Today we did: We finished SchoolSystem and worked on LibrarySystem. Homework: Finish the first 3 selections in the menu. If you have time, you can finish all of them. Remember, for adding,Read More...
Today We: Completed the library system. Reviewed some concepts regarding the applications of dictionaries, such as adding, listing, and finding from a dictionary Homework: In the same Library System project, finish theRead More...
Today We Did We added Saturn Fireball Axe that can launch LargeFireball. Homework Create one new Axe, call it Use this image When you right click on the axe, it willRead More...
Today We Did Finish learning about lists and the different things we can do with them Begin learning about loops Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In caseRead More...
Today We Did We started Tower of Defense project We added Homework Inside, add an if else statement if type == 1 then use "PNG/1/2_enemies_1_ATTACK_00{i}.png" if type == 2 thenRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Kaggle We learned about Jupiter Notebook platform Homework Make sure to verify your phone in your Kaggle account. This way we can use GPU next week.Read More...
What We Did Today: Finished the grocery system program Homework: Finish up to 75% of progress for your final project with the following guidelines: Upload this file into the google driveRead More...
What We Did We learned how to work with turtle Started working on the homework, creating functions for a rectangle and square. Homework In the same file we are working with, finishRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed the homework, how OOP works as a concept. Learnt about default values in classes for object construction Homework: In a file called, do pages 162 TIYRead More...
Today We Did We learned about Kaggle We learned about Jupiter Notebook platform Homework Make sure to verify your phone in your Kaggle account. This way we can use GPU next week.Read More...
Today We We went over X and Y coordinates. We started working on the Drawing Shapes project. Homework Find out all the coordinate points for the octagon, rectangle & triangle. For the triangle, theRead More...
Today We Did We finished the Castle project. We started Grocery Shopping Cart project Homework Create Answer questions from
Today We Did Started and finished the robux shopping project Reviewed projects and got feedback Homework Finish the rest of your project, it's due next week!
Today We Did: Reviewed how to use the random module as well as reviewed homework. Fully implemented the mini text based adventure game as well as the magic8ball program. Homework: Continue inRead More...
Today we did: We reviewed the homework and learned about while loops. Homework: Create a new class called Nov1_WhileLoopHomework and do the exercises from here: If you have any questions, feelRead More...
Today we: Finished the Intro to List project. Worked on the Mary Had A Little Lamb project. Homework: Draw a character in the Music sprite's costume. When Scratch is working again, clickRead More...
What We Did We added bad balloon text on top of the balloon Homework Riley Inside line_clear() method, add a call to a new method self.drop_empty_rows() Inside this drop_empty_rows(), loop through theRead More...
Today We Did We added the top and bottom tubes We make sure the vertical gap between top and bottom are constant. We spawn coin between two tubes horizontally. Homework Add collisionRead More...
Your HW: Write up your game proposal: Small scale game No FPS 2D or 3D Include 9 week schedule (What you need to get done each of the 9 weeks) When you'reRead More...
Today we did: We finished the LibrarySystem. Homework: Create a new file called Inside, make a new class called GroceryItem. It will have 3 attributes: name, price, and frozen food. MakeRead More...
Today We: Started on the supermarket application, going over code structure. Homework: In the same Supermarket Application project, add the "expired" parameter to the GroceryItem class, which will be set to eitherRead More...
Today We Did We added Saturn Dragon Axe We added the AYC_TAB creative tab. We added the Saturn Chestplate item We started with Saturn material texture copy Homework Follow the example thatRead More...
Today we did Lots of practice with while loops Counting up and down Skipping numbers (evens, odds, 10's) Looping until user asks to stop Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observedRead More...
Today We Did We learned about enemy movement regions We learned about region threshold/boundaries. We learned a little bit about Sin, Cos, Tan math formula Homework watch this youtube video about sin,Read More...
Today We Did We started Cat vs Dog project We utilize framework to do our work. Homework Find out which dog breed that is not included in our dataset. To doRead More...
What We Did Today: Started the Robux System Program, continuing off of the grocery system and making it better. Homework: Finish 100% of progress for your final project with the following guidelines:Read More...
What We Did Reviewed the shapes homework Created rectangle function for the robot builder and finished creating the body parts, except for the arms. Homework In the same robot builder file, finishRead More...
