Today we did: We continued with MonsterSystem and learned about overriding. Homework: In the play_adventure_game method, after the user chooses a valid monster, after the if elif elif for the attack_selection,Read More...
Today We: Continued the MonsterSystem project. Reviewed some concepts such as dictionaries, objects, and using both together. Homework: In a file called, do the following and upload it to the googleRead More...
Today We Did We introduced how to create recipes for crafting saturn items: saturn_sword, saturn_chestplate, etc. Understanding JSON Homework Create recipes for all of your saturn equipment saturn_axe saturn_dragon_axe
Your first quiz will be next week December 9!! Today we did Reviewed the HW Reviewed content for the quiz Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case youRead More...
Today We Did We added the heart symbol in the enemy. We made the first wave of enemy. Homework Add some codes inside so the game would stop creating new enemyRead More...
Today We Did We utilized our cat_vs_dog_model.pkl which we created inside Kaggle into a simple Python web application. We deployed our simple Python web application into cloud. Homework Change your server.pyRead More...
What We Did We continued working with half circles Talked about projects, worked on where to go with drawing the objects. Talked about how to test and draw each object. Homework KeepRead More...
What We Did Today: Successfully installed Python to use on our computers for PyCharm Reviewed concepts from Intro To Python Homework: Create a directory called test, and add 3 python files insideRead More...
What We Did Today: Started on the Library System project Reviewed the homework for the School System application Homework: Continue on your Library System application in, and complete the following: #Read More...
Today We Did We utilized our cat_vs_dog_model.pkl which we created inside Kaggle into a simple Python web application. We deployed our simple Python web application into cloud. Homework Change your server.pyRead More...
Gamas sub Today We Did We reviewed how to move sprite diagonally and check the x coordinate We started Birthday card project. Homework Do page 86 to 89 from the pink textRead More...
What We Did We installed pycharm and python starting a new project. Learned about dictionary, how to access, add, update, and remove. Homework Create a file called and copy code fromRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the HW for SchoolSystem Learnt how to create Hashmaps with Map<key datatype, value datatype> {mapName} = HashMap<>() Learnt how to use HashMaps with the .get(key), .put(key, value), andRead More...
Today We Did: Drawing robot arms as a function How to draw a circle ( turtle_circle(radius) radius is the distance from the center of the circle all the way to the edgeRead More...
Today We Did We went over List and Arrays for Java We went over Modulus Homework Create Create a new int array(6) (“numbers”) and add the following values: -100,2,3,100,-5,14 Create aRead More...
What We Did We talked about progress on projects so far Worked on the kaleidospiral Homework Keep working in your Turtle Project file and try to complete 75% by Tuesday 12/10. DueRead More...
Today we did Reviewed functions Learned about the random library Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today We Did: You did the quiz today! I know the holidays are coming up. We have classes up until the 19th, so if your gone, remember to email us to letRead More...
Today we: Finished the How Old Are You? project. Homework: Do the Movie Ticket Price project Create a new project called Movie Ticket Price Add the sprite called D Money Dance. ChangeRead More...
Today we did: We finished the MonsterSystem. Homework: Remember to allocate around 2 hours within the week to do the Practice Final Test (DriverSystem). Next week, we will discuss the answers.
Today We: Continued the MonsterSystem project. Reviewed some concepts such as dictionaries, objects, and using both together. Homework: In a file called, do the following and upload it to the googleRead More...
Today We Did We added saturn_ore block Homework Learn about JSON by watching this youtube video Create 6 images for saturn_ore textures (one for each side of the cube) and putRead More...
Your HW: Add one more button class for the start wave button Add some collide handlers for when the cursor touches a tower_spawn_spot If the user clicks, print out the tower_spawn_spot's xRead More...
Today we did Quiz Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework No homework!
Today We Did We learn how to iterate two dimensional list in python. We learn how to use multiple dimensional list to store enemy waves information. We added start wave button toRead More...
Today We Did We started a new project to be able to predict pet breed. Homework Inside the new project "TUE-530-Pet-Breed", inside extract_breed function, you want to change extract_breed function to returnRead More...
What We Did Today: Learnt about dictionaries in Python, how to do basic operations on them. Homework: In a file called, do the following from the book: Page 92 to 97.Read More...
What We Did Looked through projects and answered questions Worked on the Grocery System Program The file is here to look back if needed Homework Keep working in your Turtle Project fileRead More...
Today We Did We started a new project to be able to predict pet breed. Homework Inside the new project "TUE-7-PM-Pet-Breed", inside extract_breed function, you want to change extract_breed function to returnRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued the Library System project Reviewed how concepts such as keys/values in dictionaries work together with classes/objects Homework: Continue on your Library System application in, and completeRead More...
Today We Did We finished program Homework Create Create a program that will look like below. This is very similar to Welcome to Robux Bank, you have 300 robuxRead More...
Today We We finished working on the Birthday card project. Homework Make BOTH sharks open and close their mouths when they're talking. If you have any questions, email me at
What We Did Reviewed the homework on dictionary Learned how to create a dictionary and ask user input adding to the dictionary. Homework Create a file and do 6-2 Try itRead More...
NEXT WEEK IS YOUR FIRST QUIZ! Today We Did: Reviewed how HashMaps work. Learnt how to debug in Java, going through a practice problem. Homework: Finish your practice quiz sent via email!Read More...
Today We Did We learned how to find sum of all numbers in an array. We learned how to find sum of all even numbers in an array. We find largest number.Read More...
