Create a new python file call

  1. Create a forever loop and inside the loop do the following:
    1. Ask user “Enter yes or no question.” and take user input and save/set user input into a variable called “user_question”.
    2. If user input is “quit”, print “Bye bye” and break from the While Loop.
    3. Generate random number between 1 to 8
      1. to generate random number between 1 to 8 and save/set random number into variable called “random_number”.
    4. Inside the while loop print to the screen according to “random_number”
      1. If random_number is equal to 1, print “It is certain.”
      2. If random_number is equal to 2, print “Most likely.”
      3. If random_number is equal to 3, print “Signs point to yes.”
      4. If random_number is equal to 4, print “I don’t think so.”
      5. If random_number is equal to 5, print “Ask again later.”
      6. If random_number is equal to 6, print “Concentrate and ask again.”
      7. If random_number is equal to 7, print “Outlook not so good.”
      8. If random_number is equal to 8, print “My reply is no.”
    5. After printing the answer, go back to Step 1 (Ask user “Enter yes or no question”) until user input “quit”.
  2. Create another version of Magic 8 Ball, but this time instead of using random.randint, use random.choice.