What We Did Today: Improved the Grocery System application to use classes and make the code better and shorter Homework: In your file, edit your code to check for the daysRead More...
Today We Did We started Cat vs Dog project We utilize framework to do our work. Homework Find out which dog breed that is not included in our dataset. To doRead More...
Today We We finished working on the Drawing Shapes project. Homework Finish graphing the Octagon on Scratch. You do NOT have to put a broadcast at the end of the octagon code.Read More...
Today We Did We reviewed half of the homework We continued with Homework Finish last week homework for number 6 to 10. Continue with your Add code so it canRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed how to use methods Improved the magic 8 ball program to use methods Got started on the SchoolApplication project Homework: Continue in your file called andRead More...
What We Did Answered any questions about final, reviewed any problems and questions for the final exam next week. Homework Finish reviewing for the final exam, review the robux and grocery system,Read More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the Quiz 2 Introduced Turtle remember to import with import turtle How to put a background color How to put a draw with turtle penup() vs pendown() turtle.goto(x_coordinate,Read More...
What We Did We started and finished robot builder. Reviewed how to draw a rectangle and create a new shape, circle Homework Create a file, and create a rectangle and circleRead More...
Today we did The first quiz! Answers will be released to your emails before our next class Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything,Read More...
Today We Did – While Loops While Loops is how we can repeat code without navigating through a list while <conditional/boolean> when the conditional or boolean is True, the loop will repeatRead More...
Today we: Finished the Intro to List project. Worked on the Mary Had A Little Lamb project. Homework: Add in the Muffin, Bread, Donut, Jam, and Milk sprites. Do the code weRead More...
Today We Did TBD Homework Eugene Fix the Landing Page Use 2 different kind of sound effect: one when it hits the button successfully, and another one when you swing and miss.Read More...
Today We Did We added gravity on Player. Homework Make sure the pink color hitbox is visible when Config.TESTING = True Add collision detection between player and tube. When they colide, theRead More...
Today we did: We finished the ShoppingCartApplication2. Homework: Make a new file called and make a monster class with these attributes: species, health, max_attack. As always make the constructor. Then, createRead More...
Today We: Continued and finished the supermarket application! Reviewed some design concepts such as indentation, placement of functions, automation of some aspects of the program. Homework: Create the reset() function in yourRead More...
Today We Did We created SaturnArmorMaterial Homework Create inside the same package/folder as SaturnArmorMaterial. Create java file and use as your example. Use name AYCEssentialsMod.MODID+":jupiter" Go to External LibrariesRead More...
Today we did Learning about for loops For loops with range Normal for loops Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free toRead More...
Your HW: Create a new class for the buildings/tower Just have the tower be drawn on the screen at the x,y attributes If you are still confused about sin and cos youRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to apply Math trigonometry formula in Pygame. We found out the angle of enemy movement for region 1,2,3 and 4. We add enemy health indicator. HomeworkRead More...
Today We Did We went over the vision_learner function We utilized the cat_vs_dog_model to predict a new image Homework Extract accuracy data from the "result" so it will output of theRead More...
Your Final Exam is Next Week on November 19 lasting 2 hours. What We Did Today: Finished the robux system program. Reviewed for the final exam next week. Homework: Study for theRead More...
What We Did Worked on creating a rectangle and circle again Used the circle and rectangle functions to draw a face Talked about project proposals. Homework Create the project proposal with atRead More...
What We Did Today: Finished Grocery System, and got started on the School System application, introducing more OOP. Homework: Continue on your School System application in, and complete the find methodRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to find famous dog breed that is not in the dataset. We learned about computer vision We learned how to train the RESTNET34. We usedRead More...
Today We We started working on the Animal Crossing project. Homework Make a sprite start from the right side of the screen and moved to the left side of the screen. MakeRead More...
Today We Did We finished reviewing homework from last week. We continued with grocery_shopping_cart project Homework Create Fix this broken python codes while true print() name = input("What isRead More...
Today We Did: Continued the SchoolApplication project. Learnt about Object Oriented Programming in Java, reviewing concepts such as classes, objects, attributes, methods, constructors Introduced concepts such as getters, setters, and how toRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed Homework Reviewed Turtle remember to import with import turtle How to put a background color How to put a draw with turtle penup() vs pendown() turtle.goto(x_coordinate, y_coordinate) HowRead More...