What We Did Worked on the Robux System in class. Homework Finish your project by next week Tuesday 12/17. Final Exam will be on 12/19. If you have any questions, email meRead More...
Today we did More random library functions; random.choice() Practice using random library with functions, loops, lists, and if statements Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case youRead More...
Today We Did: Quiz review for loops while loops creating lists data types Homework #Name your homework #Create a list of your favorite games # pick 1 of your favoriteRead More...
Today we did: We learned about classes in java. We continued with the school system. Homework: Continue with the school system. In the class, make sure to add the followingRead More...
Today we: Started the Jumpy Monkey project. Homework: In your yellow coding book, do page 100, steps #16-18. Email me if you need help:
Today We Did TBD Homework Eugene: Credit Page: merge game asset and SFX into one line Advisor: Gamas Chang American Young Coder Academy Game Over page Put a text, you needRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed everyone's homework We added DIZZY_MODE to the player. Homework Continue with your individual project. The due date for the project is Feb 3rd, 2025. Look at yourRead More...
Your HW: Continue to work on your projects Ray Cast Code from in class:
Today we did: We reviewed the practice final test. Homework: Make sure to review and practice as much as you need to. Review how dictionaries work, how functions return, and you canRead More...
Today We: Continued the MonsterSystem project. Learnt and implemented inheritance in our monster system project. Homework: """ Your HW: 1) Finish TIY page 173 number 9-7 2) Make a troll class thatRead More...
Today we did Review all the quiz questions so we can all understand it better Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel freeRead More...
Your HW: Add collisions for projectiles and enemies Make it so when a bullet hits an enemy, the enemy's health decreases by the bullet's damage No class next week (Christmas) Classes resumeRead More...
Today We Did We finished with the enemies wave management # User click the "Start Wave button" and current wave enemies are still spawning WAVE_STARTED_SPAWNING = 1 # 1. When there isRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to extract the accuracy of the prediction in pet breed model. We starting to create Pycharm project to push this new project into streamlit. Homework InRead More...
Today We: Finished robux system Make sure to upload finished turtle projects Your HW: Study for your final test on 12/19 Study List: Turtle: draw more shapes/faces project kaleidospiral create functions forRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed dictionaries in Python through homework and last week's material. Utilized dictionaries in a phone book system program. Homework: HOMEWORK 1: In a file called, do theRead More...
What We Did Today: Finished the library system project Started on the Supermarket Application project, going over big OOP + dictionary concepts Homework: # Your homework is to finish the school systemRead More...
Today We Did We continued on Robux shopping cart We went over solution to last week We went over how to create magic_8_ball program Homework Finish by adding codes toRead More...
Today We We started working on the Tunnel of Doom project. Homework Do pages 127 to 130 on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email me at
Today We Did: Did our first quiz! Your results will be posted soon within 3 days. Homework: None! Enjoy your holiday! Notes: If you have any questions, feel free to email meRead More...
What We Did We went over the dictionary and list benchmarking We finished the phone book program Homework Create a file called and do the Try it Yourself on Page 105Read More...
Today We: Learned how to fix bugs and read error messages Your HW: Create a new file "Dec_19_FixingBugsHW" Paste the first section of code from: Fix all the errors and makeRead More...
Today We Did: FUNCTIONS Functions are a way we can remove duplicated code in function How to create a function def function_name(variable_1, variable_2) Remember, our code outside the function does not knowRead More...
Today we did: We continued with the SchoolSystem and implemented the find student selection. Homework: Just like we did for find student, do the same thing with finding the teacher.
Today We Did We reviewed last week homework. We learn how to do isPalindrome We learn how to copy and array and insert a new element in the middle of the newRead More...
Today we: Continued the Jumpy Monkey project. Homework: Make a Level Banner sprite. It has two costumes: Level 1 and Level 2. It looks like this: No class from 12/23/2024 - NewRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed each individual project. We continued with Flappy Bird project We enabled player dizzy mode when it hits the tube. We added GAME OVER page. Homework Work onRead More...
Today We Did We created PurchaseTower, BaseTower. Display PurchaseTower on the screen. We created Target sprite. Homework Next class would be on Jan 6, 2025. Create FloatingTower sprite. It needs to inheritsRead More...
Today We Did We learned about input from shell We learned about if elif else statements We learned about for loops Homework Create copy codes from page 34 to 41 answersRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed Faces, and talked about how to experiment with shapes Created a Triangle function Talked about experimenting with setheading() and set turtle.right() and turtle.left() Homework: In one new file,Read More...
Today We Did We learned about List We learned about while loop Homework Create Answers question in
YOUR QUIZ 2 IS NEXT WEEK!! Today We: Reviewed how to fix bugs Prepared for the quiz next week by reviewing content studied so far Your HW: Continue on your file Jan2_Quiz2ReviewHW.pyRead More...
Today We Did: return function and how to use it reviewed how to create funcions With return,there is a different way to call a function by setting it equal to aRead More...
Today we did: We worked on the SchoolSystem and added the listTeenagerStudents() and editStudent(). Homework: Finish editStudent() by making else ifs for the other selections (other attributes). There are 4 attributes forRead More...
Today we: Continued the Jumpy Monkey project. Homework: Save 2 pictures of 2 different characters to your computer. Make sure to save the pictures as a png, and you save the picturesRead More...
Today We Did We added FloatingPurchaseTower We added cancel purchase button Homework Make the cancel purchase button appear on the screen when there is floating tower on the screen. Hide the cancelRead More...
Today We Did We learned about function with no return We learned about function with return. Homework Create Create Write a program that will continuously ask "Ask yes orRead More...