Today we did Learn more about functions Functions can sometimes take parameters Functions can sometimes return output You need to call a function for it to do anything Monday 7:00PM class code:Read More...
Today We Did We learned how to launch projectile from ActiveTower class. We learned how to pass main into ActiveTowerGroup.update() method. Homework Inside Projectile sprite init, add code to decide which projectileRead More...
Your HW: Set up and start working on the main menu, you win, and you lose page You don't have to hook them all up yet just when you change a variable,Read More...
Today We Did We completed MNIST single digit project. We learned that it can predict single digit images that have black background and white color number very well. If images have differentRead More...
What We Did Today: Reviewed and finished the modified Robux system code. Introduced object oriented programming with classes and objects conceptually and with code. Homework: Create a new file called andRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Pet Breed prediction project. We started single digit prediction project. Homework If you guys did not do your last homework (deploy Pet breed model into streamlit), pleaseRead More...
What We Did Today: Continue the MonsterInheritance project, implementing nested if statements and reviewing object oriented concepts regarding the keyword "self" Homework: Continue in your Monster Inheritance project in and,Read More...
Today We We finished working on the Tunnel of Doom project. Homework Do page 133 on your pink Scratch book. If you have any questions, email me at
Homework Create Make sure the program can answer either Yes, No or Maybe Enter your question? Is it dark outside? No Enter your question? Is it cold outside? No Enter yourRead More...
Today We Did: Continued the Monster Inheritance project in Java, implementing 90% of the features of the game. Homework: Install jetbrains toolbox: Through jetbrains toolbox, install Android Studio Koala on yourRead More...
Today We: Went over the Robux System using dictionary Started to learn about Classes Created a dog class Learned how to create instances, access attributes and call methods Your HW: Create aRead More...
What We Did We went over the homework on dictionaries We did some review on dictionaries Worked on the Try It Yourself on page 99 Homework Create a file and copyRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to create palindrome ignore space. We learned how to clone and delete a character in the middle. Homework Create word guessing game. This is very similarRead More...
Today We Did: Introduced Project Proposal Changing Colors of shapes using a while loop and a for loop Homework: Put A Picture Of your labeled turtle_project_proposal in your google slides FinalRead More...
Today we did Quiz review Begin learning about turtle graphics library Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me atRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the homework Brushed up on what functions are with/without return values Tried the Magic 8 ball worked with the library random for random choces random.randint(1,4) random.randchoice() Homework: InRead More...
Today we did: We continued learning about hashmaps. Homework: Modify the SchoolSystem once again and add an updateStudentHashmap method. It should be very similar to what we did today: checking if theRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to add texts in loading page. We added sound effects We added score. We started doing landing page. Homework Everyone Finish landing page with play buttonRead More...
Today we: Continued the Fireball Fight project. Homework: For the Right Player sprite: Make a Right Player SPECIAL sprite. Right Click -> Duplicate Change the size. Change Left Player Health variable byRead More...
Today We Did: Finished our Dino Dance project! Finished dinosaur movement and added a new dinosaur that can talk when x is pressed. Added a ballerina that jumps and a ballerina thatRead More...
Today We Did We learned about python turtle We started robot_builder project Homework Do 2nd quiz on Sunday at 2 PM Finish creating robot add right_arm(x,y) function Add the head and neckRead More...
Today We We started working on the Snowman drawing. Homework Finish up the lineart for the snowman's top hat. Remember to connect all the lines for the lineart. If you have anyRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to draw a circle We learned how to draw a face Homework Finish the Draw 3 left arms use for loop TBD Inside createRead More...
Today We Did We added biome modifier features so it can produced saturn_ore in overwold underground. Homework download and install blockbench from After installation Go to File > Plugins Select "CEMRead More...
Today we did Learn more about functions Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at Homework Please submitRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed everyone individual project progress. We started with Titanic Survivorship project. Homework tue-7-pm-pandas-hw. Homework needs to be completed using Pandas library. Research in the Internet how to useRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued learning object oriented programming with classes and objects conceptually and with code. Reviewed the Dog class homework. Homework: Create a new file called and do theRead More...
What We Did Today: Continue the MonsterInheritance project, implementing attacks against the monster and on the player Implemented object oriented design for method placement Homework: Continue in your Monster Inheritance project inRead More...
