/images/Green duckRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to create a subdomain in cpanel. We learned about wordpress plugins We learned how to create contact me page. Homework Create logo image for your website.Read More...
Today We: Reviewed the inner workings of classes, object relationships, and how to use dictionaries. Added the teacher class into the program. Next week we will start on a similar but differentRead More...
Today We Did We added Saturn Sword to Creative Inventory COMBAT tab. Homework Add one more sword: jupiter_sword ModItems.JUPITER_SWORD src/main/resources/assets/aycessentials /models/jupiter_sword.json /lang/en_use.json add the jupiter_sword.json /textures/item/jupiter_sword.png - this is your own image.Read More...
Today We Did Reviewed data types Learned how to take user input with input() function Began learning about conditions and how they always turn into True or False Began learning about if,Read More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed final project proposals Reviewed how to use the heading and extent parameters for circles and rectangles Learnt how to randomize colors for object creation in turtle drawings.Read More...
What We Did We went over the homework for fixing python bugs Went over the second program on fixing python bugs together, you can find it right here Homework Create a newRead More...
What We Did Today: Further applied dictionaries We changed Grocery System from intro to python to use a dictionary instead, making things more efficient. Homework: CHANGE robux system so that you useRead More...
Today We We finished working on the Funny Faces project. Homework Set the coordinates for all of your sprites. Look at your other sprites for reference. If you have any questions, emailRead More...
What We Did Talked about the projects and answered any questions about it Learned how to make the kaleidospiral and reviewed important terms. Homework Continue working on the project, try to getRead More...
William Sub Today We Did Reviewed for loop homework Learned while loops Started learning about Random module Homework Create Do exercises in
What We Did We went over the quiz review and answered any questions We reviewed any topics for the quiz to go over Homework Review for the quiz, the quiz review weRead More...
Today We Did: Review hw 2 Study Guide what is an integer, a string, and a float how to do for and while loops how to use input() and int() Infinite loopsRead More...
Today We Did More loops review (practicing all 3 kinds) Learned about break statements Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Today We Did For Loops: how we access across an entire a list Don’t forget to indent! All code you want to be looped/repeated should be one indent more than the forRead More...
Today we did: We learned about if-else statements, boolean operators, and a bit of ArrayList. Homework: Make a new class called Oct18_IfElseHomework and do the exercises from here:
Today we: Continued Fantastic Flowers project. Homework: Add code so that when I press the space key, I erase everything on the screen. Add the background "Blue Sky." In the stage, playRead More...
Today We Did We continued with Shoot Balloon project. We added balloon sprite. Homework Riley Create which is going to be a single block of sprite. Please use this image andRead More...
Today We Did we continued with Kaleido Spiral project Homework The project is due on 10/30, by next week (10/23) you will need to be done by 75%. Please do your lastRead More...
Today We Did We added player to Flappyduck project. We added animation to the player. Homework Create Create Tube sprite Use assets/Downward_tuber_3.png display on the screen.
Today We Did We were able to use XGBoost Regression algorithm to do Boston Housing Price prediction. Homework Export the model into PKL file. Create a python program that would read thisRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to create a subdomain wordpress We learned Elementor wordpress plugin Homework If you did not do last week homework please do it. In the main pageRead More...
Today We: Reviewed the functionality of our class for the School System, with adding, listing, and finding objects. Started the Library System application. Homework: In the same Library System project, complete theRead More...
Today We Did We introduced Saturn Fireball Axe that can make the enemy floats and burn with fire. Homework Similar to what we did with Saturn Fireball Axe, make Saturn Sword ableRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed the 3 kinds of if statements Began learning about lists Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Today we did: We continued with the SchoolSystem and added the Staff class, along with some selections for it. Homework: Continue with the SchoolSystem and finish the selections for "List allRead More...
What We Did Took quiz 2 in class Homework No homework this week, we will review quiz next week If you have any questions, email me at
What We Did Today: Reviewed final project progress Reviewed how to draw half circles and triangles Got started on the GrocerySystem text based progam Homework: Finish up to 50% of progress forRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed how to use dictionaries as we converted the robux_system to use dictionaries. Introduced the concept of object oriented programming! Elaborated on the distinction between classes and objects,Read More...
Today We We finished working on the Funny Faces project. We went over X and Y coordinates. Homework Find our the coordinate points for the rectangle & triangle. For the triangle, theRead More...
