1. You must print two lines of output:

    1. Print Hello, World. on the first line.
    2. Print Hello, Java. on the second line.


Hello, World.
Hello, Java.

2. Int Data Type

  1. Create an Integer variable, x, with a value of 10.
  2. Create another Integer variable, y, with a value of 20.
  3. Create another Integer variable z, with a value of -9
  4. Create another Integer variable, resultOfMultiplication and assign multiplication of variable x, y and z.
  5. Print the resultOfMultiplication to the shell.



3. String Data Type

  1. Create a String variable, street, with a value of “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW”.
  2. Create a String variable, city, with a value of “Washington”
  3. Create a String variable, state, with a value of “DC”
  4. Create an Integer variable zip, with a value of 20500
  5. Create a String variable, whitehouseAddress, which is a combination of street, city, state and zip variables. Each variable has to be separated with comma.
  6. Print the whitehouseAddress to the shell


1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

4. Get Input From User

  1. Print to shell, “What is your name? “.
  2. Take user input from the shell and save it to variable fullName.
  3. Print to the shell combination of “Hi “, fullName, “, welcome to AYCLOGIC.”
  4. For example if the user enters “John”, then the program will print “Hi John, welcome to AYCLOGIC.”


What is your name? John

Hi John welcome to AYCLOGIC.