Today We Did We finished Single Digit prediction project. We started with Titanic Survivorship project. Homework tue-7-pm-pandas-hw. Homework needs to be completed using Pandas library. Research in the Internet how to useRead More...
Today We We started working on the Window Cleaner project. Homework Create 3 more costumes for your Splat sprite. They should be all unique by having a different colors and shapes. IfRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the GroceryClass homework. Went over the Dog Class from last week. Implemented the GroceryItem class into the Grocery System Homework Create a file called and doRead More...
Today We Did: Continued the Monster Inheritance project in Java, implementing 100% of the features of the game. Set up android studio Homework: In your monster inheritance project: Create two new classes:Read More...
Today We Did Create different projectile launch cooldown for each tower type. Create different directions and number of projectile per tower type. Homework For Magic tower type, launch 8 fireballs. When youRead More...
Today We Did Practice random int and random choice Created random passwords Homework in the file "" do the following questions
Today We Do Reviewed Projects Talk about how to get quarter circles and half circles turltle.setheading(90) (rotates your shape 90 degrees as long as you don't use turtle.goto) Homework Remember, you needRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the dictionary homework. We started and finished the phone book system. We went through the Grocery System and changed it to use dictionaries. Homework Create a fileRead More...
Today We Did We reviewed Word guessing / Hangman game. We started on Wordle game. Homework Continue implementation of WordleGame. Use checkmark (✓) if the letter exist and the position is correct.Read More...
Today we did Started learning how to build a robot using turtle Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email meRead More...
Today we did: We learned how to loop through a hashmap and how to debug a piece of code. Homework: Finish the practice quiz before next week. You can do it atRead More...
Today we: Finished the Fireball Fight project. Introduced the Practice Test. Homework: Finish the Practice Test by Thursday night. Link to Practice Test: Email me if you need help:
Allison Sub Today We Did: Reviewed angles in the mini-quiz Continued the Animal Race project Learned more about variables, such as how to add and subtract Learned about "broadcast" and "When IRead More...
Today We Did We learned about half circles We learned about kaleido spiral Homework Inside Add a new function spiral(x,y) Draw spiral after the magic wand like below Make progress onRead More...
Today We We continued working on the Snowman drawing. Homework Finish shading the snowman's hat. If you have any questions, email me at
Today We Did We continued with Titanic Survivorship project. We reviewed individual projects Homework Research these Machine learning presteps Categorify FillMissing Normalize If you have not send your individual project, pleaseRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued learning object oriented programming with classes and objects conceptually and with code. Reviewed HW Got started on implementing classes into the Grocery Shopping Cart application Homework: CreateRead More...
What We Did Today: Continued the monster inheritance project, implementing inheritance for the Dragon class Homework: In your MonsterInheritance project.... """ Homework: Create the Hydra and Goblin classes, and make them inheritRead More...
Today We We continued working on the Window Cleaner project: Homework Do page 138, steps #10-12 in your pink coding book. If you have any questions, email me at
Today We Did: Finished Monster Inheritance. Started learning android studio concepts for mobile app development. Homework: In your android studio project: Create a new TextView object with text: Celsius and id: temp2LabelRead More...
What We Did We went over the Restaurant class that was assigned for homework. We started the school system, created the __init__ method and started the application_loop method Homework Create a newRead More...
Today We Did Reviewed Star Wars Homework Reviewed random Reviewed how to make and call functions steps to making a function review initialize your function def <function_name_here>(paramater1,paramater2): Write your code ("indented") ifRead More...
Today We Did We learned how to do WORDLE game properly. Homework Research bubble sort and implement this sorting to sort the following int numbers {9,8,7,6,5}; Read up Big O Notation inRead More...
Today We Do Reviewed Projects Talked about changing colors with fish (how to cycle colors) Homework Remember, you need something that changes color. To make that easier, make sure the thing youRead More...
Today we did Finished drawing robot Learned how to draw more shapes Thursday 6:30PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email meRead More...
Today we did Learned about the Python random module Monday 7:00PM class code: AYC Logic’s observed holidays: In case you need anything, feel free to email me at HomeworkRead More...