What We Did Went over the project proposals and clarified any questions. Continued drawing more functions. Worked on drawing a letter a and went over set heading more. Homework Create a file,Read More...
Today We Did – Review 1 Reviewed While loop homework Reviewed Test content Variables If/Elif/else input using strings While loops HOMEWORK Create a file and name it and do these problems UploadRead More...
Today we did: We learned about the random class. Homework: Make a new file called Nov15_Magic8Ball and do the exercises from here: You don't have to do the random.choice part.
Today we: Continued the Shopping Cart project. Homework: For all the other Food sprites, do the code we did together in the Watermelon sprite for them. Add a "show" block when theRead More...
Today We Did We added ability for the player to jump We learned how to crop Tube image. We learned how to create project proposal Homework Create project proposal for your game.Read More...
Today we did: We started working on the MonsterSystem Homework: Make a new file called Nov17_Exercises and do the following: Make a new dictionary called student that stores the name as aRead More...
Today We: Reviewed HW and got inspiration for how we can use OOP in games. Started on the MonsterSystem project. Homework: Continue in your file for the MonsterSystem project. If you areRead More...
Today We Did We went over each of the fields inside SaturnArmorMaterial. We added Saturn item. Homework Change the saturn_layer_1.png, so the front of the armor, will have saturn item image onRead More...
Today we did Review while loops Review for loops Combine while loops with user input Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel freeRead More...
Today We Did We added the player's health We added code to reduce player's health when enemy reached the finish line. We fixed the region's boundaries and angle. We made the enemyRead More...
Today We Did We discussed the homework solution We created streamlit account We created a github project We downloaded cat_vs_dog_model.pkl file from kaggle and upload to github project. Homework No homework andRead More...
What We Did Went over the homework, drawing a letter w. We went over the polygon function, and talked more about what to add to the project proposals Homework Create a fileRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued the School System application, introducing more OOP. Homework: Continue on your School System application in, and complete the remaining methods for the Teacher. This is theRead More...
Today We Did We discussed the homework solution We created streamlit account We created a github project We downloaded cat_vs_dog_model.pkl file from kaggle and upload to github project. Homework No homework andRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed homework We continued with Homework Create and copy and paste this code and tell me what it is doing import random as r cars =Read More...
Today We We finished working on the Animal Crossing project. We showed off the Birthday Card project. Homework Make another sprite. Have the sprite glide from the top left corner, to theRead More...
Today We Did: Continued the SchoolApplication project. Implemented the listing and finding methods for students. Examined various ways to use a for loop on a list Examined how the find method worksRead More...
Today we did: We redid the robot the right way using rectangle functions. We finished the entire head. Homework: Finish the entire robot minus the right and left arm. This means toRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the homework, how to draw the letter E Worked with circle and learned extent and angle parameters Learned how to create functions for objects in the project.Read More...
Today we did Review the basics of functions Learn about how functions give output using return Mixed functions with for loops, lists, and if statements Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’sRead More...
Homework: Make sure to review the following topics: Variable If-Elif-Else, Input List (accessing from a list, adding to the list, getting the length of the list) For loops (For loop for aRead More...
Today we did: We finished the Magic8Ball version 2 and started with Java methods. Homework: Similar to the way we made the Nov21_Methods object, and accessed the application_loop method using that object,Read More...
Today we: Finished the Shopping Cart project. Started the How Old Are You? project. Homework: No homework! Enjoy your Thanksgiving break! :) Class begins again on 12/6. Email me if you needRead More...
Homework Eugene Add game title in landing page. change the score according to which state of the button that is being hit. If it is fully up button then the score isRead More...
Homework Project Homework After Mr. Gamas created project for each one of you Make sure you get all the game assets for your game. If you need to purchase, please purchase immediately.Read More...
Today we did: We continued with the MonsterSystem. Homework: Make water golem, troll, and griffin classes, similar to the way we did dragon today. The only difference is the species isRead More...
Today we did: We continued learning methods. Homework: Continue with the SchoolSystem, and do the following: Finish making the attributes in the class. Remember that while in Python attributes are created inRead More...