What We Did Gave feedback on the project and went over the grocery system program. Homework Continue working on the project, try to get 75% of the project done. Turn in aRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed how to use the random module as well as reviewed homework. Fully implemented the mini text based adventure game as well as the magic8ball program. Homework: Create aRead More...
Today We Did We took the Quiz! Homework and Reminders So if you have any questions from the Test, feel free to ask me about it afterwards! If you have any questionsRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the quiz questions from Quiz 2 and went over any questions Homework We will start on a new topic next week, so no homework. Review quiz questionsRead More...
Today We Did Quiz review Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Please submit your homeworkRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed for loops! Range = How we figure range() : How we can create Numeric Lists for for loops Three Inputs: range(starting number,last number in list +1, spacing) ex:Read More...
Today we did: We learned about lists and for loops in Java. Homework: Make a new class called Oct25_ForLoopListsHomework and do the following exercises: For exercises number 2 in the exercisesRead More...
Today we: Finished the Fantastic Flowers project. Started the Intro to List project. Homework: Remix this project: Make a list called "Mary Had A Little Lamb" Copy ALL the notes fromRead More...
Today We Did Continued with Shoot Balloon. Add colission detection between balloon and target Homework Eugene Display the score properly. Make more than one button appear on the screen at any givenRead More...
Today We Did We spawn the tube from right to left. We spawn the tube once every 3 seconds. We flip the tube according to direction. Homework Change the code inside create_tube(self)Read More...
Today we did: We finished SchoolSystem and worked on LibrarySystem. Homework: Finish the first 3 selections in the menu. If you have time, you can finish all of them. Remember, for adding,Read More...
Today We: Completed the library system. Reviewed some concepts regarding the applications of dictionaries, such as adding, listing, and finding from a dictionary Homework: In the same Library System project, finish theRead More...
Today We Did We added Saturn Fireball Axe that can launch LargeFireball. Homework Create one new Axe, call it Use this image When you right click on the axe, it willRead More...
Today We Did Finish learning about lists and the different things we can do with them Begin learning about loops Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In caseRead More...
Today We Did We started Tower of Defense project We added Homework Inside, add an if else statement if type == 1 then use "PNG/1/2_enemies_1_ATTACK_00{i}.png" if type == 2 thenRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Kaggle We learned about Jupiter Notebook platform Homework Make sure to verify your phone in your Kaggle account. This way we can use GPU next week.Read More...
What We Did We learned how to work with turtle Started working on the homework, creating functions for a rectangle and square. Homework In the same file we are working with, finishRead More...
What We Did Today: Finished the grocery system program Homework: Finish up to 75% of progress for your final project with the following guidelines: Upload this file into the google driveRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework, how OOP works as a concept. Learnt about default values in classes for object construction Homework: In a file called, do pages 162 TIYRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Kaggle We learned about Jupiter Notebook platform Homework Make sure to verify your phone in your Kaggle account. This way we can use GPU next week.Read More...
Today We Did We finished the Castle project. We started Grocery Shopping Cart project Homework Create Answer questions from
Today We We went over X and Y coordinates. We started working on the Drawing Shapes project. Homework Find out all the coordinate points for the octagon, rectangle & triangle. For the triangle, theRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed how to use the random module as well as reviewed homework. Fully implemented the mini text based adventure game as well as the magic8ball program. Homework: Continue inRead More...
Today We Did Started and finished the robux shopping project Reviewed projects and got feedback Homework Finish the rest of your project, it's due next week!
Today we did: We reviewed the homework and learned about while loops. Homework: Create a new class called Nov1_WhileLoopHomework and do the exercises from here: If you have any questions, feelRead More...
Today we: Finished the Intro to List project. Worked on the Mary Had A Little Lamb project. Homework: Draw a character in the Music sprite's costume. When Scratch is working again, clickRead More...
What We Did We added bad balloon text on top of the balloon Homework Riley Inside line_clear() method, add a call to a new method self.drop_empty_rows() Inside this drop_empty_rows(), loop through theRead More...
Today We Did We added the top and bottom tubes We make sure the vertical gap between top and bottom are constant. We spawn coin between two tubes horizontally. Homework Add collisionRead More...
Your HW: Write up your game proposal: Small scale game No FPS 2D or 3D Include 9 week schedule (What you need to get done each of the 9 weeks) When you'reRead More...